2023-09-16 19:15:14 -04:00

42 lines
788 B

Services the engine provides to the platform layer
#pragma once
#include "platform.h"
#define NS_ENGINE_BEGIN namespace engine {
#define NS_ENGINE_END }
struct OffscreenBuffer
void* Memory; // Lets use directly mess with the "pixel's memory buffer"
u32 Width;
u32 Height;
u32 Pitch;
u32 BytesPerPixel;
struct SoundBuffer
s16* Samples;
u32 RunningSampleIndex;
s32 SamplesPerSecond;
s32 NumSamples;
s32 ToneVolume;
s32 WaveToneHz;
s32 WavePeriod;
// Needs a contextual reference to four things:
// Timing, Input, Bitmap Buffer, Sound Buffer
void update_and_render( OffscreenBuffer* back_buffer, SoundBuffer* sound_buffer
// Temp (for feature parity)
, u32 x_offset, u32 y_offset