Baseline scripts setup

This commit is contained in:
Edward R. Gonzalez 2023-09-08 12:42:24 -04:00
parent 869107b017
commit 840d794f48
7 changed files with 406 additions and 0 deletions

scripts/build.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
Import-Module ./helpers/target_arch.psm1
$devshell = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'helpers/devshell.ps1'
$path_root = git rev-parse --show-toplevel
Push-Location $path_root
#region Arguments
$vendor = $null
$release = $null
[bool] $bootstrap = $false
[bool] $singleheader = $false
[bool] $test = $false
[array] $vendors = @( "clang", "msvc" )
# This is a really lazy way of parsing the args, could use actual params down the line...
if ( $args ) { $args | ForEach-Object {
switch ($_){
{ $_ -in $vendors } { $vendor = $_; break }
"release" { $release = $true }
"debug" { $release = $false }
#endregion Arguments
#region Configuration
if ($IsWindows) {
# This library was really designed to only run on 64-bit systems.
# (Its a development tool after all)
& $devshell -arch amd64
if ( $vendor -eq $null ) {
write-host "No vendor specified, assuming clang available"
$compiler = "clang"
if ( $release -eq $null ) {
write-host "No build type specified, assuming debug"
$release = $false
write-host "Building HandmadeHero with $vendor"
write-host "Build Type: $(if ($release) {"Release"} else {"Debug"} )"
function run-compiler
param( $compiler, $unit, $compiler_args )
write-host "`Compiling $unit"
write-host "Compiler config:"
$compiler_args | ForEach-Object {
write-host $_ -ForegroundColor Cyan
$time_taken = Measure-Command {
& $compiler $compiler_args 2>&1 | ForEach-Object {
$color = 'White'
switch ($_){
{ $_ -match "error" } { $color = 'Red' ; break }
{ $_ -match "warning" } { $color = 'Yellow'; break }
write-host `t $_ -ForegroundColor $color
if ( Test-Path($unit) ) {
write-host "$unit compile finished in $($time_taken.TotalMilliseconds) ms"
else {
write-host "Compile failed for $unit" -ForegroundColor Red
function run-linker
param( $linker, $binary, $linker_args )
write-host "`Linking $binary"
write-host "Linker config:"
$linker_args | ForEach-Object {
write-host $_ -ForegroundColor Cyan
$time_taken = Measure-Command {
& $linker $linker_args 2>&1 | ForEach-Object {
$color = 'White'
switch ($_){
{ $_ -match "error" } { $color = 'Red' ; break }
{ $_ -match "warning" } { $color = 'Yellow'; break }
write-host `t $_ -ForegroundColor $color
if ( Test-Path($binary) ) {
write-host "$binary linking finished in $($time_taken.TotalMilliseconds) ms"
else {
write-host "Linking failed for $binary" -ForegroundColor Red
if ( $vendor -match "clang" )
$flag_compile = '-c'
$flag_color_diagnostics = '-fcolor-diagnostics'
$flag_no_color_diagnostics = '-fno-color-diagnostics'
$flag_debug = '-g'
$flag_debug_codeview = '-gcodeview'
$flag_define = '-D'
$flag_preprocess = '-E'
$flag_include = '-I'
$flag_library = '-l'
$flag_library_path = '-L'
$flag_link_win = '-Wl,'
$flag_link_win_subsystem_console = '/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE'
$flag_link_win_machine_32 = '/MACHINE:X86'
$flag_link_win_machine_64 = '/MACHINE:X64'
$flag_link_win_debug = '/DEBUG'
$flag_link_win_pdb = '/PDB:'
$flag_link_win_path_output = '/OUT:'
$flag_no_optimization = '-O0'
$flag_path_output = '-o'
$flag_preprocess_non_intergrated = '-no-integrated-cpp'
$flag_profiling_debug = '-fdebug-info-for-profiling'
$flag_target_arch = '-target'
$flag_wall = '-Wall'
$flag_warning = '-W'
$flag_warning_as_error = '-Werror'
$flag_win_nologo = '/nologo'
$ignore_warning_ms_include = 'no-microsoft-include'
$target_arch = Get-TargetArchClang
$warning_ignores = @(
$libraries = @(
'Kernel32' # For Windows API
# 'msvcrt', # For the C Runtime (Dynamically Linked)
# 'libucrt',
'libcmt' # For the C Runtime (Static Linkage)
function build-simple
param( $includes, $unit, $executable )
Write-Host "build-simple: clang"
$object = $executable -replace '\.exe', '.obj'
$pdb = $executable -replace '\.exe', '.pdb'
$compiler_args = @(
$flag_target_arch, $target_arch,
( $flag_define + 'GEN_TIME' ),
( $flag_path_output + $object ),
( $flag_include + $includes )
if ( $release -eq $false ) {
$compiler_args += ( $flag_define + 'Build_Debug' )
$compiler_args += $flag_debug, $flag_debug_codeview, $flag_profiling_debug
$compiler_args += $flag_no_optimization
$warning_ignores | ForEach-Object {
$compiler_args += $flag_warning + $_
# $compiler_args += $flag_preprocess
$compiler_args += $flag_compile, $unit
run-compiler $compiler $unit $compiler_args
$linker_args = @(
$( $flag_link_win_path_output + $executable )
if ( $release -eq $false ) {
$linker_args += $flag_link_win_debug
$linker_args += $flag_link_win_pdb + $pdb
else {
$libraries | ForEach-Object {
$linker_args += $_ + '.lib'
$linker_args += $object
run-linker $linker $executable $linker_args
$compiler = 'clang++'
$linker = 'lld-link'
if ( $vendor -match "msvc" )
$flag_compile = '/c'
$flag_debug = '/Zi'
$flag_define = '/D'
$flag_include = '/I'
$flag_full_src_path = '/FC'
$flag_nologo = '/nologo'
$flag_dll = '/LD'
$flag_dll_debug = '/LDd'
$flag_linker = '/link'
$flag_link_debug = '/DEBUG'
$flag_link_pdb = '/PDB:'
$flag_link_machine_32 = '/MACHINE:X86'
$flag_link_machine_64 = '/MACHINE:X64'
$flag_link_path_output = '/OUT:'
$flag_link_rt_dll = '/MD'
$flag_link_rt_dll_debug = '/MDd'
$flag_link_rt_static = '/MT'
$flag_link_rt_static_debug = '/MTd'
$flag_link_subsystem_console = '/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE'
$flag_link_subsystem_windows = '/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS'
$flag_no_optimization = '/Od'
$flag_out_name = '/OUT:'
$flag_path_interm = '/Fo'
$flag_path_debug = '/Fd'
$flag_path_output = '/Fe'
$flag_preprocess_conform = '/Zc:preprocessor'
# This works because this project uses a single unit to build
function build-simple
param( [array]$includes, [array]$compiler_args, [string]$unit, [string]$executable )
Write-Host "build-simple: msvc"
$object = $executable -replace '\.exe', '.obj'
$pdb = $executable -replace '\.exe', '.pdb'
$compiler_args += @(
( $flag_path_interm + $path_build + '\' ),
( $flag_path_output + $path_build + '\' )
if ( $release -eq $false ) {
$compiler_args += ( $flag_define + 'Build_Debug' )
$compiler_args += ( $flag_path_debug + $path_build + '\' )
$compiler_args += $flag_link_rt_static_debug
$compiler_args += $flag_no_optimization
else {
$compiler_args += $flag_link_rt_static
$compiler_args += $includes | ForEach-Object { $flag_include + $_ }
$compiler_args += $flag_compile, $unit
run-compiler $compiler $unit $compiler_args
$linker_args = @(
( $flag_link_path_output + $executable )
if ( $release -eq $false ) {
$linker_args += $flag_link_debug
$linker_args += $flag_link_pdb + $pdb
else {
$linker_args += $object
run-linker $linker $executable $linker_args
$compiler = 'cl'
$linker = 'link'
#endregion Configuration
$path_project = Join-Path $path_root 'project'
$path_build = Join-Path $path_project 'build'
$path_deps = Join-Path $path_project 'dependencies'
$update_deps = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'update_deps.ps1'
if ( (Test-Path $path_build) -eq $false ) {
New-Item $path_build -ItemType Directory
if ( (Test-Path $path_deps) -eq $false ) {
& $update_deps
$includes = @(
$unit = Join-Path $path_project 'sanity.cpp'
$executable = Join-Path $path_build 'sanity.exe'
$compile_args = @(
build-simple $includes $compiler_args $unit $executable

scripts/clean.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
$path_root = git rev-parse --show-toplevel
$path_project = join-path $path_root "project"
$path_dependencies = join-path $path_project "dependencies"
Remove-Item $path_dependencies -Recurse

View File

scripts/handmade.natvis Normal file
View File

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
if ($env:VCINSTALLDIR) {
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
# Use vswhere to find the latest Visual Studio installation
$vswhere_out = & "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe" -latest -property installationPath
if ($null -eq $vswhere_out) {
Write-Host "ERROR: Visual Studio installation not found"
exit 1
# Find Launch-VsDevShell.ps1 in the Visual Studio installation
$vs_path = $vswhere_out
$vs_devshell = Join-Path $vs_path "\Common7\Tools\Launch-VsDevShell.ps1"
if ( -not (Test-Path $vs_devshell) ) {
Write-Host "ERROR: Launch-VsDevShell.ps1 not found in Visual Studio installation"
Write-Host Tested path: $vs_devshell
exit 1
# Launch the Visual Studio Developer Shell
& $vs_devshell @args

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# target_arch.psm1
function Get-TargetArchClang {
# Get the target architecture by querying clang itself
$output = & clang -v 2>&1
foreach ($line in $output) {
if ($line -like "*Target:*") {
$clangTarget = ($line -split ':')[1].Trim()
return $clangTarget
throw "Clang target architecture could not be determined."
function Get-TargetArchMSVC {
# Assuming you've set the Visual Studio environment variables using `vcvarsall.bat`
# This looks for the `VSCMD_ARG_TGT_ARCH` environment variable which Visual Studio sets to indicate the target architecture.
$arch = $env:VSCMD_ARG_TGT_ARCH
if (-not $arch) {
throw "MSVC target architecture could not be determined. Ensure you've initialized the Visual Studio environment."
return $arch
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-TargetArchClang, Get-TargetArchMSVC

scripts/update_deps.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
# For now this just grabs gencpp
# Possibly the only thing it will ever grab
$path_root = git rev-parse --show-toplevel
$path_project = join-path $path_root "project"
$path_dependencies = join-path $path_project "dependencies"
$path_temp = join-path $path_dependencies "temp"
# Define the URL of the zip file and the destination directory
$url = ""
$destinationZip = join-path $path_temp ""
if ( Test-Path $path_dependencies -eq $false ) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $path_dependencies
if ( Test-Path $path_temp -eq $false ) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $path_temp
# Download the zip file
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -OutFile $destinationZip
# Extract the zip file to the specified directory
Expand-Archive -Path $destinationZip -DestinationPath $path_temp
# Move gen.hpp to the project directory
Move-Item -Path (join-path $path_temp "gen.hpp") -Destination $path_dependencies
Remove-Item $path_temp -Recurse