HandmadeHero/docs/Day 031.md

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2023-10-06 23:33:39 -07:00
# Day 31
This was really a prepatory day for day 32 so I did some extra stuff...
I setup codebase so now that the build translation unit files have every single file included for that unit explicitly.
I do not (or should not) have nested includes other than from `grime.hpp`
## Side Tracking
I did some refactoring and added `INTELLISENSE_DIRECTIVES` preprocessor conditional blocks throughout the codebase.
I wanted to see if I could get all IDE/Editors I've ever used to support the project without bad errors from parsing failures.
Unfortunately getting Visual Studio and Rider's intellisense to behave was not possible.
This is mostly from how the code is structured across files currently.
I'll have to re-sturcture it down the line to make it more IDE friendly.
10xEditor Needs help with the intellisense directives macros, but otherwise was able to parse everything quite accurately.
VSCode has some failures in few files, they are nearly the same failures as VS2022, however like 10xEditor I saw that it has include awareness beyond a single file's scope!
In fact, if I open all the files, the parser corrects itself (you can close them afterwards). It essentially cached the include graph for the project by doing so for the lifetime of the process.
VS2022 has issues due to it strictly parsing each file, without awareness of whats going on in other files.
(It doesn't build a proper include graph).
Rider just straight up broken, it seems to not work every well with NMake projects.
At least, you can't depend on it to use the external include directories field properly.
It will show errors for all external include symbols.