EOI: Lecture 7 complete

This commit is contained in:
Edward R. Gonzalez 2022-07-24 02:56:37 -04:00
parent de420a8111
commit e120749a7e
11 changed files with 662 additions and 449 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
[*.gd] [*.gd]
indent_style = space indent_style = tab
indent_size = 4 indent_size = 4
[*.md] [*.md]

View File

@ -42,23 +42,33 @@ margin_bottom = -2.0
[node name="Eva_Interpret_Btn" type="Button" parent="VBox"] [node name="Eva_Interpret_Btn" type="Button" parent="VBox"]
margin_right = 203.0 margin_right = 203.0
margin_bottom = 32.0 margin_bottom = 30.0
rect_pivot_offset = Vector2( -123, -302 ) rect_pivot_offset = Vector2( -123, -302 )
size_flags_vertical = 3 size_flags_vertical = 3
size_flags_stretch_ratio = 0.08 size_flags_stretch_ratio = 0.08
theme = ExtResource( 1 ) theme = ExtResource( 1 )
text = "Eva: Interpret" text = "Eva: Interpret"
[node name="ClearOutput_Btn" type="Button" parent="VBox"]
margin_top = 34.0
margin_right = 203.0
margin_bottom = 64.0
rect_pivot_offset = Vector2( -123, -302 )
size_flags_vertical = 3
size_flags_stretch_ratio = 0.08
theme = ExtResource( 1 )
text = "Clear Output"
[node name="Separator" type="HSeparator" parent="VBox"] [node name="Separator" type="HSeparator" parent="VBox"]
modulate = Color( 0.145098, 0.145098, 0.164706, 0 ) modulate = Color( 0.145098, 0.145098, 0.164706, 0 )
margin_top = 36.0 margin_top = 68.0
margin_right = 203.0 margin_right = 203.0
margin_bottom = 441.0 margin_bottom = 443.0
size_flags_vertical = 15 size_flags_vertical = 15
theme = ExtResource( 5 ) theme = ExtResource( 5 )
[node name="Back_Btn" type="Button" parent="VBox"] [node name="Back_Btn" type="Button" parent="VBox"]
margin_top = 445.0 margin_top = 447.0
margin_right = 203.0 margin_right = 203.0
margin_bottom = 478.0 margin_bottom = 478.0
rect_pivot_offset = Vector2( -123, -302 ) rect_pivot_offset = Vector2( -123, -302 )
@ -85,9 +95,11 @@ anchor_right = 0.625
anchor_bottom = 1.0 anchor_bottom = 1.0
margin_left = 0.199997 margin_left = 0.199997
theme = ExtResource( 5 ) theme = ExtResource( 5 )
readonly = true
[node name="Debug_TEdit" type="TextEdit" parent="."] [node name="Debug_TEdit" type="TextEdit" parent="."]
anchor_left = 0.625 anchor_left = 0.625
anchor_right = 1.0 anchor_right = 1.0
anchor_bottom = 1.0 anchor_bottom = 1.0
theme = ExtResource( 5 ) theme = ExtResource( 5 )
readonly = true

View File

@ -1,40 +1,47 @@
extends Node extends Node
var eva = preload("Eva.gd").new()
# Eva -------------------------------------------------------
const SLexer = preload("Lexer.gd")
var Lexer : SLexer
const SParser = preload("Parser.gd")
var Parser : SParser
const SEva = preload("Eva.gd")
var Eva : SEva
# UX -------------------------------------------------------- # UX --------------------------------------------------------
onready var Editor = get_node("Editor_TEdit") onready var Editor = get_node("Editor_TEdit")
onready var Output = get_node("Output_TEdit") onready var Output = get_node("Output_TEdit")
onready var Debug = get_node("Debug_TEdit") onready var Debug = get_node("Debug_TEdit")
onready var Eva_Btn = get_node("VBox/Eva_Interpret_Btn") onready var Eva_Btn = get_node("VBox/Eva_Interpret_Btn")
onready var Back_Btn = get_node("VBox/Back_Btn") onready var Clear_Btn = get_node("VBox/ClearOutput_Btn")
onready var Back_Btn = get_node("VBox/Back_Btn")
func evaBtn_pressed(): func evaBtn_pressed():
eva.init(Editor.text, Output) Lexer = SLexer.new(Editor.text, Output)
Parser = SParser.new(Lexer, Output)
Eva = SEva.new(null, Output)
var ast = eva.parse() var ast = Parser.parse()
var result = Eva.eval(ast)
Output.text = eva.eval(ast) if result != null:
Debug.text = JSON.print(eva.Records, "\t") Output.text += "\nResult: " + result
Debug.text = JSON.print( Eva.get_EnvSnapshot(), "\t" )
func clearBtn_pressed():
Output.text = ""
func backBtn_pressed(): func backBtn_pressed():
queue_free() queue_free()
func _ready(): func _ready():
Eva_Btn.connect("pressed", self, "evaBtn_pressed") Eva_Btn.connect("pressed", self, "evaBtn_pressed")
Clear_Btn.connect("pressed", self, "clearBtn_pressed")
Back_Btn.connect("pressed", self, "backBtn_pressed") Back_Btn.connect("pressed", self, "backBtn_pressed")

View File

@ -1,444 +1,108 @@
extends Object extends Object
var SRegEx = preload("res://RegM/Scripts/SRegex.gd").new() # ---------------------------------------------------------- UTILITIES
var EvalOut
# ---------------------------------------------------------- Lexer func check( condition : bool, message : String):
const TType : Dictionary = \ assert(condition, message)
{ if ! condition:
fmt_S = "Formatting", EvalOut.text = "Eva - Error: " + message
cmt_SL = "Comment Single-Line",
cmt_ML = "Comment Multi-Line",
def_Start = "Expression Start",
def_End = "Expression End",
def_Var = "Variable",
literal_Number = "Literal: Number",
literal_String = "Literal: String",
op_Assgin = "Assignment",
op_Numeric = "op_Numeric",
identifier = "Identifier"
const Spec : Dictionary = \ func throw( message ):
{ assert(false, message)
TType.cmt_SL : "start // inline.repeat(0-)", EvalOut.text = "Eva - Error: " + message
TType.cmt_ML : "start /* set(whitespace !whitespace).repeat(0-).lazy */", # ---------------------------------------------------------- UTILITIES END
TType.fmt_S : "start whitespace.repeat(1-).lazy",
TType.def_Start : "start \\(",
TType.def_End : "start \\)",
TType.def_Var : "start \"var\"",
TType.literal_Number : \
set(+ \\-).repeat(0-1)
( set(0-9).repeat(1-) \\. ).repeat(0-1)
TType.literal_String : "start \\\" !set( \\\" ).repeat(0-) \\\" ",
TType.op_Assgin : "start \"set\"",
TType.op_Numeric : "start set(+ \\- * /)",
TType.identifier :
set(\\- _).repeat(0-1)
class Token:
var Type : String
var Value : String
func is_Literal():
return Type == TType.literal_Number || Type == TType.literal_String;
var SourceText : String
var Cursor : int
var SpecRegex : Dictionary
var Tokens : Array
var TokenIndex : int = 0
func compile_regex():
for type in TType.values() :
var regex = RegEx.new()
var result = SRegEx.compile(Spec[type])
regex.compile( result )
SpecRegex[type] = regex
func init(programSrcText, errorOutput):
ErrorOutput = errorOutput
SourceText = programSrcText
Cursor = 0
TokenIndex = 0
if SpecRegex.size() == 0 :
func next_Token():
var nextToken = null
if Tokens.size() > TokenIndex :
nextToken = Tokens[TokenIndex]
TokenIndex += 1
return nextToken
func reached_EndOfText():
return Cursor >= SourceText.length()
func tokenize():
while reached_EndOfText() == false :
var srcLeft = SourceText.substr(Cursor)
var token = Token.new()
var error = true
for type in TType.values() :
var result = SpecRegex[type].search( srcLeft )
if result == null || result.get_start() != 0 :
# Skip Comments
if type == TType.cmt_SL || type == TType.cmt_ML :
Cursor += result.get_string().length()
error = false
# Skip Whitespace
if type == TType.fmt_S :
var addVal = result.get_string().length()
Cursor += addVal
error = false
token.Type = type
token.Value = result.get_string()
Cursor += ( result.get_string().length() )
Tokens.append( token )
error = false
if error :
var assertStrTmplt = "Lexer - tokenize: Source text not understood by tokenizer at Cursor pos: {value} -: {txt}"
var assertStr = assertStrTmplt.format({"value" : Cursor, "txt" : srcLeft})
# ---------------------------------------------------------- Lexer END
# ---------------------------------------------------------- Parser
# ---------------------------------------------------------- AST Node
const NType = \
literal_Number = "Literal: Number",
literal_String = "Literal: String",
op_Assign = "Assignment",
op_Add = "+",
op_Sub = "-",
op_Mult = "*",
op_Div = "/",
identifier = "Identifier",
variable = "Variable"
class ASTNode:
var Data : Array
func add_Expr( expr ):
func add_TokenValue( token ):
Data.append( token.Value )
func set_Type( nType ):
func arg( id ):
return Data[id]
func num_args():
return Data.size() - 1
func type():
return Data[0]
func is_Number():
return type() == NType.literal_Number
func is_String():
return type() == NType.literal_String
func string():
return arg(1).substr(1, arg(1).length() -2)
# Serialization ----------------------------------------------------
func array_Serialize(array, fn_objSerializer) :
var result = []
for entry in array :
if typeof(entry) == TYPE_ARRAY :
result.append( array_Serialize( entry, fn_objSerializer ))
elif typeof(entry) == TYPE_OBJECT :
result.append( fn_objSerializer.call_func() )
else :
result.append( entry )
return result
func to_SExpression():
# var expression = []
# if typeof(Value) == TYPE_ARRAY :
var \
to_SExpression_Fn = FuncRef.new()
return array_Serialize( self.Data, to_SExpression_Fn )
# if typeof(Value) == TYPE_OBJECT :
# var result = [ Type, Value.to_SExpression() ]
# return result
# expression.append(Value)
# return expression
# Serialization END -------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------- AST Node END
var TokenType : Token
var NextToken : Token
# Gets the next token only if the current token is the specified intended token (tokenType)
func eat(tokenType):
var currToken = NextToken
check(currToken != null, "Parser - eat: NextToken was null")
var assertStrTmplt = "Parser - eat: Unexpected token: {value}, expected: {type}"
var assertStr = assertStrTmplt.format({"value" : currToken.Value, "type" : tokenType})
check(currToken.Type == tokenType, assertStr)
NextToken = next_Token()
return currToken
func parse():
NextToken = next_Token()
if NextToken.Type == TType.def_Start:
return parse_Expression()
if NextToken.Type == TType.identifier:
return parse_Identifier()
if NextToken.is_Literal():
return parse_Literal()
func parse_Expression():
var node : ASTNode
if NextToken.Type == TType.def_Var:
node = parse_Variable()
if NextToken.Type == TType.op_Assgin:
node = parse_op_Assign()
elif NextToken.Type == TType.op_Numeric:
node = parse_op_Numeric()
var arg = 1
while NextToken.Type != TType.def_End:
if NextToken.Type == TType.def_Start:
node.add_Expr( parse_Expression() )
else :
node.add_Expr( parse_Literal() )
elif NextToken.is_Literal():
node = parse_Literal()
return node
func parse_Variable():
var \
node = ASTNode.new()
check( NextToken.Type == TType.identifier,
String("Parser - parse_Variable: NextToken should have been identifier. TokenData - Type: {type} Value: {value}") \
.format({"type" : NextToken.Type, "value" : NextToken.Value })
node.add_TokenValue( NextToken )
if NextToken.Type == TType.def_Start :
node.add_Expr( parse_Expression() )
else :
node.add_Expr( parse_Literal() )
return node
func parse_Identifier():
var \
node = ASTNode.new()
return node
func parse_op_Assign():
var \
node = ASTNode.new()
check( NextToken.Type != TType.identifier,
String("Parser - parse_op_Assign: NextToken should have been identifier, Type: {type} Value: {value}") \
.format({"type" : NextToken.Type, "value" : NextToken.Value })
node.add_TokenValue( NextToken.Value )
if NextToken.is_Literal() :
node.add_Expr( parse_Literal() )
elif NextToken.Type == TType.def_Start :
node.add_Expr( parse_Expression() )
return node
func parse_op_Numeric():
var node = ASTNode.new()
match NextToken.Value:
return node
func parse_Literal():
var node = ASTNode.new()
match NextToken.Type:
return node
# ---------------------------------------------------------- Parser END
# ---------------------------------------------------------- Environment
var Records : Dictionary
func env_DefineVar(symbol : String, value) :
Records[symbol] = value
func env_Lookup(symbol : String) :
check(Records.has(symbol), String("Symbol not found in environment records"))
return Records[symbol]
# ---------------------------------------------------------- Environment END
class_name Eva class_name Eva
# ---------------------------------------------------------- GLOBALS # ---------------------------------------------------------- GLOBALS
var ErrorOutput const Parser = preload("Parser.gd")
const NType = Parser.NType
const EvaEnv = preload("EvaEnv.gd")
var Env : EvaEnv
var Parent
# ---------------------------------------------------------- GLOBALS END # ---------------------------------------------------------- GLOBALS END
# ---------------------------------------------------------- UTILITIES func _init(parent, evalOut):
func check( condition : bool, message : String): EvalOut = evalOut
assert(condition, message) Env = EvaEnv.new(EvalOut)
ErrorOutput.text = "Eva - Error: " + message Parent = parent
func throw( message ):
assert(false, message)
ErrorOutput.text = "Eva - Error: " + message
# ---------------------------------------------------------- UTILITIES END
func eval( ast ): func eval( ast ):
if ast.type() == NType.identifier : if ast.type() == NType.program :
return env_Lookup( ast.arg(1) ) var index = 1;
while index < ast.num_args():
eval( ast.arg(index) )
index += 1
var result = eval( ast.arg(index) )
if result != null:
return String( result )
return null
if ast.type() == NType.variable : elif ast.type() == NType.block :
return eval_Block( ast )
elif ast.type() == NType.identifier :
var identifier = ast.arg(1)
if Parent != null && !Env.has( identifier):
return Parent.Env.lookup( identifier )
return Env.lookup( identifier )
elif ast.type() == NType.fn_Print :
return eval_Print( ast )
elif ast.type() == NType.op_Assign :
var symbol = ast.arg(1)
var value = eval( ast.arg(2) )
if Parent != null && !Env.has( symbol):
return Parent.Env.set( symbol, value )
return Env.set( symbol, value )
elif ast.type() == NType.variable :
var symbol = ast.arg(1) var symbol = ast.arg(1)
var value = eval( ast.arg(2) ) var value = eval( ast.arg(2) )
env_DefineVar(symbol, value) Env.define_Var(symbol, value)
return value return value
if ast.is_String() :
return ast.string()
return String( eval_Numeric(ast) )
elif ast.is_Number() :
return float( ast.arg(1) )
elif ast.is_String() :
return ast.string()
return eval_Numeric( ast )
var msgT = "eval - Unimplemented: {ast}" var msgT = "eval - Unimplemented: {ast}"
var msg = msgT.format({"ast" : JSON.print(ast.to_SExpression(), "\t") }) var msg = msgT.format({"ast" : JSON.print(ast.to_SExpression(), "\t") })
throw(msg) throw(msg)
func eval_Numeric( ast ): func eval_Block( ast ):
if ast.is_Number() : var eva_Block = get_script().new( self, EvalOut )
return float(ast.arg(1))
var result
var index = 1;
while index <= ast.num_args() :
result = eva_Block.eval( ast.arg(index) )
index += 1
return result
func eval_Numeric( ast ):
if ast.type() == NType.op_Add: if ast.type() == NType.op_Add:
var result = 0.0; var index = 1 var result = 0.0; var index = 1
while index <= ast.num_args(): while index <= ast.num_args():
result += eval_Numeric( ast.arg(index) ) result += eval( ast.arg(index) )
index += 1 index += 1
return result return result
@ -447,7 +111,7 @@ func eval_Numeric( ast ):
var result = 0.0; var index = 1 var result = 0.0; var index = 1
while index <= ast.num_args(): while index <= ast.num_args():
result -= eval_Numeric( ast.arg(index) ) result -= eval( ast.arg(index) )
index += 1 index += 1
return result return result
@ -456,7 +120,7 @@ func eval_Numeric( ast ):
var result = 1.0; var index = 1 var result = 1.0; var index = 1
while index <= ast.num_args(): while index <= ast.num_args():
result *= eval_Numeric( ast.arg(index) ) result *= eval( ast.arg(index) )
index += 1 index += 1
return result return result
@ -465,8 +129,19 @@ func eval_Numeric( ast ):
var result = 1.0; var index = 1 var result = 1.0; var index = 1
while index <= ast.num_args(): while index <= ast.num_args():
result /= eval_Numeric( ast.arg(index) ) result /= eval( ast.arg(index) )
result += 1 result += 1
return result return result
func eval_Print( ast ):
EvalOut.text += "\n" + String( eval( ast.arg(1) ) )
return null
func get_EnvSnapshot():
var snapshot = Env.Records.duplicate(true)
if Parent != null:
snapshot[Parent] = Parent.Env.Records.duplicate(true)
return snapshot

App/EoI/Scripts/EvaEnv.gd Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
extends Object
# ---------------------------------------------------------- UTILITIES
var ErrorOut
func check( condition : bool, message : String):
assert(condition, message)
if ! condition:
ErrorOut.text = "Eva - Error: " + message
func throw( message ):
assert(false, message)
ErrorOut.text = "Eva - Error: " + message
# ---------------------------------------------------------- UTILITIES END
class_name EvaEnv
var Records : Dictionary
func _init(errorOut):
ErrorOut = errorOut
func define_Var(symbol : String, value) :
Records[symbol] = value
func has(symbol : String) :
return Records.has(symbol)
func set(symbol : String, value) :
check(Records.has(symbol), String("Symbol not found in environment records"))
Records[symbol] = value
return Records[symbol]
func lookup(symbol : String) :
check(Records.has(symbol), String("Symbol not found in environment records"))
return Records[symbol]

App/EoI/Scripts/Lexer.gd Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
extends Object
# ---------------------------------------------------------- UTILITIES
var ErrorOut
func check( condition : bool, message : String):
assert(condition, message)
if ! condition:
ErrorOut.text = "Eva - Error: " + message
func throw( message ):
assert(false, message)
ErrorOut.text = "Eva - Error: " + message
# ---------------------------------------------------------- UTILITIES END
class_name Lexer
var SRegEx = preload("res://RegM/Scripts/SRegex.gd").new()
const TType : Dictionary = \
fmt_S = "Formatting",
cmt_SL = "Comment Single-Line",
cmt_ML = "Comment Multi-Line",
def_Block = "Expression Block Start",
def_Start = "Expression Start",
def_End = "Expression End",
def_Var = "Variable",
literal_Number = "Literal: Number",
literal_String = "Literal: String",
op_Assgin = "Assignment",
op_Numeric = "op_Numeric",
fn_Print = "Print",
identifier = "Identifier"
const Spec : Dictionary = \
TType.cmt_SL : "start // inline.repeat(0-)",
TType.cmt_ML : "start /* set(whitespace !whitespace).repeat(0-).lazy */",
TType.fmt_S : "start whitespace.repeat(1-).lazy",
TType.def_Block : "start \"begin\"",
TType.def_Start : "start \\(",
TType.def_End : "start \\)",
TType.def_Var : "start \"var\"",
TType.literal_Number : \
set(+ \\-).repeat(0-1)
( set(0-9).repeat(1-) \\. ).repeat(0-1)
TType.literal_String : "start \\\" !set( \\\" ).repeat(0-) \\\" ",
TType.op_Assgin : "start \"set\"",
TType.op_Numeric : "start set(+ \\- * /)",
TType.fn_Print : "start \"print\"",
TType.identifier :
set(\\- _).repeat(0-1)
class Token:
var Type : String
var Value : String
func is_Literal():
return Type == TType.literal_Number || Type == TType.literal_String;
var SourceText : String
var Cursor : int
var SpecRegex : Dictionary
var Tokens : Array
var TokenIndex : int = 0
func compile_regex():
for type in TType.values() :
var regex = RegEx.new()
var result = SRegEx.compile(Spec[type])
regex.compile( result )
SpecRegex[type] = regex
func next_Token():
var nextToken = null
if Tokens.size() > TokenIndex :
nextToken = Tokens[TokenIndex]
TokenIndex += 1
return nextToken
func reached_EndOfText():
return Cursor >= SourceText.length()
func tokenize():
while reached_EndOfText() == false :
var srcLeft = SourceText.substr(Cursor)
var token = Token.new()
var error = true
for type in TType.values() :
var result = SpecRegex[type].search( srcLeft )
if result == null || result.get_start() != 0 :
# Skip Comments
if type == TType.cmt_SL || type == TType.cmt_ML :
Cursor += result.get_string().length()
error = false
# Skip Whitespace
if type == TType.fmt_S :
var addVal = result.get_string().length()
Cursor += addVal
error = false
token.Type = type
token.Value = result.get_string()
Cursor += ( result.get_string().length() )
Tokens.append( token )
error = false
if error :
var assertStrTmplt = "Lexer - tokenize: Source text not understood by tokenizer at Cursor pos: {value} -: {txt}"
var assertStr = assertStrTmplt.format({"value" : Cursor, "txt" : srcLeft})
func _init(programSrcText, errorOut) :
ErrorOut = errorOut
SourceText = programSrcText
Cursor = 0
TokenIndex = 0
if SpecRegex.size() == 0 :

App/EoI/Scripts/Parser.gd Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
extends Object
# ---------------------------------------------------------- UTILITIES
var ErrorOut
func check( condition : bool, message : String):
assert(condition, message)
if ! condition:
ErrorOut.text = "Eva - Error: " + message
func throw( message ):
assert(false, message)
ErrorOut.text = "Eva - Error: " + message
# ---------------------------------------------------------- UTILITIES END
class_name Parser
# ---------------------------------------------------------- AST Node
const NType = \
program = "Program",
block = "Scope Block",
literal_Number = "Literal: Number",
literal_String = "Literal: String",
op_Assign = "Assignment",
op_Add = "+",
op_Sub = "-",
op_Mult = "*",
op_Div = "/",
fn_Print = "Print",
identifier = "Identifier",
variable = "Variable"
class ASTNode:
var Data : Array
func add_Expr( expr ):
func add_TokenValue( token ):
Data.append( token.Value )
func set_Type( nType ):
func arg( id ):
return Data[id]
func num_args():
return Data.size() - 1
func type():
return Data[0]
func is_op_Numeric():
match type():
NType.op_Add: return true
NType.op_Sub: return true
NType.op_Mult: return true
NType.op_Div: return true
_: return false
func is_Number():
return type() == NType.literal_Number
func is_String():
return type() == NType.literal_String
func string():
return arg(1).substr(1, arg(1).length() -2)
# Serialization ----------------------------------------------------
func array_Serialize(array, fn_objSerializer) :
var result = []
for entry in array :
if typeof(entry) == TYPE_ARRAY :
result.append( array_Serialize( entry, fn_objSerializer ))
elif typeof(entry) == TYPE_OBJECT :
result.append( fn_objSerializer.call_func() )
else :
result.append( entry )
return result
func to_SExpression():
var \
to_SExpression_Fn = FuncRef.new()
return array_Serialize( self.Data, to_SExpression_Fn )
# Serialization END -------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------- AST Node END
const SLexer = preload("Lexer.gd")
const TType = SLexer.TType
var Lexer : SLexer
var NextToken : SLexer.Token
# Gets the next token only if the current token is the specified intended token (tokenType)
func eat(tokenType):
var currToken = NextToken
check(currToken != null, "Parser - eat: NextToken was null")
var assertStrTmplt = "Parser - eat: Unexpected token: {value}, expected: {type}"
var assertStr = assertStrTmplt.format({"value" : currToken.Value, "type" : tokenType})
check(currToken.Type == tokenType, assertStr)
NextToken = Lexer.next_Token()
return currToken
func parse():
var \
node = ASTNode.new()
while NextToken != null :
if NextToken.Type == TType.def_Start:
node.add_Expr( parse_Expression() )
elif NextToken.Type == TType.identifier:
node.add_Expr( parse_Identifier() )
elif NextToken.is_Literal():
node.Add_Expr( parse_Literal() )
return node
func parse_Expression():
var node : ASTNode
match NextToken.Type :
node = parse_Block()
node = parse_Variable()
node = parse_fn_Print()
node = parse_op_Assign()
node = parse_op_Numeric()
var arg = 1
while NextToken.Type != TType.def_End:
if NextToken.Type == TType.def_Start:
node.add_Expr( parse_Expression() )
elif NextToken.Type == TType.identifier:
node.add_Expr( parse_Identifier() )
else :
node.add_Expr( parse_Literal() )
return node
func parse_Block():
var \
node = ASTNode.new()
return node
func parse_Variable():
var \
node = ASTNode.new()
check( NextToken.Type == TType.identifier,
String("Parser - parse_Variable: NextToken should have been identifier. TokenData - Type: {type} Value: {value}") \
.format({"type" : NextToken.Type, "value" : NextToken.Value })
node.add_TokenValue( NextToken )
if NextToken.Type == TType.def_Start :
node.add_Expr( parse_Expression() )
else :
node.add_Expr( parse_Literal() )
return node
func parse_Identifier():
var \
node = ASTNode.new()
return node
func parse_fn_Print():
var \
node = ASTNode.new()
return node
func parse_op_Assign():
var \
node = ASTNode.new()
check( NextToken.Type == TType.identifier,
String("Parser - parse_op_Assign: NextToken should have been identifier, Type: {type} Value: {value}") \
.format({"type" : NextToken.Type, "value" : NextToken.Value })
node.add_TokenValue( NextToken )
if NextToken.is_Literal() :
node.add_Expr( parse_Literal() )
elif NextToken.Type == TType.def_Start :
node.add_Expr( parse_Expression() )
return node
func parse_op_Numeric():
var node = ASTNode.new()
match NextToken.Value:
return node
func parse_Literal():
var node = ASTNode.new()
match NextToken.Type:
return node
func _init(lexer, errorOut) :
ErrorOut = errorOut
Lexer = lexer
NextToken = Lexer.next_Token()

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ extends Object
var SRegEx = preload("res://RegM/Scripts/SRegex.gd").new() var SRegEx = preload("res://RegM/Scripts/SRegex.gd").new()
class_name Lexer class_name RDP_Lexer
const TokenType : Dictionary = \ const TokenType : Dictionary = \

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
extends Object extends Object
class_name RDP_Parser
const NodeType = \ const NodeType = \
{ {
program = "Program", program = "Program",
@ -108,9 +110,9 @@ class PNode:
var SLexer : Script = preload("res://RDP/Scripts/Lexer.gd") var SLexer : Script = preload("res://RDP/Scripts/RDP_Lexer.gd")
var TokenType = SLexer.TokenType var TokenType = SLexer.TokenType
var NextToken : Lexer.Token var NextToken : RDP_Lexer.Token
var Lexer var Lexer

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
extends Panel extends Panel
var Lexer = preload("Lexer.gd").new() var Lexer = preload("RDP_Lexer.gd").new()
var Parser = preload("Parser.gd").new() var Parser = preload("RDP_Parser.gd").new()
onready var Tokens_TOut = get_node("Tokens_TOut") onready var Tokens_TOut = get_node("Tokens_TOut")

View File

@ -15,13 +15,37 @@ _global_script_classes=[ {
"path": "res://EoI/Scripts/Eva.gd" "path": "res://EoI/Scripts/Eva.gd"
}, { }, {
"base": "Object", "base": "Object",
"class": "EvaEnv",
"language": "GDScript",
"path": "res://EoI/Scripts/EvaEnv.gd"
}, {
"base": "Object",
"class": "Lexer", "class": "Lexer",
"language": "GDScript", "language": "GDScript",
"path": "res://RDP/Scripts/Lexer.gd" "path": "res://EoI/Scripts/Lexer.gd"
}, {
"base": "Object",
"class": "Parser",
"language": "GDScript",
"path": "res://EoI/Scripts/Parser.gd"
}, {
"base": "Object",
"class": "RDP_Lexer",
"language": "GDScript",
"path": "res://RDP/Scripts/RDP_Lexer.gd"
}, {
"base": "Object",
"class": "RDP_Parser",
"language": "GDScript",
"path": "res://RDP/Scripts/RDP_Parser.gd"
} ] } ]
_global_script_class_icons={ _global_script_class_icons={
"Eva": "", "Eva": "",
"Lexer": "" "EvaEnv": "",
"Lexer": "",
"Parser": "",
"RDP_Lexer": "",
"RDP_Parser": ""
} }
[application] [application]