mirror of
synced 2025-01-08 12:23:32 -08:00
474 lines
15 KiB
474 lines
15 KiB
#include "platform.hpp"
#include "engine/engine.hpp"
#include "engine/engine_to_platform_api.hpp"
#include "win32.hpp"
// This is the "backbuffer" data related to the windowing surface provided by the operating system.
struct OffscreenBuffer
char _PAD_[4];
void* memory; // Lets use directly mess with the "pixel's memory buffer"
s32 width;
s32 height;
s32 pitch;
s32 bytes_per_pixel;
extern OffscreenBuffer Surface_Back_Buffer;
extern f32 Engine_Frame_Target_MS;
extern u32 Engine_Refresh_Hz;
using namespace win32;
// TODO : This will def need to be looked over.
struct DirectSoundBuffer
s16* samples;
u32 secondary_buffer_size;
u32 samples_per_second;
u32 bytes_per_sample;
u32 bytes_per_second;
u32 guard_sample_bytes;
DWORD is_playing;
u32 running_sample_index;
u32 latency_sample_count;
struct AudioTimeMarker
DWORD output_play_cursor;
DWORD output_write_cursor;
DWORD output_location;
DWORD output_byte_count;
DWORD flip_play_curosr;
DWORD flip_write_cursor;
DWORD expected_flip_cursor;
using DirectSoundCreateFn = HRESULT WINAPI (LPGUID lpGuid, LPDIRECTSOUND* ppDS, LPUNKNOWN pUnkOuter );
global DirectSoundCreateFn* direct_sound_create;
#if Build_Development
internal void
debug_draw_vertical_line( s32 x_pos, s32 top, s32 bottom, s32 color )
if ( top <= 0 )
top = 0;
if ( bottom > Surface_Back_Buffer.height )
bottom = Surface_Back_Buffer.height;
if ( x_pos >= 0 && x_pos < Surface_Back_Buffer.width )
pixel_byte = rcast(u8*, Surface_Back_Buffer.memory );
pixel_byte += x_pos * Surface_Back_Buffer.bytes_per_pixel;
pixel_byte += top * Surface_Back_Buffer.pitch;
for ( s32 y = top; y < bottom; ++ y )
s32* pixel = rcast(s32*, pixel_byte);
*pixel = color;
pixel_byte += Surface_Back_Buffer.pitch;
inline void
debug_draw_sound_buffer_marker( DirectSoundBuffer* sound_buffer, f32 ratio
, u32 pad_x, u32 pad_y
, u32 top, u32 bottom
, DWORD value, u32 color )
// assert( value < sound_buffer->SecondaryBufferSize );
u32 x = pad_x + scast(u32, ratio * scast(f32, value ));
debug_draw_vertical_line( x, top, bottom, color );
internal void
debug_sync_display( DirectSoundBuffer* sound_buffer
, u32 num_markers, AudioTimeMarker* markers
, u32 current_marker
, f32 ms_per_frame )
u32 pad_x = 32;
u32 pad_y = 16;
f32 buffers_ratio = scast(f32, Surface_Back_Buffer.width) / (scast(f32, sound_buffer->secondary_buffer_size) * 1);
u32 line_height = 64;
for ( u32 marker_index = 0; marker_index < num_markers; ++ marker_index )
AudioTimeMarker* marker = & markers[marker_index];
assert( marker->output_play_cursor < sound_buffer->secondary_buffer_size );
assert( marker->output_write_cursor < sound_buffer->secondary_buffer_size );
assert( marker->output_location < sound_buffer->secondary_buffer_size );
assert( marker->output_byte_count < sound_buffer->secondary_buffer_size );
assert( marker->flip_play_curosr < sound_buffer->secondary_buffer_size );
assert( marker->flip_write_cursor < sound_buffer->secondary_buffer_size );
DWORD play_color = 0x88888888;
DWORD write_color = 0x88800000;
DWORD expected_flip_color = 0xFFFFF000;
DWORD play_window_color = 0xFFFF00FF;
u32 top = pad_y;
u32 bottom = pad_y + line_height;
if ( marker_index == current_marker )
play_color = 0xFFFFFFFF;
write_color = 0xFFFF0000;
top += pad_y + line_height;
bottom += pad_y + line_height;
u32 row_2_top = top;
debug_draw_sound_buffer_marker( sound_buffer, buffers_ratio, pad_x, pad_y, top, bottom, marker->output_play_cursor, play_color );
debug_draw_sound_buffer_marker( sound_buffer, buffers_ratio, pad_x, pad_y, top, bottom, marker->output_write_cursor, write_color );
play_color = 0xFFFFFFFF;
write_color = 0xFFFF0000;
top += pad_y + line_height;
bottom += pad_y + line_height;
debug_draw_sound_buffer_marker( sound_buffer, buffers_ratio, pad_x, pad_y, top, bottom, marker->output_location, play_color );
debug_draw_sound_buffer_marker( sound_buffer, buffers_ratio, pad_x, pad_y, top, bottom, marker->output_location + marker->output_byte_count, write_color );
play_color = 0xFFFFFFFF;
write_color = 0xFFFF0000;
top += pad_y + line_height;
bottom += pad_y + line_height;
debug_draw_sound_buffer_marker( sound_buffer, buffers_ratio, pad_x, pad_y, row_2_top, bottom, marker->expected_flip_cursor, expected_flip_color );
DWORD play_window = marker->flip_play_curosr + 480 * sound_buffer->bytes_per_sample;
debug_draw_sound_buffer_marker( sound_buffer, buffers_ratio, pad_x, pad_y, top, bottom, marker->flip_play_curosr, play_color );
debug_draw_sound_buffer_marker( sound_buffer, buffers_ratio, pad_x, pad_y, top, bottom, play_window, play_window_color );
debug_draw_sound_buffer_marker( sound_buffer, buffers_ratio, pad_x, pad_y, top, bottom, marker->flip_write_cursor, write_color );
internal void
init_sound(HWND window_handle, DirectSoundBuffer* sound_buffer )
// Load library
HMODULE sound_library = LoadLibraryA( "dsound.dll" );
if ( ! ensure(sound_library, "Failed to load direct sound library" ) )
// TOOD : Diagnostic
// Get direct sound object
direct_sound_create = get_procedure_from_library< DirectSoundCreateFn >( sound_library, "DirectSoundCreate" );
if ( ! ensure( direct_sound_create, "Failed to get direct_sound_create_procedure" ) )
// TOOD : Diagnostic
LPDIRECTSOUND direct_sound;
if ( ! SUCCEEDED(direct_sound_create( 0, & direct_sound, 0 )) )
// TODO : Diagnostic
if ( ! SUCCEEDED( direct_sound->SetCooperativeLevel(window_handle, DSSCL_PRIORITY) ) )
// TODO : Diagnostic
wave_format {};
wave_format.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; /* format type */
wave_format.nChannels = 2; /* number of channels (i.e. mono, stereo...) */
wave_format.nSamplesPerSec = scast(u32, sound_buffer->samples_per_second); /* sample rate */
wave_format.wBitsPerSample = 16; /* number of bits per sample of mono data */
wave_format.nBlockAlign = wave_format.nChannels * wave_format.wBitsPerSample / 8 ; /* block size of data */
wave_format.nAvgBytesPerSec = wave_format.nSamplesPerSec * wave_format.nBlockAlign; /* for buffer estimation */
wave_format.cbSize = 0; /* the count in bytes of the size of */
buffer_description { sizeof(buffer_description) };
buffer_description.dwFlags = DSBCAPS_PRIMARYBUFFER;
buffer_description.dwBufferBytes = 0;
if ( ! SUCCEEDED( direct_sound->CreateSoundBuffer( & buffer_description, & primary_buffer, 0 ) ))
// TODO : Diagnostic
if ( ! SUCCEEDED( primary_buffer->SetFormat( & wave_format ) ) )
// TODO : Diagnostic
buffer_description { sizeof(buffer_description) };
buffer_description.dwFlags = DSBCAPS_GETCURRENTPOSITION2;
buffer_description.dwBufferBytes = sound_buffer->secondary_buffer_size;
buffer_description.lpwfxFormat = & wave_format;
if ( ! SUCCEEDED( direct_sound->CreateSoundBuffer( & buffer_description, & sound_buffer->secondary_buffer, 0 ) ))
// TODO : Diagnostic
if ( ! SUCCEEDED( sound_buffer->secondary_buffer->SetFormat( & wave_format ) ) )
// TODO : Diagnostic
internal void
ds_clear_sound_buffer( DirectSoundBuffer* sound_buffer )
LPVOID region_1;
DWORD region_1_size;
LPVOID region_2;
DWORD region_2_size;
HRESULT ds_lock_result = sound_buffer->secondary_buffer->Lock( 0, sound_buffer->secondary_buffer_size
, & region_1, & region_1_size
, & region_2, & region_2_size
, 0 );
if ( ! SUCCEEDED( ds_lock_result ) )
u8* sample_out = rcast( u8*, region_1 );
for ( DWORD byte_index = 0; byte_index < region_1_size; ++ byte_index )
*sample_out = 0;
++ sample_out;
sample_out = rcast( u8*, region_2 );
for ( DWORD byte_index = 0; byte_index < region_2_size; ++ byte_index )
*sample_out = 0;
++ sample_out;
if ( ! SUCCEEDED( sound_buffer->secondary_buffer->Unlock( region_1, region_1_size, region_2, region_2_size ) ))
internal void
ds_fill_sound_buffer( DirectSoundBuffer* sound_buffer, DWORD byte_to_lock, DWORD bytes_to_write )
LPVOID region_1;
DWORD region_1_size;
LPVOID region_2;
DWORD region_2_size;
HRESULT ds_lock_result = sound_buffer->secondary_buffer->Lock( byte_to_lock, bytes_to_write
, & region_1, & region_1_size
, & region_2, & region_2_size
, 0 );
if ( ! SUCCEEDED( ds_lock_result ) )
// TODO : Assert that region sizes are valid
DWORD region_1_sample_count = region_1_size / sound_buffer->bytes_per_sample;
s16* sample_out = rcast( s16*, region_1 );
s16* sample_in = sound_buffer->samples;
for ( DWORD sample_index = 0; sample_index < region_1_sample_count; ++ sample_index )
*sample_out = *sample_in;
++ sample_out;
++ sample_in;
*sample_out = *sample_in;
++ sample_out;
++ sample_in;
++ sound_buffer->running_sample_index;
DWORD region_2_sample_count = region_2_size / sound_buffer->bytes_per_sample;
sample_out = rcast( s16*, region_2 );
for ( DWORD sample_index = 0; sample_index < region_2_sample_count; ++ sample_index )
*sample_out = *sample_in;
++ sample_out;
++ sample_in;
*sample_out = *sample_in;
++ sample_out;
++ sample_in;
++ sound_buffer->running_sample_index;
if ( ! SUCCEEDED( sound_buffer->secondary_buffer->Unlock( region_1, region_1_size, region_2, region_2_size ) ))
void process_audio_frame( DirectSoundBuffer& ds_sound_buffer, DWORD& ds_play_cursor, DWORD& ds_write_cursor, f32& ds_latency_ms
, b32& sound_is_valid
, AudioTimeMarker* audio_time_markers, u32 audio_marker_index
, f32 flip_to_audio_ms, u64 last_frame_clock
, engine::ModuleAPI& engine_api, engine::Memory* engine_memory, ModuleAPI* platform_api, engine::ThreadContext* thread_context_placeholder)
Audio Processing:
There is a sync boundary value, that is the number of samples that the engine's frame-time may vary by
(ex: approx 2ms of variance between frame-times).
On wakeup : Check play cursor position and forcast ahead where the cursor will be for the next sync boundary.
Based on that, check the write cursor position, if its (at least) before the synch boundary, the target write position is
the frame boundary plus one frame. (Low latency)
If its after (sync boundary), we cannot sync audio.
Write a frame's worth of audio plus some number of "guard" samples. (High Latency)
if ( ! SUCCEEDED( ds_sound_buffer.secondary_buffer->GetCurrentPosition( & ds_play_cursor, & ds_write_cursor ) ))
sound_is_valid = false;
if ( ! sound_is_valid )
ds_sound_buffer.running_sample_index = ds_write_cursor / ds_sound_buffer.bytes_per_sample;
sound_is_valid = true;
DWORD byte_to_lock = 0;
DWORD target_cursor = 0;
DWORD bytes_to_write = 0;
byte_to_lock = (ds_sound_buffer.running_sample_index * ds_sound_buffer.bytes_per_sample) % ds_sound_buffer.secondary_buffer_size;
DWORD bytes_per_second = ds_sound_buffer.bytes_per_sample * ds_sound_buffer.samples_per_second;
DWORD expected_samplebytes_per_frame = bytes_per_second / Engine_Refresh_Hz;
f32 left_until_flip_ms = Engine_Frame_Target_MS - flip_to_audio_ms;
DWORD expected_bytes_until_flip = scast(DWORD, (left_until_flip_ms / Engine_Frame_Target_MS) * scast(f32, expected_samplebytes_per_frame));
DWORD expected_sync_boundary_byte = ds_play_cursor + expected_bytes_until_flip;
DWORD sync_write_cursor = ds_write_cursor;
if ( sync_write_cursor < ds_play_cursor )
// unwrap the cursor so its ahead of the play curosr linearly.
sync_write_cursor += ds_sound_buffer.secondary_buffer_size;
assert( sync_write_cursor >= ds_play_cursor );
sync_write_cursor += ds_sound_buffer.guard_sample_bytes;
b32 audio_interface_is_low_latency = sync_write_cursor < expected_sync_boundary_byte;
if ( audio_interface_is_low_latency )
target_cursor = ( expected_sync_boundary_byte + expected_samplebytes_per_frame );
target_cursor = (ds_write_cursor + expected_samplebytes_per_frame + ds_sound_buffer.guard_sample_bytes);
target_cursor %= ds_sound_buffer.secondary_buffer_size;
if ( byte_to_lock > target_cursor)
// Infront of play cursor |--play--byte_to_write-->--|
bytes_to_write = ds_sound_buffer.secondary_buffer_size - byte_to_lock;
bytes_to_write += target_cursor;
// Behind play cursor |--byte_to_write-->--play--|
bytes_to_write = target_cursor - byte_to_lock;
// Engine Sound
// f32 delta_time = timing_get_seconds_elapsed( last_frame_clock, timing_get_wall_clock() );
// s16 samples[ 48000 * 2 ];
engine::AudioBuffer sound_buffer {};
sound_buffer.num_samples = bytes_to_write / ds_sound_buffer.bytes_per_sample;
sound_buffer.running_sample_index = ds_sound_buffer.running_sample_index;
sound_buffer.samples_per_second = ds_sound_buffer.samples_per_second;
sound_buffer.samples = ds_sound_buffer.samples;
engine_api.update_audio( 0.f, & sound_buffer, engine_memory, platform_api, thread_context_placeholder );
AudioTimeMarker* marker = & audio_time_markers[ audio_marker_index ];
marker->output_play_cursor = ds_play_cursor;
marker->output_write_cursor = ds_write_cursor;
marker->output_location = byte_to_lock;
marker->output_byte_count = bytes_to_write;
marker->expected_flip_cursor = expected_sync_boundary_byte;
// Update audio buffer
if ( ! sound_is_valid )
#if Build_Development && 0
#if 0
DWORD play_cursor;
DWORD write_cursor;
ds_sound_buffer.SecondaryBuffer->GetCurrentPosition( & play_cursor, & write_cursor );
DWORD unwrapped_write_cursor = ds_write_cursor;
if ( unwrapped_write_cursor < ds_play_cursor )
unwrapped_write_cursor += ds_sound_buffer.SecondaryBufferSize;
ds_cursor_byte_delta = unwrapped_write_cursor - ds_play_cursor;
constexpr f32 to_milliseconds = 1000.f;
f32 sample_delta = scast(f32, ds_cursor_byte_delta) / scast(f32, ds_sound_buffer.BytesPerSample);
f32 ds_latency_s = sample_delta / scast(f32, ds_sound_buffer.SamplesPerSecond);
ds_latency_ms = ds_latency_s * to_milliseconds;
char text_buffer[256];
sprintf_s( text_buffer, sizeof(text_buffer), "BTL:%u TC:%u BTW:%u - PC:%u WC:%u DELTA:%u bytes %f ms\n"
, (u32)byte_to_lock, (u32)target_cursor, (u32)bytes_to_write
, (u32)play_cursor, (u32)write_cursor, (u32)ds_cursor_byte_delta, ds_latency_ms );
OutputDebugStringA( text_buffer );
ds_fill_sound_buffer( & ds_sound_buffer, byte_to_lock, bytes_to_write );
DWORD ds_status = 0;
if ( SUCCEEDED( ds_sound_buffer.secondary_buffer->GetStatus( & ds_status ) ) )
ds_sound_buffer.is_playing = ds_status & DSBSTATUS_PLAYING;
if ( ds_sound_buffer.is_playing )
ds_sound_buffer.secondary_buffer->Play( 0, 0, DSBPLAY_LOOPING );