#if GEN_TIME #define GEN_DEFINE_LIBRARY_CODE_CONSTANTS #define GEN_IMPLEMENTATION #define GEN_BENCHMARK #define GEN_ENFORCE_STRONG_CODE_TYPES #include "dependencies/gen.hpp" using namespace gen; #define path_gen "./gen/" int gen_main() { gen::init(); log_fmt("Generating code for Handmade Hero: Platform Module\n"); CodeComment generation_notice = def_comment( txt("This was generated by project/codegen/platform_gen.cpp") ); Builder builder = Builder::open( path_gen "context.gen.hpp"); builder.print( generation_notice ); builder.print( fmt_newline ); FileContents h_context = file_read_contents(GlobalAllocator, true, "context.hpp"); CodeBody code_context = parse_global_body( { h_context.size, rcast( char const*, h_context.data ) } ); CodeStruct context_struct = {}; for ( Code code : code_context ) { if ( code->Type == ECode::Struct ) { if ( str_compare( code->Name, txt("Context") ) == 0 ) { context_struct = code; break; } break; } } Array context_data_members = Array::init_reserve( GlobalAllocator, kilobytes( 1 ) ); for ( Code code : context_struct->Body ) { if ( code->Type == ECode::Variable ) { context_data_members.append( code ); } } CodeDefine using_context; { String using_context_content = String::make_reserve( GlobalAllocator, kilobytes( 1 ) ); { String content = using_context_content; content.append( "\\\n" ); for ( s32 id = 0; id < context_data_members.num() - 1; ++id ) { Code code = context_data_members[ id ]; content.append( code.to_string() ); // Default serializer inserts a newline at the end of the string, we need to insert a line continuation content[ content.length() - 1 ] = '\\'; content.append( "\n" ); } content.append( context_data_members[ context_data_members.num() - 1 ]->to_string() ); } using_context = def_define( txt("using_context()"), using_context_content ); } builder.print( using_context ); builder.write(); log_fmt("Generaton finished for Handmade Hero: Platform Module\n\n"); // gen::deinit(); return 0; } #endif