package grime //#region("base") import "base:builtin" copy :: builtin.copy import "base:intrinsics" mem_zero :: intrinsics.mem_zero ptr_sub :: intrinsics.ptr_sub type_has_field :: intrinsics.type_has_field type_elem_type :: intrinsics.type_elem_type import "base:runtime" Byte :: runtime.Byte Kilobyte :: runtime.Kilobyte Megabyte :: runtime.Megabyte Gigabyte :: runtime.Gigabyte Terabyte :: runtime.Terabyte Petabyte :: runtime.Petabyte Exabyte :: runtime.Exabyte resize_non_zeroed :: runtime.non_zero_mem_resize SourceCodeLocation :: runtime.Source_Code_Location //#endregion("base") //#region("core") import c "core:c/libc" mem_fmt :: c.memset import "core:container/queue" Queue :: queue.Queue import "core:dynlib" import "core:hash" ginger16 :: hash.ginger16 crc32 :: hash.crc32 import "core:hash/xxhash" xxh32 :: xxhash.XXH32 import fmt_io "core:fmt" str_fmt_out :: fmt_io.printf str_fmt_tmp :: fmt_io.tprintf str_fmt :: fmt_io.aprintf // Decided to make aprintf the default. (It will always be the default allocator) str_fmt_builder :: fmt_io.sbprintf str_fmt_buffer :: fmt_io.bprintf str_to_file_ln :: fmt_io.fprintln str_tmp_from_any :: fmt_io.tprint import "core:math" ceil_f32 :: math.ceil_f32 import "core:mem" align_forward_int :: mem.align_forward_int align_forward_uint :: mem.align_forward_uint align_forward_uintptr :: mem.align_forward_uintptr Allocator :: mem.Allocator AllocatorError :: mem.Allocator_Error AllocatorMode :: mem.Allocator_Mode AllocatorModeSet :: mem.Allocator_Mode_Set alloc :: mem.alloc alloc_bytes :: mem.alloc_bytes alloc_bytes_non_zeroed :: mem.alloc_bytes_non_zeroed Arena :: mem.Arena arena_allocator :: mem.arena_allocator arena_init :: mem.arena_init byte_slice :: mem.byte_slice copy_non_overlapping :: mem.copy_non_overlapping free :: is_power_of_two_uintptr :: mem.is_power_of_two ptr_offset :: mem.ptr_offset resize :: mem.resize slice_ptr :: mem.slice_ptr TrackingAllocator :: mem.Tracking_Allocator tracking_allocator :: mem.tracking_allocator tracking_allocator_init :: mem.tracking_allocator_init import "core:mem/virtual" VirtualProtectFlags :: virtual.Protect_Flags // TODO(Ed): Use os2 when the package is considered complete. import "core:os" FileFlag_Create :: os.O_CREATE FileFlag_ReadWrite :: os.O_RDWR FileTime :: os.File_Time file_close :: os.close file_open :: file_read :: file_remove :: os.remove file_seek :: file_status :: os.stat file_write :: os.write import "core:path/filepath" file_name_from_path :: filepath.short_stem import "core:strconv" parse_f32 :: strconv.parse_f32 parse_u64 :: strconv.parse_u64 parse_uint :: strconv.parse_uint import str "core:strings" StringBuilder :: str.Builder str_builder_from_bytes :: str.builder_from_bytes str_builder_init :: str.builder_init str_builder_to_writer :: str.to_writer str_builder_to_string :: str.to_string import "core:time" Duration :: time.Duration duration_seconds :: time.duration_seconds duration_ms :: time.duration_milliseconds thread_sleep :: time.sleep import "core:unicode" is_white_space :: unicode.is_white_space import "core:unicode/utf8" str_rune_count :: utf8.rune_count_in_string runes_to_string :: utf8.runes_to_string // string_to_runes :: utf8.string_to_runes //#endregion("core") import "thirdparty:backtrace" StackTraceData :: backtrace.Trace_Const stacktrace :: backtrace.trace stacktrace_lines :: backtrace.lines //#region("Proc overload mappings") array_append :: proc { array_append_value, array_append_array, array_append_slice, } array_append_at :: proc { array_append_at_slice, array_append_at_value, } is_power_of_two :: proc { is_power_of_two_u32, is_power_of_two_uintptr, } iterator :: proc { iterator_queue, iterator_ringbuf_fixed, } make :: proc { array_init, hmap_chained_init, hmap_zpl_init, make_queue, // Usual make_slice, make_dynamic_array, make_dynamic_array_len, make_dynamic_array_len_cap, make_map, make_multi_pointer, } next :: proc { next_queue_iterator, } push :: proc { stack_push, } space_left :: proc {, } reload :: proc { reload_array, reload_queue, reload_map, } to_runes :: proc { string_to_runes, } to_string :: proc { runes_to_string, str_builder_to_string, } to_writer :: proc { str_builder_to_writer, } //#endregion("Proc overload mappings")