write-host 'Updating Dependencies..' $path_root = git rev-parse --show-toplevel $path_code = join-path $path_root 'code' $path_build = join-path $path_root 'build' $path_thirdparty = join-path $path_root 'thirdparty' $path_toolchain = join-path $path_root 'toolchain' $url_backtrace_repo = 'https://github.com/Ed94/back.git' $url_freetype = 'https://github.com/Ed94/odin-freetype.git' $url_ini_parser = 'https://github.com/laytan/odin-ini-parser.git' $url_odin_repo = 'https://github.com/Ed94/Odin.git' $url_sokol = 'https://github.com/Ed94/sokol-odin.git' $url_sokol_tools = 'https://github.com/floooh/sokol-tools-bin.git' $path_backtrace = join-path $path_thirdparty 'backtrace' $path_freetype = join-path $path_thirdparty 'freetype' $path_ini_parser = join-path $path_thirdparty 'ini' $path_odin = join-path $path_toolchain 'Odin' $path_sokol = join-path $path_thirdparty 'sokol' $path_sokol_tools = join-path $path_thirdparty 'sokol-tools' $incremental_checks = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'helpers/incremental_checks.ps1' . $incremental_checks $misc = join-path $PSScriptRoot 'helpers/misc.ps1' . $misc $result = verify-path $path_build $result = verify-path $path_thirdparty $result = verify-path $path_toolchain $binaries_dirty = $false function Update-GitRepo { param( [string] $path, [string] $url, [string] $build_command ) if ( $build_command -eq $null ) { write-host "Attempted to call Update-GitRepo without build_command specified" return } $repo_name = $url.Split('/')[-1].Replace('.git', '') $last_built_commit = join-path $path_build "last_built_commit_$repo_name.txt" if ( -not(test-path -Path $path)) { write-host "Cloining repo from $url to $path" git clone $url $path write-host "Building $url" push-location $path & "$build_command" pop-location git -C $path rev-parse HEAD | out-file $last_built_commit $script:binaries_dirty = $true write-host return } git -C $path fetch $latest_commit_hash = git -C $path rev-parse '@{u}' $last_built_hash = if (Test-Path $last_built_commit) { Get-Content $last_built_commit } else { "" } if ( $latest_commit_hash -eq $last_built_hash ) { write-host return } write-host "Build out of date for: $path, updating" write-host 'Pulling...' git -C $path pull write-host "Building $url" push-location $path & $build_command pop-location $latest_commit_hash | out-file $last_built_commit $script:binaries_dirty = $true write-host } push-location $path_thirdparty Update-GitRepo -path $path_odin -url $url_odin_repo -build_command '.\scripts\build.ps1' Update-GitRepo -path $path_sokol -url $url_sokol -build_command '.\build_windows.ps1' function clone-gitrepo { param( [string] $path, [string] $url ) if (test-path $path) { # git -C $path pull } else { Write-Host "Cloning $url ..." git clone $url $path } } clone-gitrepo $path_backtrace $url_backtrace_repo clone-gitrepo $path_freetype $url_freetype clone-gitrepo $path_ini_parser $url_ini_parser clone-gitrepo $path_ini_parser $url_ini_parser clone-gitrepo $path_sokol_tools $url_sokol_tools $path_vendor = join-path $path_odin 'vendor' $path_vendor_raylib = join-path $path_vendor 'raylib' $path_sokol_dlls = join-path $path_thirdparty 'sokol' $path_raylib_dlls = join-path $path_vendor_raylib 'windows' if ( $binaries_dirty -or $true ) { $third_party_dlls = Get-ChildItem -Path $path_sokol_dlls -Filter '*.dll' foreach ($dll in $third_party_dlls) { $destination = join-path $path_build $dll.Name Copy-Item $dll.FullName -Destination $destination -Force } $third_party_dlls = Get-ChildItem -Path $path_raylib_dlls -Filter '*.dll' foreach ($dll in $third_party_dlls) { $destination = join-path $path_build $dll.Name Copy-Item $dll.FullName -Destination $destination -Force } } pop-location