2024-03-05 10:40:42 -05:00
/* Parser: Code Agnostic
2024-03-02 18:19:27 -05:00
This is a 'coding langauge agnostic' parser.
Its not meant to parse regular textual formats used in natural langauges (paragraphs, sentences, etc).
It instead is meant to encode constructs significant to most programming languages.
AST Types:
* Word
* Operator
* BracketsScope
This parser supports parsing whitepsace asts or raw text content.
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Operator tokens are not parsed into expressions (binary or polish) Thats beyond the scope of this parser.
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package sectr
2024-03-05 10:40:42 -05:00
PA_TokenType :: enum u32 {
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2024-03-05 10:40:42 -05:00
Integer, // 12345
Deciaml, // 123.45
Word, // Any string of visible characters that doesn't use an operator symbol.
Ampersand, // &
Ampersand_Double, // &&
Ampersand_Double_Equal, // &&=
Ampersand_Equal, // &=
And_Not, // &~
And_Not_Equal, // &~=
Arrow_Left, // <-
Arrow_Right, // ->
Asterisk, // *
Asterisk_Equal, // *=
At, // @
Backslash, // \
Backslash_Double, // \\
Brace_Open, // {
Brace_Close, // }
Bracket_Open, // [
Bracket_Close, // ]
Caret, // ^
Caret_Equal, // ^=
Colon, // :
Comma, // ,
Dash_Triple, // ---
Dollar, // $
Ellispis_Dobule, // ..
Ellipsis_Triple, // ...
Equal, // =
Equal_Double, // ==
Exclamation, // !
Exclamation_Equal, // !=
Greater, // >
Greater_Double, // >>
Greater_Double_Equal, // >>=
Greater_Equal, // >=
Hash, // #
Lesser, // <
Lesser_Double, // <<
Lesser_Double_Equal, // <<=
Lesser_Equal, // <=
Minus, // -
Minus_Double, // --
Minus_Equal, // -=
Parenthesis_Open, // (
Parenthesis_Close, // )
Percent, // %
Percent_Equal, // %=
Percent_Double, // %%
Percent_Dboule_Equal, // %%=
Period, // .
Plus, // +
Plus_Dobule, // ++
Plus_Equal, // +=
Question, // ?
Semi_Colon, // ;
Slash, // /
Slash_Equal, // /=
Slash_Double, //
Tilde, // ~
Tilde_Equal, // ~=
Vert_Bar, // |
Vert_Bar_Double, // ||
Vert_Bar_Equal, // |=
Vert_Bar_Double_Equal, //=
PA_Token_Str_Table := [PA_TokenType.Count] string {
"____Invalid____", // Invalid,
"____B_Literal_Begin____", // B_Literal_Begin,
"____Integer____", // Integer, // 12345
"____Deciaml____", // 123.45
"____Word____", // Any string of visible characters that doesn't use an operator symbol.
"____B_Literal_Begin____", // B_Literal_End,
"____B_Operator_Begin____", // B_Operator_Begin,
"&", // Ampersand, // &
"&&", // Ampersand_Double, // &&
"&&=", // Ampersand_Double_Equal, // &&=
"&=", // Ampersand_Equal, // &=
"&~", // And_Not, // &~
"&~=", // And_Not_Equal, // &~=
"<-", // Arrow_Left, // <-
"->", // Arrow_Right, // ->
"*", // Asterisk, // *
"*=", // Asterisk_Equal, // *=
"@", // At, // @
"\\", // Backslash, // \
"\\\\", // Backslash_Double, // \\
"{", // Brace_Open, // {
"}", // Brace_Close, // }
"[", // Bracket_Open, // [
"]", // Bracket_Close, // ]
"^", // Caret, // ^
"^=", // Caret_Equal, // ^=
":", // Colon, // :
",", // Comma, // ,
"---", // Dash_Triple, // ---
"$", // Dollar, // $
"..", // Ellispis_Dobule, // ..
"...", // Ellipsis_Triple, // ...
"=", // Equal, // =
"==", // Equal_Double, // ==
"!", // Exclamation, // !
"!=", // Exclamation_Equal, // !=
">", // Greater, // >
">>", // Greater_Double, // >>
">>=", // Greater_Double_Equal, // >>=
">=", // Greater_Equal, // >=
"#", // Hash, // #
"<", // Lesser, // <
"<<", // Lesser_Double, // <<
"<<=", // Lesser_Double_Equal, // <<=
"<=", // Lesser_Equal, // <=
"-", // Minus, // -
"--", // Minus_Double, // --
"-=", // Minus_Equal, // -=
"(", // Parenthesis_Open, // (
")", // Parenthesis_Close, // )
"%", // Percent, // %
"%=", // Percent_Equal, // %=
"%%", // Percent_Double, // %%
"%%=", // Percent_Dboule_Equal, // %%=
".", // Period, // .
"+", // Plus, // +
"++", // Plus_Dobule, // ++
"+=", // Plus_Equal, // +=
"?", // Question, // ?
";", // Semi_Colon, // ;
"/", // Slash, // /
"/=", // Slash_Equal, // /=
"//", // Slash_Double, //
"~", // Tilde, // ~
"~=", // Tilde_Equal, // ~=
"|", // Vert_Bar, // |
"||", // Vert_Bar_Double, // ||
"|=", // Vert_Bar_Equal, // |=
"//=", // Vert_Bar_Double_Equal, //=
"____B_Operator_End____", // B_Operator_End,
PA_Token :: struct {
type : PA_TokenType,
line, column : u32,
ptr : ^rune,
PA_LiteralType :: enum u32 {
PA_Literal :: struct {
type : PA_LiteralType,
token : ^PA_Token,
PA_OperatorType :: enum u32 {
PA_Operator :: struct {
type : PA_OperatorType,
token : ^PA_Token,
PA_BracketScopeType :: enum u32 {
PA_BracketScope :: struct {
type : PA_BracketScopeType,
token : ^PA_Token,
body : ^PA_AST,
PA_AST :: union {
// Changes parse behavior for specific tokens.
PA_ParsePolicy :: struct {
scope_detect_angled : b8,
scope_detect_curly : b8,
scope_detect_square : b8,
scope_detect_round : b8,
PA_ParseError :: struct {
token : ^ PA_Token,
msg : string,
PA_ParseError_Max :: 32
PA_NodeArray_ReserveSize :: 4 * Kilobyte
PA_ParseResult :: struct {
content : string,
runes : []rune,
tokens : Array(PA_Token),
pws_ast : ^PWS_AST,
nodes : Array(PA_AST), // Switch this to a pool?
errors : [PA_ParseError_Max] PA_ParseError
pa_parse_text :: proc( content : string, allocator : Allocator ) -> ( PA_ParseResult, AllocatorError )
return {}, AllocatorError.None
pa_parse_ws_ast :: proc( ast : ^PWS_AST, allocator : Allocator ) -> ( PA_ParseResult, AllocatorError )
return {}, AllocatorError.None