# IMGUI_Notes Just a place I'm sharing all the notes and research I have on immediate mode user interfaces # General ## Sean Barret The Inner Product column on Immediate Mode GUIs: [Game Developer - September 2005 (Page 34-36)](assets/GDM_September_2005.pdf) [Sample Implementation](https://silverspaceship.com/inner/imgui/) ## Casey Muratori [Immediate-Mode Graphical User Interfaces - 2005](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1qyvQsjK5Y) [Original Molly Rocket IMGUI forum](https://web.archive.org/web/20140110175254/https://mollyrocket.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=10) ## Johnathan Blow [Improving Our Immediate-Mode UI Stuff (Part 1)](https://youtu.be/gPKDnu5QaZk) [Improving Our Immediate-Mode UI Stuff (Part 2)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upURrmzpD5Q) ## Ryan Fleury [UI Series -- Table of Contents](https://www.rfleury.com/p/ui-series-table-of-contents) # Handmade [January Meetup - Writing an IMGUI](https://youtu.be/wsJ8Y1HO250) # Tscoding's Related Content: [Immediate UI for My Game in C++](https://youtu.be/8e56I1z9cn4) [Improving Immediate UI for My Game](https://youtu.be/-FYKw5rH2aU) [Making Reactive GUI From Scratch with Just Rectangles](https://youtu.be/-e_yyggsh_o) [OpenGL Text Rendering for My Immediate UI Library — Offline Stream #02](https://youtu.be/mq3UXqPmBE8) [We Need to Bring GUI Libraries Back! — Offline Stream #09](https://youtu.be/wWnjffo6gHc) [When UI Library is Bad — Offline Stream #13](https://youtu.be/yUGvLUPtgXY) [imhui](https://github.com/tsoding/imhui) # Relevant Libraries: C++ Standard: [Dear Imgui](https://github.com/ocornut/imgui) Odin's MicroUI: [MicroUI](https://github.com/odin-lang/Odin/tree/master/vendor/microui)