# Automata Theory: Building a RegExp machine ## Content: State Machines Formal Grammars Implement a regular expression processor ## History: *Pioneers:* 1951 - Stephen Kleene invented reg exp (sets). Reuglar Langauge : Langauge recognized by a finite automata (state machines). Kleene's Therem : Equivalence of regular expressions and finite automata. Has a notation named after him: Kleene-Closure (AKA: Kleene star) : A* (Stands for repetition) 1956 - Chomsky defines his hiearchy fo grammers Regular grammers are considered a type 3. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chomsky_hierarchy ![img](https://i.imgur.com/Pj2aFeg.png) Thus they are the weakest form of grammars. 1968 - Ken Thompson used them for pattern matching in strings, and lexical analysis (scanners) NFA - Thompson construction