using GetSoundSampleValueFn = s16( EngineState* state, AudioBuffer* sound_buffer ); internal s16 square_wave_sample_value( EngineState* state, AudioBuffer* sound_buffer ) { s32 wave_period = sound_buffer->samples_per_second / state->wave_tone_hz; s32 sample_value = (sound_buffer->running_sample_index / (wave_period / 2) ) % 2 ? state->tone_volume : - state->tone_volume; return scast(s16, sample_value); } internal s16 sine_wave_sample_value( EngineState* state, AudioBuffer* sound_buffer ) { f32& time = state->sample_wave_sine_time; s32 wave_period = sound_buffer->samples_per_second / state->wave_tone_hz; // time = TAU * (f32)sound_buffer->RunningSampleIndex / (f32)SoundTest_WavePeriod; f32 sine_value = sinf( time ); s16 sample_value = scast(s16, sine_value * scast(f32, state->tone_volume)); time += TAU * 1.0f / scast(f32, wave_period ); if ( time > TAU ) { time -= TAU; } return sample_value; } internal void render_weird_graident(OffscreenBuffer* buffer, u32 x_offset, u32 y_offset ) { // TODO(Ed): See if with optimizer if buffer should be passed by value. struct Pixel { u8 Blue; u8 Green; u8 Red; u8 Alpha; }; u8* row = rcast( u8*, buffer->memory); local_persist float wildcard = 0; for ( u32 y = 0; y < buffer->height; ++ y ) { // u8* pixel = rcast(u8*, row); // Pixel* pixel = rcast( Pixel*, row ); u32* pixel = rcast(u32*, row); for ( u32 x = 0; x < buffer->width; ++ x ) { /* Pixel in memory: ----------------------------------------------- Pixel + 0 Pixel + 1 Pixel + 2 Pixel + 3 RR GG GG XX ----------------------------------------------- x86-64 : Little Endian Arch 0x XX BB GG RR */ #if 0 u8 blue = scast(u8, x + x_offset * u8(wildcard) % 256); u8 green = scast(u8, y + y_offset - u8(wildcard) % 128); u8 red = scast(u8, wildcard) % 256 - x * 0.4f; #else u8 red = scast(u8, y + y_offset); u8 green = scast(u8, x + x_offset); u8 blue = scast(u8, x + y_offset) - scast(u8, y + y_offset); // blue *= 2; #endif *pixel++ = u32(red/2 << 16) | u32(green/6 << 0) | blue/2 << 0; } wildcard += 0.5375f; row += buffer->pitch; } }