2023-10-10 13:08:08 -04:00

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Services the engine provides to the platform layer
#pragma once
#include "platform/platform.hpp"
#define NS_ENGINE_BEGIN namespace engine {
#define NS_ENGINE_END }
#ifndef Engine_API
// The build system is reponsible for defining this API macro for exporting symbols.
# define Engine_API
enum ReplayMode : s32
struct Clocks
// TODO(Ed) : Clock values...
f32 seconds_elapsed;
struct ThreadContext
u32 placeholder;
struct MemorySnapshot
StrPath file_path;
void* opaque_handle;
void* opaque_handle_2;
void* memory;
u64 age;
struct Memory
// All memory for the engine is required to be zero initialized.
// Wiped on shutdown
void* persistent;
u64 persistent_size;
// Wiped on a per-frame basis
// void* Frame;
// u64 FrameSize;
// Wiped whenever the engine wants to?
void* transient;
u64 transient_size;
// TODO(Ed) : Move this crap to state & replay archive definitions?
#if Build_Development
static constexpr
s32 Num_Snapshot_Slots = 3;
// Abuse RAM to store snapshots of the Engine or Game state.
MemorySnapshot snapshots[ Num_Snapshot_Slots ];
s32 active_snapshot_slot;
// Recording and playback info is the same for either engine or game.
ReplayMode replay_mode;
platform::File active_input_replay_file;
// Engine-wide recording & playback loop.
s32 engine_loop_active;
s32 game_loop_active;
u64 total_size()
return persistent_size + transient_size;
struct OffscreenBuffer
void* memory; // Lets use directly mess with the "pixel's memory buffer"
u32 width;
u32 height;
u32 pitch;
u32 bytes_per_pixel;
// TODO : Will be gutting this once we have other stuff lifted.
struct AudioBuffer
s16* samples;
u32 running_sample_index;
s32 samples_per_second;
s32 num_samples;
struct DigitalBtn
s32 half_transitions;
b32 ended_down;
struct AnalogAxis
f32 start;
f32 end;
f32 min;
f32 max;
// Platform doesn't provide this, we process in the engine layer.
f32 average;
struct AnalogStick
AnalogAxis X;
AnalogAxis Y;
union KeyboardState
DigitalBtn keys[12];
struct {
DigitalBtn _1;
DigitalBtn _2;
DigitalBtn _3;
DigitalBtn _4;
DigitalBtn Q;
DigitalBtn E;
DigitalBtn W;
DigitalBtn A;
DigitalBtn S;
DigitalBtn D;
DigitalBtn K;
DigitalBtn L;
DigitalBtn escape;
DigitalBtn backspace;
DigitalBtn up;
DigitalBtn down;
DigitalBtn left;
DigitalBtn right;
DigitalBtn space;
DigitalBtn pause;
DigitalBtn left_alt;
DigitalBtn right_alt;
DigitalBtn right_shift;
DigitalBtn left_shift;
struct MousesState
DigitalBtn left;
DigitalBtn middle;
DigitalBtn right;
AnalogAxis X;
AnalogAxis Y;
AnalogAxis vertical_wheel;
AnalogAxis horizontal_wheel;
struct XInputPadState
AnalogStick left;
AnalogStick right;
} stick;
AnalogAxis left_trigger;
AnalogAxis right_trigger;
union {
DigitalBtn btns[14];
struct {
struct {
DigitalBtn up;
DigitalBtn down;
DigitalBtn left;
DigitalBtn right;
} dpad;
DigitalBtn A;
DigitalBtn B;
DigitalBtn X;
DigitalBtn Y;
DigitalBtn back;
DigitalBtn start;
DigitalBtn left_shoulder;
DigitalBtn right_shoulder;
struct DualsensePadState
AnalogStick left;
AnalogStick right;
} stick;
AnalogAxis L2;
AnalogAxis R2;
union {
DigitalBtn btns[14];
struct {
struct {
DigitalBtn up;
DigitalBtn down;
DigitalBtn left;
DigitalBtn right;
} dpad;
DigitalBtn cross;
DigitalBtn circle;
DigitalBtn square;
DigitalBtn triangle;
DigitalBtn share;
DigitalBtn options;
DigitalBtn L1;
DigitalBtn R1;
struct ControllerState
KeyboardState* keyboard;
MousesState* mouse;
XInputPadState* xpad;
DualsensePadState* ds_pad;
struct ControllerStateSnapshot
KeyboardState keyboard;
MousesState mouse;
XInputPadState xpad;
DualsensePadState ds_pad;
struct InputState
ControllerState controllers[4];
struct InputStateSnapshot
ControllerStateSnapshot controllers[4];
using InputBindCallback = void( void* );
using InputBindCallback_DigitalBtn = void( engine::DigitalBtn* button );
using InputBindCallback_AnalogAxis = void( engine::AnalogAxis* axis );
using InputBindCallback_AnalogStick = void( engine::AnalogStick* stick );
struct InputMode
InputBindCallback* binds;
s32 num_binds;
void input_mode_pop( InputMode* mode );
void input_mode_pop( InputMode* mode );
#if 0
struct RecordedInput
s32 num;
InputState* stream;
struct TileMap
u32* tiles;
struct World
f32 tile_size_in_meters;
s32 tile_size_in_pixels;
f32 tile_meters_to_pixels;
f32 tile_upper_left_x;
f32 tile_upper_left_y;
s32 num_tiles_x; // Number of tiles on the x-axis for a tilemap.
s32 num_tiles_y; // Number of tiles on the y-axis for a tilemap.
// TODO(Ed) : Beginner's sparseness
s32 tilemaps_num_x;
s32 tilemaps_num_y;
TileMap* tile_maps;
struct CanonPosition
// TODO(Ed) : Should this be from the center of the tile?
f32 x;
f32 y;
/* TODO(Ed) :
Take the tile map x & y and the tile x & y
where there is some low bits for the tile index
and the high bits are the tile "page".
s32 tile_map_x;
s32 tile_map_y;
s32 tile_x;
s32 tile_y;