
1108 lines
32 KiB

#include "platform/platform.hpp"
#include "engine/engine.hpp"
#include "engine/engine_to_platform_api.hpp"
#include "engine/gen/engine_symbols.gen.hpp"
#include "win32.hpp"
#include "jsl.hpp"
TODO : This is not a final platform layer
- Saved game locations
- Getting a handle to our own executable file
- Asset loading path
- Threading (launch a thread)
- Raw Input (support for multiple keyboards)
- ClipCursor() (for multimonitor support)
- QueryCancelAutoplay
- WM_ACTIVATEAPP (for when not active)
- Blit speed improvemnts (BitBlt)
- Hardware acceleration ( OpenGL or Direct3D or both )
- GetKeyboardLayout (for French keyboards, international WASD support)
using namespace win32;
struct PlatformContext
// This is the "backbuffer" data related to the windowing surface provided by the operating system.
struct OffscreenBuffer
char _PAD_[4];
void* memory; // Lets use directly mess with the "pixel's memory buffer"
s32 width;
s32 height;
s32 pitch;
s32 bytes_per_pixel;
struct WinDimensions
u32 width;
u32 height;
#pragma region Static Data
global PlatformContext Platform_Context;
global StrPath Path_Root;
global StrPath Path_Binaries;
global StrPath Path_Content;
global StrPath Path_Scratch;
// TODO(Ed) : This is a global for now.
global b32 Running = false;
global b32 Show_Windows_Cursor;
global HCURSOR Windows_Cursor;
global WINDOWPLACEMENT Window_Position;
global WinDimensions Window_Dimensions;
global OffscreenBuffer Surface_Back_Buffer;
constexpr u64 Tick_To_Millisecond = 1000;
constexpr u64 Tick_To_Microsecond = 1000 * 1000;
global u64 Performance_Counter_Frequency;
// As of 2023 the highest refreshrate on the market is 500 hz. I'll just make this higher if something comes out beyond that...
constexpr u32 Monitor_Refresh_Max_Supported = 500;
// Anything at or below the high performance frame-time is too low latency to sleep against the window's scheduler.
constexpr f32 High_Perf_Frametime_MS = 1000.f / 240.f;
global u32 Monitor_Refresh_Hz = 60;
global u32 Engine_Refresh_Hz = Monitor_Refresh_Hz;
global f32 Engine_Frame_Target_MS = 1000.f / scast(f32, Engine_Refresh_Hz);
#pragma endregion Static Data
void impl_congrats( char const* message )
JslSetLightColour( 0, (255 << 16) | (215 << 8) );
MessageBoxA( 0, message, "Congratulations!", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION );
JslSetLightColour( 0, (255 << 8 ) );
FILETIME file_get_last_write_time( char const* path )
WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA engine_dll_file_attributes = {};
GetFileAttributesExA( path, GetFileExInfoStandard, & engine_dll_file_attributes );
return engine_dll_file_attributes.ftLastWriteTime;
#pragma region Timing
inline f32
timing_get_ms_elapsed( u64 start, u64 end )
assert( end - start );
u64 delta = (end - start) * Tick_To_Millisecond;
f32 result = scast(f32, delta) / scast(f32, Performance_Counter_Frequency);
return result;
inline f32
timing_get_seconds_elapsed( u64 start, u64 end )
assert( end > start );
u64 delta = end - start;
f32 result = scast(f32, delta) / scast(f32, Performance_Counter_Frequency);
return result;
inline f32
timing_get_us_elapsed( u64 start, u64 end )
assert( end - start );
u64 delta = (end - start) * Tick_To_Microsecond;
f32 result = scast(f32, delta) / scast(f32, Performance_Counter_Frequency);
return result;
inline u64
u64 clock;
QueryPerformanceCounter( rcast( LARGE_INTEGER*, & clock) );
return clock;
#pragma endregion Timing
#include "win32_audio.cpp"
#include "win32_input.cpp"
#include "platform/win32/win32_platform_api.cpp"
#pragma region Windows Sandbox Interface
void toggle_fullscreen( HWND window_handle )
// Note(Ed) : Follows: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20100412-00/?p=14353
DWORD style = GetWindowLongA( window_handle, GWL_STYLE );
HMONITOR monitor_handle = MonitorFromWindow( window_handle, MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY );
if ( GetWindowPlacement( window_handle, & Window_Position )
&& GetMonitorInfoA( monitor_handle, & info ) )
SetWindowLongA( window_handle, GWL_STYLE, style & ~WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW );
SetWindowPos( window_handle, HWND_TOP
, info.rcMonitor.left, info.rcMonitor.top
, info.rcWork.right - info.rcMonitor.left, info.rcMonitor.bottom - info.rcMonitor.top
SetWindowLongA( window_handle, GWL_STYLE , style | WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW );
SetWindowPlacement( window_handle, & Window_Position );
SetWindowPos( window_handle, NULL
, 0, 0, 0, 0
internal WinDimensions
get_window_dimensions( HWND window_handle )
RECT client_rect;
GetClientRect( window_handle, & client_rect );
WinDimensions result;
result.width = client_rect.right - client_rect.left;
result.height = client_rect.bottom - client_rect.top;
return result;
internal void
display_buffer_in_window( HDC device_context, s32 window_width, s32 window_height, OffscreenBuffer* buffer
, s32 x, s32 y
, s32 width, s32 height )
if ( (window_width % buffer->width ) == 0
&& (window_height % buffer->height) == 0 )
// TODO(Ed) : Aspect ratio correction
StretchDIBits( device_context
, 0, 0, window_width, window_height
, 0, 0, buffer->width, buffer->height
, buffer->memory, & buffer->info
, DIB_ColorTable_RGB, RO_Source_To_Dest );
s32 offset_x = 0;
s32 offset_y = 0;
if ( window_width > buffer->width )
offset_x = (window_width - buffer->width) / 2;
if ( window_height > buffer->height )
offset_y = (window_height - buffer->height) / 2;
PatBlt( device_context
, 0, 0
, window_width, offset_y
PatBlt( device_context
, 0, 0
, offset_x, window_height
PatBlt( device_context
, offset_x + buffer->width, 0
, window_width, window_height
PatBlt( device_context
, 0, offset_y + buffer->height
, window_width, window_height
// TODO(Ed) : Aspect ratio correction
StretchDIBits( device_context
#if 0
, x, y, width, height
, x, y, width, height
, offset_x, offset_y, buffer->width, buffer->height
// , 0, 0, window_width, window_height
, 0, 0, buffer->width, buffer->height
, buffer->memory, & buffer->info
, DIB_ColorTable_RGB, RO_Source_To_Dest );
internal void
resize_dib_section( OffscreenBuffer* buffer, u32 width, u32 height )
// TODO(Ed) : Bulletproof memory handling here for the bitmap memory
if ( buffer->memory )
VirtualFree( buffer->memory, 0, MEM_RELEASE );
buffer->width = width;
buffer->height = height;
buffer->bytes_per_pixel = 4;
buffer->pitch = buffer->width * buffer->bytes_per_pixel;
// Negative means top-down in the context of the biHeight
# define Top_Down -
header = buffer->info.bmiHeader;
header.biSize = sizeof( buffer->info.bmiHeader );
header.biWidth = buffer->width;
header.biHeight = Top_Down buffer->height;
header.biPlanes = 1;
header.biBitCount = 32; // Need 24, but want 32 ( alignment )
header.biCompression = BI_RGB_Uncompressed;
// header.biSizeImage = 0;
// header.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
// header.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
// header.biClrUsed = 0;
// header.biClrImportant = 0;
# undef Top_Down
// We want to "touch" a pixel on every 4-byte boundary
u32 BitmapMemorySize = (buffer->width * buffer->height) * buffer->bytes_per_pixel;
buffer->memory = VirtualAlloc( NULL, BitmapMemorySize, MEM_Commit_Zeroed | MEM_Reserve, Page_Read_Write );
// TODO(Ed) : Clear to black
main_window_callback( HWND handle
, UINT system_messages
, WPARAM w_param
, LPARAM l_param )
LRESULT result = 0;
switch ( system_messages )
if ( scast( bool, w_param ) == true )
SetLayeredWindowAttributes( handle, RGB(0, 0, 0), 255, LWA_Alpha );
// SetLayeredWindowAttributes( handle, RGB(0, 0, 0), 120, LWA_Alpha );
case WM_CLOSE:
// TODO(Ed) : Handle with a message to the user
Running = false;
// TODO(Ed) : Handle with as an error and recreate the window
Running = false;
case WM_PAINT:
HDC device_context = BeginPaint( handle, & info );
u32 x = info.rcPaint.left;
u32 y = info.rcPaint.top;
u32 width = info.rcPaint.right - info.rcPaint.left;
u32 height = info.rcPaint.bottom - info.rcPaint.top;
WinDimensions dimensions = get_window_dimensions( handle );
display_buffer_in_window( device_context, dimensions.width, dimensions.height, &Surface_Back_Buffer
, x, y
, width, height );
EndPaint( handle, & info );
// TODO(Ed) : Expose cursor toggling to engine via platform api (lets game control it for its ux purposes)
while (ShowCursor(FALSE) >= 0);
// Show the cursor when it's outside the window's client area (i.e., on the frame or elsewhere)
while (ShowCursor(TRUE) < 0);
if ( Show_Windows_Cursor )
// SetCursor( Windows_Cursor );
result = DefWindowProc( handle, system_messages, w_param, l_param );
case WM_SIZE:
result = DefWindowProc( handle, system_messages, w_param, l_param );
return result;
internal void
process_pending_window_messages( HWND window_handle, engine::KeyboardState* keyboard, engine::MousesState* mouse )
MSG window_msg_info;
while ( PeekMessageA( & window_msg_info, 0, 0, 0, PM_Remove_Messages_From_Queue ) )
if ( window_msg_info.message == WM_QUIT )
Running = false;
// Keyboard input handling
switch (window_msg_info.message)
// I rather do this with GetAsyncKeyState...
WPARAM vk_code = window_msg_info.wParam;
b32 is_down = scast(b32, (window_msg_info.lParam >> 31) == 0 );
b32 was_down = scast(b32, (window_msg_info.lParam >> 30) );
b32 alt_down = scast(b32, (window_msg_info.lParam & (1 << 29)) );
switch ( vk_code )
case VK_F4:
if ( alt_down )
Running = false;
case VK_F10:
// TODO(Ed) : Expose this feature via platform_api to engine. Let the game toggle via the its action binds.
if ( is_down )
toggle_fullscreen( window_handle );
// This captures the vertical scroll value
int verticalScroll = GET_WHEEL_DELTA_WPARAM(window_msg_info.wParam);
mouse->vertical_wheel.end += scast(f32, verticalScroll);
// This captures the horizontal scroll value
int horizontalScroll = GET_WHEEL_DELTA_WPARAM(window_msg_info.wParam);
mouse->horizontal_wheel.end += scast( f32, horizontalScroll);
TranslateMessage( & window_msg_info );
DispatchMessageW( & window_msg_info );
LONG WINAPI unhandled_exeception( EXCEPTION_POINTERS* exception_info )
if ( exception_info->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode == EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION )
congrats("Access violation detected! \n");
#pragma endregion Windows Sandbox Interface
#pragma region Engine Module
constexpr const Str FName_Engine_DLL = str_ascii("handmade_engine.dll");
constexpr const Str FName_Engine_DLL_InUse = str_ascii("handmade_engine_in_use.dll");
constexpr const Str FName_Engine_PDB_Lock = str_ascii("handmade_engine.pdb.lock");
global HMODULE Lib_Handmade_Engine = nullptr;
global StrFixed< S16_MAX > Path_Engine_DLL;
global StrFixed< S16_MAX > Path_Engine_DLL_InUse;
engine::ModuleAPI load_engine_module_api()
using ModuleAPI = engine::ModuleAPI;
CopyFileA( Path_Engine_DLL, Path_Engine_DLL_InUse, FALSE );
// Engine
Lib_Handmade_Engine = LoadLibraryA( Path_Engine_DLL_InUse );
if ( ! Lib_Handmade_Engine )
return {};
engine::ModuleAPI engine_api {};
engine_api.on_module_reload = get_procedure_from_library< engine::OnModuleRelaodFn > ( Lib_Handmade_Engine, engine::symbol_on_module_load );
engine_api.startup = get_procedure_from_library< engine::StartupFn > ( Lib_Handmade_Engine, engine::symbol_startup );
engine_api.shutdown = get_procedure_from_library< engine::ShutdownFn > ( Lib_Handmade_Engine, engine::symbol_shutdown );
engine_api.update_and_render = get_procedure_from_library< engine::UpdateAndRenderFn >( Lib_Handmade_Engine, engine::symbol_update_and_render );
engine_api.update_audio = get_procedure_from_library< engine::UpdateAudioFn > ( Lib_Handmade_Engine, engine::symbol_update_audio );
engine_api.IsValid =
&& engine_api.startup
&& engine_api.shutdown
&& engine_api.update_and_render
&& engine_api.update_audio;
if ( engine_api.IsValid )
OutputDebugStringA( "Loaded engine module API\n" );
else {
fatal( "Failed to load engine module API!\n" );
return engine_api;
void unload_engine_module_api( engine::ModuleAPI* engine_api )
if ( engine_api->IsValid )
FreeLibrary( Lib_Handmade_Engine );
*engine_api = {};
OutputDebugStringA( "Unloaded engine module API\n" );
#pragma endregion Engine Module
WinMain( HINSTANCE instance, HINSTANCE prev_instance, LPSTR commandline, int show_command )
using namespace win32;
using namespace platform;
#pragma region Startup
// Timing
#if Build_Development
u64 launch_clock = timing_get_wall_clock();
u64 launch_cycle = __rdtsc();
// Sets the windows scheduler granulaity for this process to 1 ms
constexpr u32 desired_scheduler_ms = 1;
b32 sleep_is_granular = ( timeBeginPeriod( desired_scheduler_ms ) == TIMERR_NOERROR );
// If its a high-perofmrance frame-time (a refresh rate that produces a target frametime at or below 4.16~ ms, we cannot allow the scheduler to mess things up)
b32 sub_ms_granularity_required = scast(f32, Engine_Refresh_Hz) <= High_Perf_Frametime_MS;
QueryPerformanceFrequency( rcast(LARGE_INTEGER*, & Performance_Counter_Frequency) );
// Setup pathing
StrFixed< S16_MAX > path_pdb_lock {};
// TODO(Ed): This will not support long paths, NEEDS to be changed to support long paths.
char path_buffer[S16_MAX];
GetModuleFileNameA( 0, path_buffer, sizeof(path_buffer) );
if ( GetCurrentDirectoryA( S16_MAX, Path_Binaries ) == 0 )
fatal( "Failed to get the root directory!" );
Path_Binaries.len = str_length( Path_Binaries );
Path_Binaries[ Path_Binaries.len ] = '\\';
++ Path_Binaries.len;
if ( SetCurrentDirectoryA( ".." ) == 0 )
fatal( "Failed to set current directory to root!");
if ( GetCurrentDirectoryA( S16_MAX, Path_Root.ptr ) == 0 )
fatal( "Failed to get the root directory!" );
Path_Root.len = str_length(Path_Root.ptr);
Path_Root.ptr[ Path_Root.len ] = '\\';
++ Path_Root.len;
Path_Engine_DLL. concat( Path_Binaries, FName_Engine_DLL );
Path_Engine_DLL_InUse.concat( Path_Binaries, FName_Engine_DLL_InUse );
path_pdb_lock.concat( Path_Binaries, FName_Engine_PDB_Lock );
Path_Scratch.concat( Path_Root, str_ascii("scratch") );
Path_Scratch.ptr[ Path_Scratch.len ] = '\\';
++ Path_Scratch.len;
CreateDirectoryA( Path_Scratch, 0 );
Path_Content.concat( Path_Root, str_ascii("content") );
Path_Content.ptr[ Path_Content.len ] = '\\';
++ Path_Content.len;
// Memory
engine::Memory engine_memory {};
engine_memory.persistent_size = megabytes( 128 );
// engine_memory.FrameSize = megabytes( 64 );
engine_memory.transient_size = gigabytes( 2 );
u64 total_size = engine_memory.persistent_size
// + engine_memory.FrameSize
+ engine_memory.transient_size;
#if Build_Debug
void* base_address = rcast(void*, terabytes( 1 ));
void* base_address = 0;
engine_memory.persistent = rcast( Byte*, VirtualAlloc( base_address, total_size , MEM_Commit_Zeroed | MEM_Reserve, Page_Read_Write ));
engine_memory.transient = rcast( Byte*, engine_memory.persistent ) + engine_memory.persistent_size;
#if Build_Development
// First slot is for restore
for (u32 slot = 0; slot < engine_memory.Num_Snapshot_Slots; ++slot)
engine::MemorySnapshot& snapshot = engine_memory.snapshots[ slot ];
snapshot.file_path.concat( Path_Scratch, str_ascii("snapshot_") );
wsprintfA( snapshot.file_path.ptr, "%s%d.hm_snapshot", snapshot.file_path.ptr, slot );
HANDLE snapshot_file = CreateFileA( snapshot.file_path
, OPEN_ALWAYS, 0, 0 );
LARGE_INTEGER file_size {};
file_size.QuadPart = total_size;
HANDLE snapshot_mapping = CreateFileMappingA( snapshot_file, 0
, Page_Read_Write
, file_size.HighPart, file_size.LowPart
, 0 );
if (!snapshot_mapping)
// Handle the error, perhaps log it or display a message
DWORD error = GetLastError();
char text[256];
wsprintfA(text, "FlushFileBuffers failed with error code: %lu\n", error);
congrats( text );
CloseHandle(snapshot_file); // Close the file handle before continuing
continue; // Skip the current iteration
snapshot.memory = MapViewOfFile( snapshot_mapping, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, total_size );
if (!snapshot.memory)
// Handle the error, perhaps log it or display a message
DWORD error = GetLastError();
char text[256];
wsprintfA(text, "FlushFileBuffers failed with error code: %lu\n", error);
congrats( text );
CloseHandle(snapshot_mapping); // Close the mapping handle
CloseHandle(snapshot_file); // Close the file handle
continue; // Skip the current iteration
snapshot.opaque_handle = snapshot_file;
snapshot.opaque_handle_2 = snapshot_mapping;
if ( engine_memory.persistent == nullptr
|| engine_memory.transient == nullptr )
// TODO : Diagnostic Logging
return -1;
WNDCLASSW window_class {};
HWND window_handle = nullptr;
b32 window_in_foreground = false;
window_class.style = CS_Horizontal_Redraw | CS_Vertical_Redraw;
window_class.lpfnWndProc = main_window_callback;
// window_class.cbClsExtra = ;
// window_class.cbWndExtra = ;
window_class.hInstance = instance;
// window_class.hIcon = ;
window_class.hCursor = LoadCursorW( 0, IDC_ARROW );
// window_class.hbrBackground = ;
window_class.lpszMenuName = L"Handmade Hero!";
window_class.lpszClassName = L"HandmadeHeroWindowClass";
Show_Windows_Cursor = true;
Windows_Cursor = LoadCursorW( 0, IDC_CROSS );
Window_Position = {sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT)};
if ( ! RegisterClassW( & window_class ) )
// TODO : Diagnostic Logging
return 0;
window_handle = CreateWindowExW(
L"Handmade Hero",
WS_Overlapped_Window | WS_Initially_Visible,
300, 300, // x, y
1280, 720, // width, height
0, 0, // parent, menu
instance, 0 // instance, param
if ( ! window_handle )
// TODO : Diagnostic Logging
return 0;
// WinDimensions dimensions = get_window_dimensions( window_handle );
resize_dib_section( &Surface_Back_Buffer, 1280, 720 );
// Setup monitor refresh and associated timers
HDC refresh_dc = GetDC( window_handle );
u32 monitor_refresh_hz = GetDeviceCaps( refresh_dc, VREFRESH );
if ( monitor_refresh_hz > 1 )
Monitor_Refresh_Hz = monitor_refresh_hz;
ReleaseDC( window_handle, refresh_dc );
Engine_Refresh_Hz = monitor_refresh_hz;
Engine_Frame_Target_MS = 1000.f / scast(f32, Engine_Refresh_Hz);
// Prepare platform API
ModuleAPI platform_api {};
platform_api.path_root = Path_Root;
platform_api.path_binaries = Path_Binaries;
platform_api.path_content = Path_Content;
platform_api.path_scratch = Path_Scratch;
#if Build_Development
platform_api.debug_set_pause_rendering = & debug_set_pause_rendering;
platform_api.get_wall_clock = & timing_get_wall_clock;
// Not implemented yet
platform_api.get_monitor_refresh_rate = nullptr;
platform_api.set_monitor_refresh_rate = nullptr;
platform_api.get_engine_frame_target = nullptr;
platform_api.set_engine_frame_target = nullptr;
platform_api.load_binary_module = & load_binary_module;
platform_api.unload_binary_module = & unload_binary_module;
platform_api.get_module_procedure = & get_binary_module_symbol;
platform_api.file_check_exists = & file_check_exists;
platform_api.file_close = & file_close;
platform_api.file_delete = & file_delete;
platform_api.file_read_content = & file_read_content;
platform_api.file_read_stream = & file_read_stream;
platform_api.file_rewind = & file_rewind;
platform_api.file_write_content = & file_write_content;
platform_api.file_write_stream = & file_write_stream;
platform_api.memory_copy = & memory_copy;
// Load engine module
FILETIME engine_api_load_time = file_get_last_write_time( Path_Engine_DLL );
engine::ModuleAPI engine_api = load_engine_module_api();
b32 sound_is_valid = false;
DWORD ds_cursor_byte_delta = 0;
f32 ds_latency_ms = 0;
DirectSoundBuffer ds_sound_buffer;
u32 audio_marker_index = 0;
AudioTimeMarker audio_time_markers[ Monitor_Refresh_Max_Supported ] {};
u32 audio_time_markers_size = Engine_Refresh_Hz / 2;
assert( audio_time_markers_size <= Monitor_Refresh_Max_Supported )
ds_sound_buffer.is_playing = 0;
ds_sound_buffer.samples_per_second = 48000;
ds_sound_buffer.bytes_per_sample = sizeof(s16) * 2;
ds_sound_buffer.secondary_buffer_size = ds_sound_buffer.samples_per_second * ds_sound_buffer.bytes_per_sample;
init_sound( window_handle, & ds_sound_buffer );
ds_sound_buffer.samples = rcast( s16*, VirtualAlloc( 0, 48000 * 2 * sizeof(s16)
, MEM_Commit_Zeroed | MEM_Reserve, Page_Read_Write ));
assert( ds_sound_buffer.samples );
ds_sound_buffer.running_sample_index = 0;
// ds_clear_sound_buffer( & sound_output );
ds_sound_buffer.secondary_buffer->Play( 0, 0, DSBPLAY_LOOPING );
ds_sound_buffer.bytes_per_second = ds_sound_buffer.samples_per_second * ds_sound_buffer.bytes_per_sample;
ds_sound_buffer.guard_sample_bytes = (ds_sound_buffer.bytes_per_second / Engine_Refresh_Hz) / 2;
// TODO(Ed): When switching to core audio at minimum, this will be 1 ms of lag and guard samples wont really be needed.
u32 min_guard_sample_bytes = 1540;
if ( ds_sound_buffer.guard_sample_bytes < min_guard_sample_bytes )
ds_sound_buffer.guard_sample_bytes = min_guard_sample_bytes;
engine::InputState input {};
// There can be 4 of any of each input API type : KB & Mouse, XInput, JSL.
#if 0
using EngineKeyboardStates = engine::KeyboardState[ Max_Controllers ];
EngineKeyboardStates* old_keyboards = & keyboard_states[0];
EngineKeyboardStates* new_keyboards = & keyboard_states[1];
EngineKeyboardStates keyboard_states[2] {};
engine::KeyboardState keyboard_states[2] {};
engine::KeyboardState* old_keyboard = & keyboard_states[0];
engine::KeyboardState* new_keyboard = & keyboard_states[1];
// Important: Assuming keyboard always connected for now, and assigning to first controller.
engine::MousesState mouse_states[2] {};
engine::MousesState* old_mouse = & mouse_states[0];
engine::MousesState* new_mouse = & mouse_states[1];
EngineXInputPadStates xpad_states[2] {};
EngineXInputPadStates* old_xpads = & xpad_states[0];
EngineXInputPadStates* new_xpads = & xpad_states[1];
EngineDSPadStates ds_pad_states[2] {};
EngineDSPadStates* old_ds_pads = & ds_pad_states[0];
EngineDSPadStates* new_ds_pads = & ds_pad_states[1];
u32 jsl_num_devices = JslConnectDevices();
JSL_DeviceHandle jsl_device_handles[4] {};
u32 jsl_getconnected_found = JslGetConnectedDeviceHandles( jsl_device_handles, jsl_num_devices );
if ( jsl_getconnected_found != jsl_num_devices )
OutputDebugStringA( "Error: JSLGetConnectedDeviceHandles didn't find as many as were stated with JslConnectDevices\n");
if ( jsl_num_devices > 0 )
OutputDebugStringA( "JSL Connected Devices:\n" );
for ( u32 jsl_device_index = 0; jsl_device_index < jsl_num_devices; ++ jsl_device_index )
JslSetLightColour( jsl_device_handles[ jsl_device_index ], (255 << 8) );
if ( jsl_num_devices > 4 )
jsl_num_devices = 4;
MessageBoxA( window_handle, "More than 4 JSL devices found, this engine will only support the first four found."
// Populate an initial polling state for the inputs
poll_input( window_handle, & input, jsl_num_devices, jsl_device_handles
, old_keyboard, new_keyboard
, old_mouse, new_mouse
, old_xpads, new_xpads
, old_ds_pads, new_ds_pads );
engine_api.startup( rcast(engine::OffscreenBuffer*, & Surface_Back_Buffer.memory), & engine_memory, & platform_api );
u64 last_frame_clock = timing_get_wall_clock();
u64 last_frame_cycle = __rdtsc();
u64 flip_wall_clock = last_frame_clock;
#if Build_Development
u64 startup_cycles = last_frame_cycle - launch_cycle;
f32 startup_ms = timing_get_ms_elapsed( launch_clock, last_frame_clock );
char text_buffer[256];
sprintf_s( text_buffer, sizeof(text_buffer), "Startup MS: %f\n", startup_ms );
OutputDebugStringA( text_buffer );
#pragma endregion Startup
// Placeholder
engine::ThreadContext thread_context_placeholder {};
Running = true;
#if 0
// This tests the play & write cursor update frequency.
while ( Running )
DWORD play_cursor;
DWORD write_cursor;
ds_sound_buffer.SecondaryBuffer->GetCurrentPosition( & play_cursor, & write_cursor );
char text_buffer[256];
sprintf_s( text_buffer, sizeof(text_buffer), "PC:%u WC:%u\n", (u32)play_cursor, (u32)write_cursor );
OutputDebugStringA( text_buffer );
while( Running )
f32 delta_time = Engine_Frame_Target_MS / 1000.f;
window_in_foreground = ( GetForegroundWindow() == window_handle );
// Engine Module Hot-Reload
do {
FILETIME engine_api_current_time = file_get_last_write_time( Path_Engine_DLL );
if ( CompareFileTime( & engine_api_load_time, & engine_api_current_time ) == 0 )
WIN32_FIND_DATAA lock_file_info = {};
HANDLE lock_file = FindFirstFileA( path_pdb_lock, & lock_file_info );
if ( lock_file != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
FindClose( lock_file );
Sleep( 1 );
engine_api_load_time = engine_api_current_time;
unload_engine_module_api( & engine_api );
engine_api = load_engine_module_api();
engine_api.on_module_reload( & engine_memory, & platform_api );
} while (0);
if ( window_in_foreground )
// Swapping at the beginning of the input frame instead of the end.
swap( old_keyboard, new_keyboard );
swap( old_mouse, new_mouse );
swap( old_xpads, new_xpads );
swap( old_ds_pads, new_ds_pads );
poll_input( window_handle, & input, jsl_num_devices, jsl_device_handles
, old_keyboard, new_keyboard
, old_mouse, new_mouse
, old_xpads, new_xpads
, old_ds_pads, new_ds_pads );
keyboard_states[0] = {};
keyboard_states[1] = {};
mouse_states[0] = {};
mouse_states[0] = {};
for ( s32 id = 0; id < Max_Controllers; ++ id )
xpad_states[0][ id ] = {};
xpad_states[1][ id ] = {};
ds_pad_states[0][ id ] = {};
ds_pad_states[1][ id ] = {};
process_pending_window_messages( window_handle, new_keyboard, new_mouse );
// f32 delta_time = timing_get_seconds_elapsed( last_frame_clock, timing_get_wall_clock() );
// Engine's logical iteration and rendering process
engine_api.update_and_render( delta_time, & input, rcast(engine::OffscreenBuffer*, & Surface_Back_Buffer.memory )
, & engine_memory, & platform_api, & thread_context_placeholder );
u64 audio_frame_start = timing_get_wall_clock();
f32 flip_to_audio_ms = timing_get_ms_elapsed( flip_wall_clock, audio_frame_start );
DWORD ds_play_cursor;
DWORD ds_write_cursor;
process_audio_frame( ds_sound_buffer, ds_play_cursor, ds_write_cursor, ds_latency_ms
, sound_is_valid
, audio_time_markers, audio_marker_index
, flip_to_audio_ms, last_frame_clock
, engine_api, & engine_memory, & platform_api, & thread_context_placeholder );
// Timing Update
u64 work_frame_end_cycle = __rdtsc();
u64 work_frame_end_clock = timing_get_wall_clock();
f32 work_frame_ms = timing_get_ms_elapsed( last_frame_clock, work_frame_end_clock ); // WorkSecondsElapsed
f32 work_cycles = timing_get_ms_elapsed( last_frame_cycle, work_frame_end_cycle );
f32 frame_elapsed_ms = work_frame_ms; // SecondsElapsedForFrame
if ( frame_elapsed_ms < Engine_Frame_Target_MS )
s32 sleep_ms = scast(DWORD, (Engine_Frame_Target_MS - frame_elapsed_ms)) - 1;
if ( sleep_ms > 0 && ! sub_ms_granularity_required && sleep_is_granular )
Sleep( scast(DWORD, sleep_ms) );
u64 frame_clock = timing_get_wall_clock();
frame_elapsed_ms = timing_get_ms_elapsed( last_frame_clock, frame_clock );
if ( frame_elapsed_ms < Engine_Frame_Target_MS )
// TODO(Ed) : Log missed sleep here.
while ( frame_elapsed_ms < Engine_Frame_Target_MS )
frame_clock = timing_get_wall_clock();
frame_elapsed_ms = timing_get_ms_elapsed( last_frame_clock, frame_clock );
// TODO(Ed) : Missed the display sync window!
last_frame_clock = timing_get_wall_clock(); // LastCouner
last_frame_cycle = __rdtsc();
// Update surface back buffer
if ( ! Pause_Rendering )
WinDimensions dimensions = get_window_dimensions( window_handle );
HDC device_context = GetDC( window_handle );
#if Build_Development && 0
// Note: debug_marker_index is wrong for the 0th index
debug_sync_display( & ds_sound_buffer
, audio_time_markers_size, audio_time_markers, audio_marker_index - 1
, Engine_Frame_Target_MS );
display_buffer_in_window( device_context, dimensions.width, dimensions.height, &Surface_Back_Buffer
, 0, 0
, dimensions.width, dimensions.height );
ReleaseDC( window_handle, device_context );
flip_wall_clock = timing_get_wall_clock();
#if Build_Development
// Audio Debug
DWORD play_cursor = 0;
DWORD write_cursor = 0;
if ( SUCCEEDED( ds_sound_buffer.secondary_buffer->GetCurrentPosition( & play_cursor, & write_cursor ) ) )
if ( ! sound_is_valid )
ds_sound_buffer.running_sample_index = write_cursor / ds_sound_buffer.bytes_per_sample;
sound_is_valid = true;
assert( audio_marker_index < audio_time_markers_size )
AudioTimeMarker* marker = & audio_time_markers[ audio_marker_index ];
marker->flip_play_curosr = play_cursor;
marker->flip_write_cursor = write_cursor;
#if Build_Development
if ( audio_marker_index >= audio_time_markers_size )
audio_marker_index = 0;
engine_api.shutdown( & engine_memory, & platform_api );
#if Build_Development
for ( s32 slot = 0; slot < engine_memory.Num_Snapshot_Slots; ++slot )
engine::MemorySnapshot& snapshot = engine_memory.snapshots[ slot ];
UnmapViewOfFile( snapshot.memory );
CloseHandle( snapshot.opaque_handle_2 );
CloseHandle( snapshot.opaque_handle );
unload_engine_module_api( & engine_api );
DeleteFileA( Path_Engine_DLL_InUse );
if ( jsl_num_devices > 0 )
for ( u32 jsl_device_index = 0; jsl_device_index < jsl_num_devices; ++ jsl_device_index )
JslSetLightColour( jsl_device_handles[ jsl_device_index ], 0 );
return 0;