// This file was generated automatially by gencpp's bootstrap.cpp (See: https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp)

#include "gen.dep.hpp"

#ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-const-variable"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-pragmas"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wvarargs"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function"

#ifdef __GNUC__
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-pragmas"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wcomment"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
#if ! defined( GEN_DONT_ENFORCE_GEN_TIME_GUARD ) && ! defined( GEN_TIME )
#error Gen.hpp : GEN_TIME not defined

#pragma region Macros and Includes

#include <stdio.h>
// NOTE: Ensure we use standard methods for these calls if we use GEN_PICO
#if ! defined( GEN_MODULE_CORE )
#define _strlen                   strlen
#define _printf_err( fmt, ... )   fprintf( stderr, fmt, __VA_ARGS__ )
#define _printf_err_va( fmt, va ) vfprintf( stderr, fmt, va )
#define _strlen                   str_len
#define _printf_err( fmt, ... )   str_fmt_out_err( fmt, __VA_ARGS__ )
#define _printf_err_va( fmt, va ) str_fmt_out_err_va( fmt, va )
#include <errno.h>
#if defined( GEN_SYSTEM_UNIX ) || defined( GEN_SYSTEM_MACOS )
#include <unistd.h>
#elif defined( GEN_SYSTEM_WINDOWS )
#if ! defined( GEN_NO_WINDOWS_H )
#ifndef NOMINMAX
#define NOMINMAX
#include <windows.h>

#include <sys/stat.h>

#include <copyfile.h>

#include <windows.h>

#if defined( GEN_SYSTEM_WINDOWS ) && ! defined( GEN_COMPILER_GCC )
#include <io.h>

#if defined( GEN_SYSTEM_LINUX )
#include <sys/types.h>

// Timing includes
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>

#if defined( GEN_SYSTEM_MACOS )
#include <mach/mach.h>
#include <mach/mach_time.h>
#include <mach/clock.h>

#include <emscripten.h>

#if defined( GEN_SYSTEM_WINDOWS )
#include <timezoneapi.h>

#pragma endregion Macros and Includes


#pragma region Debug

void assert_handler( char const* condition, char const* file, s32 line, char const* msg, ... )
	_printf_err( "%s:(%d): Assert Failure: ", file, line );

	if ( condition )
		_printf_err( "`%s` \n", condition );

	if ( msg )
		va_list va;
		va_start( va, msg );
		_printf_err_va( msg, va );
		va_end( va );

	_printf_err( "%s", "\n" );

s32 assert_crash( char const* condition )
	GEN_PANIC( condition );
	return 0;

#if defined( GEN_SYSTEM_WINDOWS )
void process_exit( u32 code )
	ExitProcess( code );
#include <stdlib.h>

void process_exit( u32 code )
	exit( code );

#pragma endregion Debug

#pragma region String Ops

internal sw _scan_zpl_i64( const char* text, s32 base, s64* value )
	const char* text_begin = text;
	s64         result     = 0;
	b32         negative   = false;

	if ( *text == '-' )
		negative = true;

	if ( base == 16 && str_compare( text, "0x", 2 ) == 0 )
		text += 2;

	for ( ;; )
		s64 v;
		if ( char_is_digit( *text ) )
			v = *text - '0';
		else if ( base == 16 && char_is_hex_digit( *text ) )
			v = hex_digit_to_int( *text );

		result *= base;
		result += v;

	if ( value )
		if ( negative )
			result = -result;
		*value = result;

	return ( text - text_begin );

// TODO : Are these good enough for characters?
global const char _num_to_char_table[] =

s64 str_to_i64( const char* str, char** end_ptr, s32 base )
	sw  len;
	s64 value;

	if ( ! base )
		if ( ( str_len( str ) > 2 ) && ( str_compare( str, "0x", 2 ) == 0 ) )
			base = 16;
			base = 10;

	len = _scan_zpl_i64( str, base, &value );
	if ( end_ptr )
		*end_ptr = (char*)str + len;
	return value;

void i64_to_str( s64 value, char* string, s32 base )
	char* buf      = string;
	b32   negative = false;
	u64   v;

	if ( value < 0 )
		negative = true;
		value    = -value;

	v = zpl_cast( u64 ) value;
	if ( v != 0 )
		while ( v > 0 )
			*buf++  = _num_to_char_table[v % base];
			v      /= base;
		*buf++ = '0';
	if ( negative )
		*buf++ = '-';
	*buf = '\0';
	str_reverse( string );

void u64_to_str( u64 value, char* string, s32 base )
	char* buf = string;

	if ( value )
		while ( value > 0 )
			*buf++  = _num_to_char_table[value % base];
			value  /= base;
		*buf++ = '0';
	*buf = '\0';

	str_reverse( string );

f64 str_to_f64( const char* str, char** end_ptr )
	f64 result, value, sign, scale;
	s32 frac;

	while ( char_is_space( *str ) )

	sign = 1.0;
	if ( *str == '-' )
		sign = -1.0;
	else if ( *str == '+' )

	for ( value = 0.0; char_is_digit( *str ); str++ )
		value = value * 10.0 + ( *str - '0' );

	if ( *str == '.' )
		f64 pow10 = 10.0;
		while ( char_is_digit( *str ) )
			value += ( *str - '0' ) / pow10;
			pow10 *= 10.0;

	frac  = 0;
	scale = 1.0;
	if ( ( *str == 'e' ) || ( *str == 'E' ) )
		u32 exp;

		if ( *str == '-' )
			frac = 1;
		else if ( *str == '+' )

		for ( exp = 0; char_is_digit( *str ); str++ )
			exp = exp * 10 + ( *str - '0' );
		if ( exp > 308 )
			exp = 308;

		while ( exp >= 50 )
			scale *= 1e50;
			exp   -= 50;
		while ( exp >= 8 )
			scale *= 1e8;
			exp   -= 8;
		while ( exp > 0 )
			scale *= 10.0;
			exp   -= 1;

	result = sign * ( frac ? ( value / scale ) : ( value * scale ) );

	if ( end_ptr )
		*end_ptr = zpl_cast( char* ) str;

	return result;

#pragma endregion String Ops

#pragma region Printing

	GEN_FMT_MINUS    = bit( 0 ),
	GEN_FMT_PLUS     = bit( 1 ),
	GEN_FMT_ALT      = bit( 2 ),
	GEN_FMT_SPACE    = bit( 3 ),
	GEN_FMT_ZERO     = bit( 4 ),

	GEN_FMT_CHAR     = bit( 5 ),
	GEN_FMT_SHORT    = bit( 6 ),
	GEN_FMT_INT      = bit( 7 ),
	GEN_FMT_LONG     = bit( 8 ),
	GEN_FMT_LLONG    = bit( 9 ),
	GEN_FMT_SIZE     = bit( 10 ),
	GEN_FMT_INTPTR   = bit( 11 ),

	GEN_FMT_UNSIGNED = bit( 12 ),
	GEN_FMT_LOWER    = bit( 13 ),
	GEN_FMT_UPPER    = bit( 14 ),
	GEN_FMT_WIDTH    = bit( 15 ),

	GEN_FMT_DONE     = bit( 30 ),


struct _format_info
	s32 base;
	s32 flags;
	s32 width;
	s32 precision;

internal sw _print_string( char* text, sw max_len, _format_info* info, char const* str )
	sw    res = 0, len = 0;
	sw    remaining = max_len;
	char* begin     = text;

	if ( str == NULL && max_len >= 6 )
		res += str_copy_nulpad( text, "(null)", 6 );
		return res;

	if ( info && info->precision >= 0 )
		// Made the design decision for this library that precision is the length of the string.
		len = info->precision;
		len = str_len( str );

	if ( info && ( info->width == 0 && info->flags & GEN_FMT_WIDTH ) )
		return res;

	if ( info && ( info->width == 0 || info->flags & GEN_FMT_MINUS ) )
		if ( info->precision > 0 )
			len = info->precision < len ? info->precision : len;
		if ( res + len > max_len )
			return res;
		res  += str_copy_nulpad( text, str, len );
		text += res;

		if ( info->width > res )
			sw padding = info->width - len;

			char pad   = ( info->flags & GEN_FMT_ZERO ) ? '0' : ' ';
			while ( padding-- > 0 && remaining-- > 0 )
				*text++ = pad, res++;
		if ( info && ( info->width > res ) )
			sw   padding = info->width - len;
			char pad     = ( info->flags & GEN_FMT_ZERO ) ? '0' : ' ';
			while ( padding-- > 0 && remaining-- > 0 )
				*text++ = pad, res++;

		if ( res + len > max_len )
			return res;
		res += str_copy_nulpad( text, str, len );

	if ( info )
		if ( info->flags & GEN_FMT_UPPER )
			str_to_upper( begin );
		else if ( info->flags & GEN_FMT_LOWER )
			str_to_lower( begin );

	return res;

internal sw _print_char( char* text, sw max_len, _format_info* info, char arg )
	char str[2] = "";
	str[0]      = arg;
	return _print_string( text, max_len, info, str );

internal sw _print_repeated_char( char* text, sw max_len, _format_info* info, char arg )
	sw  res = 0;
	s32 rem = ( info ) ? ( info->width > 0 ) ? info->width : 1 : 1;
	res     = rem;
	while ( rem-- > 0 )
		*text++ = arg;

	return res;

internal sw _print_i64( char* text, sw max_len, _format_info* info, s64 value )
	char num[130];
	i64_to_str( value, num, info ? info->base : 10 );
	return _print_string( text, max_len, info, num );

internal sw _print_u64( char* text, sw max_len, _format_info* info, u64 value )
	char num[130];
	u64_to_str( value, num, info ? info->base : 10 );
	return _print_string( text, max_len, info, num );

internal sw _print_f64( char* text, sw max_len, _format_info* info, b32 is_hexadecimal, f64 arg )
	// TODO: Handle exponent notation
	sw    width, len, remaining = max_len;
	char* text_begin = text;

	if ( arg )
		u64 value;
		if ( arg < 0 )
			if ( remaining > 1 )
				*text = '-', remaining--;
			arg = -arg;
		else if ( info->flags & GEN_FMT_MINUS )
			if ( remaining > 1 )
				*text = '+', remaining--;

		value  = zpl_cast( u64 ) arg;
		len    = _print_u64( text, remaining, NULL, value );
		text  += len;

		if ( len >= remaining )
			remaining = min( remaining, 1 );
			remaining -= len;
		arg -= value;

		if ( info->precision < 0 )
			info->precision = 6;

		if ( ( info->flags & GEN_FMT_ALT ) || info->precision > 0 )
			s64 mult = 10;
			if ( remaining > 1 )
				*text = '.', remaining--;
			while ( info->precision-- > 0 )
				value  = zpl_cast( u64 )( arg * mult );
				len    = _print_u64( text, remaining, NULL, value );
				text  += len;
				if ( len >= remaining )
					remaining = min( remaining, 1 );
					remaining -= len;
				arg  -= zpl_cast( f64 ) value / mult;
				mult *= 10;
		if ( remaining > 1 )
			*text = '0', remaining--;
		if ( info->flags & GEN_FMT_ALT )
			if ( remaining > 1 )
				*text = '.', remaining--;

	width = info->width - ( text - text_begin );
	if ( width > 0 )
		char  fill = ( info->flags & GEN_FMT_ZERO ) ? '0' : ' ';
		char* end  = text + remaining - 1;
		len        = ( text - text_begin );

		for ( len = ( text - text_begin ); len--; )
			if ( ( text_begin + len + width ) < end )
				*( text_begin + len + width ) = *( text_begin + len );

		len   = width;
		text += len;
		if ( len >= remaining )
			remaining = min( remaining, 1 );
			remaining -= len;

		while ( len-- )
			if ( text_begin + len < end )
				text_begin[len] = fill;

	return ( text - text_begin );

neverinline sw str_fmt_va( char* text, sw max_len, char const* fmt, va_list va )
	char const* text_begin = text;
	sw          remaining  = max_len, res;

	while ( *fmt )
		_format_info info = { 0 };
		sw           len  = 0;
		info.precision    = -1;

		while ( *fmt && *fmt != '%' && remaining )
			*text++ = *fmt++;

		if ( *fmt == '%' )
				switch ( *++fmt )
					case '-' :
						info.flags |= GEN_FMT_MINUS;
					case '+' :
						info.flags |= GEN_FMT_PLUS;
					case '#' :
						info.flags |= GEN_FMT_ALT;
					case ' ' :
						info.flags |= GEN_FMT_SPACE;
					case '0' :
						info.flags |= ( GEN_FMT_ZERO | GEN_FMT_WIDTH );
					default :
						info.flags |= GEN_FMT_DONE;
			} while ( ! ( info.flags & GEN_FMT_DONE ) );

		// NOTE: Optional Width
		if ( *fmt == '*' )
			int width = va_arg( va, int );
			if ( width < 0 )
				info.flags |= GEN_FMT_MINUS;
				info.width  = -width;
				info.width = width;
			info.flags |= GEN_FMT_WIDTH;
			info.width = zpl_cast( s32 ) str_to_i64( fmt, zpl_cast( char** ) & fmt, 10 );
			if ( info.width != 0 )
				info.flags |= GEN_FMT_WIDTH;

		// NOTE: Optional Precision
		if ( *fmt == '.' )
			if ( *fmt == '*' )
				info.precision = va_arg( va, int );
				info.precision = zpl_cast( s32 ) str_to_i64( fmt, zpl_cast( char** ) & fmt, 10 );
			info.flags &= ~GEN_FMT_ZERO;

		switch ( *fmt++ )
			case 'h' :
				if ( *fmt == 'h' )
				{    // hh => char
					info.flags |= GEN_FMT_CHAR;
				{    // h => short
					info.flags |= GEN_FMT_SHORT;

			case 'l' :
				if ( *fmt == 'l' )
				{    // ll => long long
					info.flags |= GEN_FMT_LLONG;
				{    // l => long
					info.flags |= GEN_FMT_LONG;


			case 'z' :    // NOTE: zpl_usize
				info.flags |= GEN_FMT_UNSIGNED;
				// fallthrough
			case 't' :    // NOTE: zpl_isize
				info.flags |= GEN_FMT_SIZE;

			default :

		switch ( *fmt )
			case 'u' :
				info.flags |= GEN_FMT_UNSIGNED;
				// fallthrough
			case 'd' :
			case 'i' :
				info.base = 10;

			case 'o' :
				info.base = 8;

			case 'x' :
				info.base   = 16;
				info.flags |= ( GEN_FMT_UNSIGNED | GEN_FMT_LOWER );

			case 'X' :
				info.base   = 16;
				info.flags |= ( GEN_FMT_UNSIGNED | GEN_FMT_UPPER );

			case 'f' :
			case 'F' :
			case 'g' :
			case 'G' :
				len = _print_f64( text, remaining, &info, 0, va_arg( va, f64 ) );

			case 'a' :
			case 'A' :
				len = _print_f64( text, remaining, &info, 1, va_arg( va, f64 ) );

			case 'c' :
				len = _print_char( text, remaining, &info, zpl_cast( char ) va_arg( va, int ) );

			case 's' :
				len = _print_string( text, remaining, &info, va_arg( va, char* ) );

			case 'S' :
				String gen_str = String { va_arg( va, char* ) };

				info.precision = gen_str.length();
				len            = _print_string( text, remaining, &info, gen_str );

			case 'r' :
				len = _print_repeated_char( text, remaining, &info, va_arg( va, int ) );

			case 'p' :
				info.base   = 16;

			case '%' :
				len = _print_char( text, remaining, &info, '%' );

			default :


		if ( info.base != 0 )
			if ( info.flags & GEN_FMT_UNSIGNED )
				u64 value = 0;
				switch ( info.flags & GEN_FMT_INTS )
					case GEN_FMT_CHAR :
						value = zpl_cast( u64 ) zpl_cast( u8 ) va_arg( va, int );
					case GEN_FMT_SHORT :
						value = zpl_cast( u64 ) zpl_cast( u16 ) va_arg( va, int );
					case GEN_FMT_LONG :
						value = zpl_cast( u64 ) va_arg( va, unsigned long );
					case GEN_FMT_LLONG :
						value = zpl_cast( u64 ) va_arg( va, unsigned long long );
					case GEN_FMT_SIZE :
						value = zpl_cast( u64 ) va_arg( va, uw );
					case GEN_FMT_INTPTR :
						value = zpl_cast( u64 ) va_arg( va, uptr );
					default :
						value = zpl_cast( u64 ) va_arg( va, unsigned int );

				len = _print_u64( text, remaining, &info, value );
				s64 value = 0;
				switch ( info.flags & GEN_FMT_INTS )
					case GEN_FMT_CHAR :
						value = zpl_cast( s64 ) zpl_cast( s8 ) va_arg( va, int );
					case GEN_FMT_SHORT :
						value = zpl_cast( s64 ) zpl_cast( s16 ) va_arg( va, int );
					case GEN_FMT_LONG :
						value = zpl_cast( s64 ) va_arg( va, long );
					case GEN_FMT_LLONG :
						value = zpl_cast( s64 ) va_arg( va, long long );
					case GEN_FMT_SIZE :
						value = zpl_cast( s64 ) va_arg( va, uw );
					case GEN_FMT_INTPTR :
						value = zpl_cast( s64 ) va_arg( va, uptr );
					default :
						value = zpl_cast( s64 ) va_arg( va, int );

				len = _print_i64( text, remaining, &info, value );

		text += len;
		if ( len >= remaining )
			remaining = min( remaining, 1 );
			remaining -= len;

	*text++ = '\0';
	res     = ( text - text_begin );
	return ( res >= max_len || res < 0 ) ? -1 : res;

char* str_fmt_buf_va( char const* fmt, va_list va )
	local_persist thread_local char buffer[GEN_PRINTF_MAXLEN];
	str_fmt_va( buffer, size_of( buffer ), fmt, va );
	return buffer;

char* str_fmt_buf( char const* fmt, ... )
	va_list va;
	char*   str;
	va_start( va, fmt );
	str = str_fmt_buf_va( fmt, va );
	va_end( va );
	return str;

sw str_fmt_file_va( struct FileInfo* f, char const* fmt, va_list va )
	local_persist thread_local char buf[GEN_PRINTF_MAXLEN];
	sw                              len = str_fmt_va( buf, size_of( buf ), fmt, va );
	b32                             res = file_write( f, buf, len - 1 );    // NOTE: prevent extra whitespace
	return res ? len : -1;

sw str_fmt_file( struct FileInfo* f, char const* fmt, ... )
	sw      res;
	va_list va;
	va_start( va, fmt );
	res = str_fmt_file_va( f, fmt, va );
	va_end( va );
	return res;

sw str_fmt( char* str, sw n, char const* fmt, ... )
	sw      res;
	va_list va;
	va_start( va, fmt );
	res = str_fmt_va( str, n, fmt, va );
	va_end( va );
	return res;

sw str_fmt_out_va( char const* fmt, va_list va )
	return str_fmt_file_va( file_get_standard( EFileStandard_OUTPUT ), fmt, va );

sw str_fmt_out_err_va( char const* fmt, va_list va )
	return str_fmt_file_va( file_get_standard( EFileStandard_ERROR ), fmt, va );

sw str_fmt_out_err( char const* fmt, ... )
	sw      res;
	va_list va;
	va_start( va, fmt );
	res = str_fmt_out_err_va( fmt, va );
	va_end( va );
	return res;

#pragma endregion Printing

#pragma region Hashing

global u32 const _crc32_table[256] = {
	0x00000000, 0x77073096, 0xee0e612c, 0x990951ba, 0x076dc419, 0x706af48f, 0xe963a535, 0x9e6495a3, 0x0edb8832, 0x79dcb8a4, 0xe0d5e91e, 0x97d2d988, 0x09b64c2b,
	0x7eb17cbd, 0xe7b82d07, 0x90bf1d91, 0x1db71064, 0x6ab020f2, 0xf3b97148, 0x84be41de, 0x1adad47d, 0x6ddde4eb, 0xf4d4b551, 0x83d385c7, 0x136c9856, 0x646ba8c0,
	0xfd62f97a, 0x8a65c9ec, 0x14015c4f, 0x63066cd9, 0xfa0f3d63, 0x8d080df5, 0x3b6e20c8, 0x4c69105e, 0xd56041e4, 0xa2677172, 0x3c03e4d1, 0x4b04d447, 0xd20d85fd,
	0xa50ab56b, 0x35b5a8fa, 0x42b2986c, 0xdbbbc9d6, 0xacbcf940, 0x32d86ce3, 0x45df5c75, 0xdcd60dcf, 0xabd13d59, 0x26d930ac, 0x51de003a, 0xc8d75180, 0xbfd06116,
	0x21b4f4b5, 0x56b3c423, 0xcfba9599, 0xb8bda50f, 0x2802b89e, 0x5f058808, 0xc60cd9b2, 0xb10be924, 0x2f6f7c87, 0x58684c11, 0xc1611dab, 0xb6662d3d, 0x76dc4190,
	0x01db7106, 0x98d220bc, 0xefd5102a, 0x71b18589, 0x06b6b51f, 0x9fbfe4a5, 0xe8b8d433, 0x7807c9a2, 0x0f00f934, 0x9609a88e, 0xe10e9818, 0x7f6a0dbb, 0x086d3d2d,
	0x91646c97, 0xe6635c01, 0x6b6b51f4, 0x1c6c6162, 0x856530d8, 0xf262004e, 0x6c0695ed, 0x1b01a57b, 0x8208f4c1, 0xf50fc457, 0x65b0d9c6, 0x12b7e950, 0x8bbeb8ea,
	0xfcb9887c, 0x62dd1ddf, 0x15da2d49, 0x8cd37cf3, 0xfbd44c65, 0x4db26158, 0x3ab551ce, 0xa3bc0074, 0xd4bb30e2, 0x4adfa541, 0x3dd895d7, 0xa4d1c46d, 0xd3d6f4fb,
	0x4369e96a, 0x346ed9fc, 0xad678846, 0xda60b8d0, 0x44042d73, 0x33031de5, 0xaa0a4c5f, 0xdd0d7cc9, 0x5005713c, 0x270241aa, 0xbe0b1010, 0xc90c2086, 0x5768b525,
	0x206f85b3, 0xb966d409, 0xce61e49f, 0x5edef90e, 0x29d9c998, 0xb0d09822, 0xc7d7a8b4, 0x59b33d17, 0x2eb40d81, 0xb7bd5c3b, 0xc0ba6cad, 0xedb88320, 0x9abfb3b6,
	0x03b6e20c, 0x74b1d29a, 0xead54739, 0x9dd277af, 0x04db2615, 0x73dc1683, 0xe3630b12, 0x94643b84, 0x0d6d6a3e, 0x7a6a5aa8, 0xe40ecf0b, 0x9309ff9d, 0x0a00ae27,
	0x7d079eb1, 0xf00f9344, 0x8708a3d2, 0x1e01f268, 0x6906c2fe, 0xf762575d, 0x806567cb, 0x196c3671, 0x6e6b06e7, 0xfed41b76, 0x89d32be0, 0x10da7a5a, 0x67dd4acc,
	0xf9b9df6f, 0x8ebeeff9, 0x17b7be43, 0x60b08ed5, 0xd6d6a3e8, 0xa1d1937e, 0x38d8c2c4, 0x4fdff252, 0xd1bb67f1, 0xa6bc5767, 0x3fb506dd, 0x48b2364b, 0xd80d2bda,
	0xaf0a1b4c, 0x36034af6, 0x41047a60, 0xdf60efc3, 0xa867df55, 0x316e8eef, 0x4669be79, 0xcb61b38c, 0xbc66831a, 0x256fd2a0, 0x5268e236, 0xcc0c7795, 0xbb0b4703,
	0x220216b9, 0x5505262f, 0xc5ba3bbe, 0xb2bd0b28, 0x2bb45a92, 0x5cb36a04, 0xc2d7ffa7, 0xb5d0cf31, 0x2cd99e8b, 0x5bdeae1d, 0x9b64c2b0, 0xec63f226, 0x756aa39c,
	0x026d930a, 0x9c0906a9, 0xeb0e363f, 0x72076785, 0x05005713, 0x95bf4a82, 0xe2b87a14, 0x7bb12bae, 0x0cb61b38, 0x92d28e9b, 0xe5d5be0d, 0x7cdcefb7, 0x0bdbdf21,
	0x86d3d2d4, 0xf1d4e242, 0x68ddb3f8, 0x1fda836e, 0x81be16cd, 0xf6b9265b, 0x6fb077e1, 0x18b74777, 0x88085ae6, 0xff0f6a70, 0x66063bca, 0x11010b5c, 0x8f659eff,
	0xf862ae69, 0x616bffd3, 0x166ccf45, 0xa00ae278, 0xd70dd2ee, 0x4e048354, 0x3903b3c2, 0xa7672661, 0xd06016f7, 0x4969474d, 0x3e6e77db, 0xaed16a4a, 0xd9d65adc,
	0x40df0b66, 0x37d83bf0, 0xa9bcae53, 0xdebb9ec5, 0x47b2cf7f, 0x30b5ffe9, 0xbdbdf21c, 0xcabac28a, 0x53b39330, 0x24b4a3a6, 0xbad03605, 0xcdd70693, 0x54de5729,
	0x23d967bf, 0xb3667a2e, 0xc4614ab8, 0x5d681b02, 0x2a6f2b94, 0xb40bbe37, 0xc30c8ea1, 0x5a05df1b, 0x2d02ef8d,

u32 crc32( void const* data, sw len )
	sw        remaining;
	u32       result = ~( zpl_cast( u32 ) 0 );
	u8 const* c      = zpl_cast( u8 const* ) data;
	for ( remaining = len; remaining--; c++ )
		result = ( result >> 8 ) ^ ( _crc32_table[( result ^ *c ) & 0xff] );
	return ~result;

global u64 const _crc64_table[256] = {
	0x0000000000000000ull, 0x7ad870c830358979ull, 0xf5b0e190606b12f2ull, 0x8f689158505e9b8bull, 0xc038e5739841b68full, 0xbae095bba8743ff6ull,
	0x358804e3f82aa47dull, 0x4f50742bc81f2d04ull, 0xab28ecb46814fe75ull, 0xd1f09c7c5821770cull, 0x5e980d24087fec87ull, 0x24407dec384a65feull,
	0x6b1009c7f05548faull, 0x11c8790fc060c183ull, 0x9ea0e857903e5a08ull, 0xe478989fa00bd371ull, 0x7d08ff3b88be6f81ull, 0x07d08ff3b88be6f8ull,
	0x88b81eabe8d57d73ull, 0xf2606e63d8e0f40aull, 0xbd301a4810ffd90eull, 0xc7e86a8020ca5077ull, 0x4880fbd87094cbfcull, 0x32588b1040a14285ull,
	0xd620138fe0aa91f4ull, 0xacf86347d09f188dull, 0x2390f21f80c18306ull, 0x594882d7b0f40a7full, 0x1618f6fc78eb277bull, 0x6cc0863448deae02ull,
	0xe3a8176c18803589ull, 0x997067a428b5bcf0ull, 0xfa11fe77117cdf02ull, 0x80c98ebf2149567bull, 0x0fa11fe77117cdf0ull, 0x75796f2f41224489ull,
	0x3a291b04893d698dull, 0x40f16bccb908e0f4ull, 0xcf99fa94e9567b7full, 0xb5418a5cd963f206ull, 0x513912c379682177ull, 0x2be1620b495da80eull,
	0xa489f35319033385ull, 0xde51839b2936bafcull, 0x9101f7b0e12997f8ull, 0xebd98778d11c1e81ull, 0x64b116208142850aull, 0x1e6966e8b1770c73ull,
	0x8719014c99c2b083ull, 0xfdc17184a9f739faull, 0x72a9e0dcf9a9a271ull, 0x08719014c99c2b08ull, 0x4721e43f0183060cull, 0x3df994f731b68f75ull,
	0xb29105af61e814feull, 0xc849756751dd9d87ull, 0x2c31edf8f1d64ef6ull, 0x56e99d30c1e3c78full, 0xd9810c6891bd5c04ull, 0xa3597ca0a188d57dull,
	0xec09088b6997f879ull, 0x96d1784359a27100ull, 0x19b9e91b09fcea8bull, 0x636199d339c963f2ull, 0xdf7adabd7a6e2d6full, 0xa5a2aa754a5ba416ull,
	0x2aca3b2d1a053f9dull, 0x50124be52a30b6e4ull, 0x1f423fcee22f9be0ull, 0x659a4f06d21a1299ull, 0xeaf2de5e82448912ull, 0x902aae96b271006bull,
	0x74523609127ad31aull, 0x0e8a46c1224f5a63ull, 0x81e2d7997211c1e8ull, 0xfb3aa75142244891ull, 0xb46ad37a8a3b6595ull, 0xceb2a3b2ba0eececull,
	0x41da32eaea507767ull, 0x3b024222da65fe1eull, 0xa2722586f2d042eeull, 0xd8aa554ec2e5cb97ull, 0x57c2c41692bb501cull, 0x2d1ab4dea28ed965ull,
	0x624ac0f56a91f461ull, 0x1892b03d5aa47d18ull, 0x97fa21650afae693ull, 0xed2251ad3acf6feaull, 0x095ac9329ac4bc9bull, 0x7382b9faaaf135e2ull,
	0xfcea28a2faafae69ull, 0x8632586aca9a2710ull, 0xc9622c4102850a14ull, 0xb3ba5c8932b0836dull, 0x3cd2cdd162ee18e6ull, 0x460abd1952db919full,
	0x256b24ca6b12f26dull, 0x5fb354025b277b14ull, 0xd0dbc55a0b79e09full, 0xaa03b5923b4c69e6ull, 0xe553c1b9f35344e2ull, 0x9f8bb171c366cd9bull,
	0x10e3202993385610ull, 0x6a3b50e1a30ddf69ull, 0x8e43c87e03060c18ull, 0xf49bb8b633338561ull, 0x7bf329ee636d1eeaull, 0x012b592653589793ull,
	0x4e7b2d0d9b47ba97ull, 0x34a35dc5ab7233eeull, 0xbbcbcc9dfb2ca865ull, 0xc113bc55cb19211cull, 0x5863dbf1e3ac9decull, 0x22bbab39d3991495ull,
	0xadd33a6183c78f1eull, 0xd70b4aa9b3f20667ull, 0x985b3e827bed2b63ull, 0xe2834e4a4bd8a21aull, 0x6debdf121b863991ull, 0x1733afda2bb3b0e8ull,
	0xf34b37458bb86399ull, 0x8993478dbb8deae0ull, 0x06fbd6d5ebd3716bull, 0x7c23a61ddbe6f812ull, 0x3373d23613f9d516ull, 0x49aba2fe23cc5c6full,
	0xc6c333a67392c7e4ull, 0xbc1b436e43a74e9dull, 0x95ac9329ac4bc9b5ull, 0xef74e3e19c7e40ccull, 0x601c72b9cc20db47ull, 0x1ac40271fc15523eull,
	0x5594765a340a7f3aull, 0x2f4c0692043ff643ull, 0xa02497ca54616dc8ull, 0xdafce7026454e4b1ull, 0x3e847f9dc45f37c0ull, 0x445c0f55f46abeb9ull,
	0xcb349e0da4342532ull, 0xb1eceec59401ac4bull, 0xfebc9aee5c1e814full, 0x8464ea266c2b0836ull, 0x0b0c7b7e3c7593bdull, 0x71d40bb60c401ac4ull,
	0xe8a46c1224f5a634ull, 0x927c1cda14c02f4dull, 0x1d148d82449eb4c6ull, 0x67ccfd4a74ab3dbfull, 0x289c8961bcb410bbull, 0x5244f9a98c8199c2ull,
	0xdd2c68f1dcdf0249ull, 0xa7f41839ecea8b30ull, 0x438c80a64ce15841ull, 0x3954f06e7cd4d138ull, 0xb63c61362c8a4ab3ull, 0xcce411fe1cbfc3caull,
	0x83b465d5d4a0eeceull, 0xf96c151de49567b7ull, 0x76048445b4cbfc3cull, 0x0cdcf48d84fe7545ull, 0x6fbd6d5ebd3716b7ull, 0x15651d968d029fceull,
	0x9a0d8ccedd5c0445ull, 0xe0d5fc06ed698d3cull, 0xaf85882d2576a038ull, 0xd55df8e515432941ull, 0x5a3569bd451db2caull, 0x20ed197575283bb3ull,
	0xc49581ead523e8c2ull, 0xbe4df122e51661bbull, 0x3125607ab548fa30ull, 0x4bfd10b2857d7349ull, 0x04ad64994d625e4dull, 0x7e7514517d57d734ull,
	0xf11d85092d094cbfull, 0x8bc5f5c11d3cc5c6ull, 0x12b5926535897936ull, 0x686de2ad05bcf04full, 0xe70573f555e26bc4ull, 0x9ddd033d65d7e2bdull,
	0xd28d7716adc8cfb9ull, 0xa85507de9dfd46c0ull, 0x273d9686cda3dd4bull, 0x5de5e64efd965432ull, 0xb99d7ed15d9d8743ull, 0xc3450e196da80e3aull,
	0x4c2d9f413df695b1ull, 0x36f5ef890dc31cc8ull, 0x79a59ba2c5dc31ccull, 0x037deb6af5e9b8b5ull, 0x8c157a32a5b7233eull, 0xf6cd0afa9582aa47ull,
	0x4ad64994d625e4daull, 0x300e395ce6106da3ull, 0xbf66a804b64ef628ull, 0xc5bed8cc867b7f51ull, 0x8aeeace74e645255ull, 0xf036dc2f7e51db2cull,
	0x7f5e4d772e0f40a7ull, 0x05863dbf1e3ac9deull, 0xe1fea520be311aafull, 0x9b26d5e88e0493d6ull, 0x144e44b0de5a085dull, 0x6e963478ee6f8124ull,
	0x21c640532670ac20ull, 0x5b1e309b16452559ull, 0xd476a1c3461bbed2ull, 0xaeaed10b762e37abull, 0x37deb6af5e9b8b5bull, 0x4d06c6676eae0222ull,
	0xc26e573f3ef099a9ull, 0xb8b627f70ec510d0ull, 0xf7e653dcc6da3dd4ull, 0x8d3e2314f6efb4adull, 0x0256b24ca6b12f26ull, 0x788ec2849684a65full,
	0x9cf65a1b368f752eull, 0xe62e2ad306bafc57ull, 0x6946bb8b56e467dcull, 0x139ecb4366d1eea5ull, 0x5ccebf68aecec3a1ull, 0x2616cfa09efb4ad8ull,
	0xa97e5ef8cea5d153ull, 0xd3a62e30fe90582aull, 0xb0c7b7e3c7593bd8ull, 0xca1fc72bf76cb2a1ull, 0x45775673a732292aull, 0x3faf26bb9707a053ull,
	0x70ff52905f188d57ull, 0x0a2722586f2d042eull, 0x854fb3003f739fa5ull, 0xff97c3c80f4616dcull, 0x1bef5b57af4dc5adull, 0x61372b9f9f784cd4ull,
	0xee5fbac7cf26d75full, 0x9487ca0fff135e26ull, 0xdbd7be24370c7322ull, 0xa10fceec0739fa5bull, 0x2e675fb4576761d0ull, 0x54bf2f7c6752e8a9ull,
	0xcdcf48d84fe75459ull, 0xb71738107fd2dd20ull, 0x387fa9482f8c46abull, 0x42a7d9801fb9cfd2ull, 0x0df7adabd7a6e2d6ull, 0x772fdd63e7936bafull,
	0xf8474c3bb7cdf024ull, 0x829f3cf387f8795dull, 0x66e7a46c27f3aa2cull, 0x1c3fd4a417c62355ull, 0x935745fc4798b8deull, 0xe98f353477ad31a7ull,
	0xa6df411fbfb21ca3ull, 0xdc0731d78f8795daull, 0x536fa08fdfd90e51ull, 0x29b7d047efec8728ull,

u64 crc64( void const* data, sw len )
	sw        remaining;
	u64       result = ( zpl_cast( u64 ) 0 );
	u8 const* c      = zpl_cast( u8 const* ) data;
	for ( remaining = len; remaining--; c++ )
		result = ( result >> 8 ) ^ ( _crc64_table[( result ^ *c ) & 0xff] );
	return result;

#pragma endregion Hashing

#pragma region Memory

void* mem_copy( void* dest, void const* source, sw n )
	if ( dest == NULL )
		return NULL;

	return memcpy( dest, source, n );

void const* mem_find( void const* data, u8 c, sw n )
	u8 const* s = zpl_cast( u8 const* ) data;
	while ( ( zpl_cast( uptr ) s & ( sizeof( uw ) - 1 ) ) && n && *s != c )
	if ( n && *s != c )
		sw const* w;
		sw        k = GEN__ONES * c;
		w           = zpl_cast( sw const* ) s;
		while ( n >= size_of( sw ) && ! GEN__HAS_ZERO( *w ^ k ) )
			n -= size_of( sw );
		s = zpl_cast( u8 const* ) w;
		while ( n && *s != c )

	return n ? zpl_cast( void const* ) s : NULL;


struct _heap_stats
	u32 magic;
	sw  used_memory;
	sw  alloc_count;

global _heap_stats _heap_stats_info;

void heap_stats_init( void )
	zero_item( &_heap_stats_info );
	_heap_stats_info.magic = GEN_HEAP_STATS_MAGIC;

sw heap_stats_used_memory( void )
	GEN_ASSERT_MSG( _heap_stats_info.magic == GEN_HEAP_STATS_MAGIC, "heap_stats is not initialised yet, call heap_stats_init first!" );
	return _heap_stats_info.used_memory;

sw heap_stats_alloc_count( void )
	GEN_ASSERT_MSG( _heap_stats_info.magic == GEN_HEAP_STATS_MAGIC, "heap_stats is not initialised yet, call heap_stats_init first!" );
	return _heap_stats_info.alloc_count;

void heap_stats_check( void )
	GEN_ASSERT_MSG( _heap_stats_info.magic == GEN_HEAP_STATS_MAGIC, "heap_stats is not initialised yet, call heap_stats_init first!" );
	GEN_ASSERT( _heap_stats_info.used_memory == 0 );
	GEN_ASSERT( _heap_stats_info.alloc_count == 0 );

struct _heap_alloc_info
	sw    size;
	void* physical_start;

void* heap_allocator_proc( void* allocator_data, AllocType type, sw size, sw alignment, void* old_memory, sw old_size, u64 flags )
	void* ptr = NULL;
	// unused( allocator_data );
	// unused( old_size );
	if ( ! alignment )

	sw alloc_info_size      = size_of( _heap_alloc_info );
	sw alloc_info_remainder = ( alloc_info_size % alignment );
	sw track_size           = max( alloc_info_size, alignment ) + alloc_info_remainder;
	switch ( type )
		case EAllocation_FREE :
			if ( ! old_memory )
			_heap_alloc_info* alloc_info  = zpl_cast( _heap_alloc_info* ) old_memory - 1;
			_heap_stats_info.used_memory -= alloc_info->size;
			old_memory = alloc_info->physical_start;
		case EAllocation_ALLOC :
			size += track_size;
		default :

	switch ( type )
#if defined( GEN_COMPILER_MSVC ) || ( defined( GEN_COMPILER_GCC ) && defined( GEN_SYSTEM_WINDOWS ) ) \
    || ( defined( GEN_COMPILER_TINYC ) && defined( GEN_SYSTEM_WINDOWS ) )
		case EAllocation_ALLOC :
			ptr = _aligned_malloc( size, alignment );
				zero_size( ptr, size );
		case EAllocation_FREE :
			_aligned_free( old_memory );
		case EAllocation_RESIZE :
			AllocatorInfo a = heap();
			ptr             = default_resize_align( a, old_memory, old_size, size, alignment );

#elif defined( GEN_SYSTEM_LINUX ) && ! defined( GEN_CPU_ARM ) && ! defined( GEN_COMPILER_TINYC )
		case EAllocation_ALLOC :
			ptr = aligned_alloc( alignment, ( size + alignment - 1 ) & ~( alignment - 1 ) );

				zero_size( ptr, size );

		case EAllocation_FREE :
			free( old_memory );

		case EAllocation_RESIZE :
			AllocatorInfo a = heap();
			ptr             = default_resize_align( a, old_memory, old_size, size, alignment );
		case EAllocation_ALLOC :
			posix_memalign( &ptr, alignment, size );

				zero_size( ptr, size );

		case EAllocation_FREE :
			free( old_memory );

		case EAllocation_RESIZE :
			AllocatorInfo a = heap();
			ptr             = default_resize_align( a, old_memory, old_size, size, alignment );

		case EAllocation_FREE_ALL :

	if ( type == EAllocation_ALLOC )
		_heap_alloc_info* alloc_info = zpl_cast( _heap_alloc_info* )( zpl_cast( char* ) ptr + alloc_info_remainder );
		zero_item( alloc_info );
		alloc_info->size              = size - track_size;
		alloc_info->physical_start    = ptr;
		ptr                           = zpl_cast( void* )( alloc_info + 1 );
		_heap_stats_info.used_memory += alloc_info->size;

	return ptr;

#pragma region VirtualMemory

VirtualMemory vm_from_memory( void* data, sw size )
	VirtualMemory vm;
	vm.data = data;
	vm.size = size;
	return vm;

#if defined( GEN_SYSTEM_WINDOWS )
VirtualMemory vm_alloc( void* addr, sw size )
	VirtualMemory vm;
	GEN_ASSERT( size > 0 );
	vm.data = VirtualAlloc( addr, size, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE );
	vm.size = size;
	return vm;

b32 vm_free( VirtualMemory vm )
	while ( vm.size > 0 )
		if ( VirtualQuery( vm.data, &info, size_of( info ) ) == 0 )
			return false;
		if ( info.BaseAddress != vm.data || info.AllocationBase != vm.data || info.State != MEM_COMMIT || info.RegionSize > zpl_cast( uw ) vm.size )
			return false;
		if ( VirtualFree( vm.data, 0, MEM_RELEASE ) == 0 )
			return false;
		vm.data  = pointer_add( vm.data, info.RegionSize );
		vm.size -= info.RegionSize;
	return true;

VirtualMemory vm_trim( VirtualMemory vm, sw lead_size, sw size )
	VirtualMemory new_vm = { 0 };
	void*         ptr;
	GEN_ASSERT( vm.size >= lead_size + size );

	ptr = pointer_add( vm.data, lead_size );

	vm_free( vm );
	new_vm = vm_alloc( ptr, size );
	if ( new_vm.data == ptr )
		return new_vm;
	if ( new_vm.data )
		vm_free( new_vm );
	return new_vm;

b32 vm_purge( VirtualMemory vm )
	VirtualAlloc( vm.data, vm.size, MEM_RESET, PAGE_READWRITE );
	// NOTE: Can this really fail?
	return true;

sw virtual_memory_page_size( sw* alignment_out )
	GetSystemInfo( &info );
	if ( alignment_out )
		*alignment_out = info.dwAllocationGranularity;
	return info.dwPageSize;

#include <sys/mman.h>

VirtualMemory vm_alloc( void* addr, sw size )
	VirtualMemory vm;
	GEN_ASSERT( size > 0 );
	vm.data = mmap( addr, size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_PRIVATE, -1, 0 );
	vm.size = size;
	return vm;

b32 vm_free( VirtualMemory vm )
	munmap( vm.data, vm.size );
	return true;

VirtualMemory vm_trim( VirtualMemory vm, sw lead_size, sw size )
	void* ptr;
	sw    trail_size;
	GEN_ASSERT( vm.size >= lead_size + size );

	ptr        = pointer_add( vm.data, lead_size );
	trail_size = vm.size - lead_size - size;

	if ( lead_size != 0 )
		vm_free( vm_from_memory(( vm.data, lead_size ) );
	if ( trail_size != 0 )
		vm_free( vm_from_memory( ptr, trail_size ) );
	return vm_from_memory( ptr, size );

b32 vm_purge( VirtualMemory vm )
	int err = madvise( vm.data, vm.size, MADV_DONTNEED );
	return err != 0;

sw virtual_memory_page_size( sw* alignment_out )
	// TODO: Is this always true?
	sw result = zpl_cast( sw ) sysconf( _SC_PAGE_SIZE );
	if ( alignment_out )
		*alignment_out = result;
	return result;

#pragma endregion VirtualMemory

void* Arena::allocator_proc( void* allocator_data, AllocType type, sw size, sw alignment, void* old_memory, sw old_size, u64 flags )
	Arena* arena = rcast( Arena*, allocator_data );
	void*  ptr   = NULL;

	// unused( old_size );

	switch ( type )
		case EAllocation_ALLOC :
			void* end        = pointer_add( arena->PhysicalStart, arena->TotalUsed );
			sw    total_size = align_forward_i64( size, alignment );

			// NOTE: Out of memory
			if ( arena->TotalUsed + total_size > (sw)arena->TotalSize )
				// zpl__printf_err("%s", "Arena out of memory\n");
				GEN_FATAL( "Arena out of memory! (Possibly could not fit for the largest size Arena!!)" );
				return nullptr;

			ptr               = align_forward( end, alignment );
			arena->TotalUsed += total_size;

				zero_size( ptr, size );

		case EAllocation_FREE :
			// NOTE: Free all at once
			// Use Temp_Arena_Memory if you want to free a block

		case EAllocation_FREE_ALL :
			arena->TotalUsed = 0;

		case EAllocation_RESIZE :
			// TODO : Check if ptr is on top of stack and just extend
			AllocatorInfo a = arena->Backing;
			ptr             = default_resize_align( a, old_memory, old_size, size, alignment );
	return ptr;

void* Pool::allocator_proc( void* allocator_data, AllocType type, sw size, sw alignment, void* old_memory, sw old_size, u64 flags )
	Pool* pool = zpl_cast( Pool* ) allocator_data;
	void* ptr  = NULL;

	// unused( old_size );

	switch ( type )
		case EAllocation_ALLOC :
			uptr next_free;

			GEN_ASSERT( size == pool->BlockSize );
			GEN_ASSERT( alignment == pool->BlockAlign );
			GEN_ASSERT( pool->FreeList != NULL );

			next_free        = *zpl_cast( uptr* ) pool->FreeList;
			ptr              = pool->FreeList;
			pool->FreeList   = zpl_cast( void* ) next_free;
			pool->TotalSize += pool->BlockSize;

				zero_size( ptr, size );

		case EAllocation_FREE :
			uptr* next;
			if ( old_memory == NULL )
				return NULL;

			next             = zpl_cast( uptr* ) old_memory;
			*next            = zpl_cast( uptr ) pool->FreeList;
			pool->FreeList   = old_memory;
			pool->TotalSize -= pool->BlockSize;

		case EAllocation_FREE_ALL :
			sw    actual_block_size, block_index;
			void* curr;
			uptr* end;

			actual_block_size = pool->BlockSize + pool->BlockAlign;
			pool->TotalSize   = 0;

			// NOTE: Init intrusive freelist
			curr = pool->PhysicalStart;
			for ( block_index = 0; block_index < pool->NumBlocks - 1; block_index++ )
				uptr* next = zpl_cast( uptr* ) curr;
				*next      = zpl_cast( uptr ) curr + actual_block_size;
				curr       = pointer_add( curr, actual_block_size );

			end            = zpl_cast( uptr* ) curr;
			*end           = zpl_cast( uptr ) NULL;
			pool->FreeList = pool->PhysicalStart;

		case EAllocation_RESIZE :
			// NOTE: Cannot resize
			GEN_PANIC( "You cannot resize something allocated by with a pool." );

	return ptr;

Pool Pool::init_align( AllocatorInfo backing, sw num_blocks, sw block_size, sw block_align )
	Pool pool = {};

	sw    actual_block_size, pool_size, block_index;
	void *data, *curr;
	uptr* end;

	zero_item( &pool );

	pool.Backing      = backing;
	pool.BlockSize    = block_size;
	pool.BlockAlign   = block_align;
	pool.NumBlocks    = num_blocks;

	actual_block_size = block_size + block_align;
	pool_size         = num_blocks * actual_block_size;

	data              = alloc_align( backing, pool_size, block_align );

	// NOTE: Init intrusive freelist
	curr = data;
	for ( block_index = 0; block_index < num_blocks - 1; block_index++ )
		uptr* next = (uptr*)curr;
		*next      = (uptr)curr + actual_block_size;
		curr       = pointer_add( curr, actual_block_size );

	end                = (uptr*)curr;
	*end               = (uptr)NULL;

	pool.PhysicalStart = data;
	pool.FreeList      = data;

	return pool;

void Pool::clear()
	sw    actual_block_size, block_index;
	void* curr;
	uptr* end;

	actual_block_size = BlockSize + BlockAlign;

	curr              = PhysicalStart;
	for ( block_index = 0; block_index < NumBlocks - 1; block_index++ )
		uptr* next = (uptr*)curr;
		*next      = (uptr)curr + actual_block_size;
		curr       = pointer_add( curr, actual_block_size );

	end      = (uptr*)curr;
	*end     = (uptr)NULL;

	FreeList = PhysicalStart;

#pragma endregion Memory

#pragma region String

String String::fmt( AllocatorInfo allocator, char* buf, sw buf_size, char const* fmt, ... )
	va_list va;
	va_start( va, fmt );
	str_fmt_va( buf, buf_size, fmt, va );
	va_end( va );

	return make( allocator, buf );

String String::make_length( AllocatorInfo allocator, char const* str, sw length )
	constexpr sw header_size = sizeof( Header );

	s32   alloc_size         = header_size + length + 1;
	void* allocation         = alloc( allocator, alloc_size );

	if ( allocation == nullptr )
		return { nullptr };

	Header& header = *rcast( Header*, allocation );
	header         = { allocator, length, length };

	String result  = { rcast( char*, allocation ) + header_size };

	if ( length && str )
		mem_copy( result, str, length );
		mem_set( result, 0, alloc_size - header_size );

	result[length] = '\0';

	return result;

String String::make_reserve( AllocatorInfo allocator, sw capacity )
	constexpr sw header_size = sizeof( Header );

	s32   alloc_size         = header_size + capacity + 1;
	void* allocation         = alloc( allocator, alloc_size );

	if ( allocation == nullptr )
		return { nullptr };

	mem_set( allocation, 0, alloc_size );

	Header* header    = rcast( Header*, allocation );
	header->Allocator = allocator;
	header->Capacity  = capacity;
	header->Length    = 0;

	String result     = { rcast( char*, allocation ) + header_size };
	return result;

String String::fmt_buf( AllocatorInfo allocator, char const* fmt, ... )
	local_persist thread_local char buf[GEN_PRINTF_MAXLEN] = { 0 };

	va_list va;
	va_start( va, fmt );
	str_fmt_va( buf, GEN_PRINTF_MAXLEN, fmt, va );
	va_end( va );

	return make( allocator, buf );

bool String::append_fmt( char const* fmt, ... )
	sw   res;
	char buf[GEN_PRINTF_MAXLEN] = { 0 };

	va_list va;
	va_start( va, fmt );
	res = str_fmt_va( buf, count_of( buf ) - 1, fmt, va ) - 1;
	va_end( va );

	return append( buf, res );

bool String::make_space_for( char const* str, sw add_len )
	sw available = avail_space();

	// NOTE: Return if there is enough space left
	if ( available >= add_len )
		return true;
		sw new_len, old_size, new_size;

		void* ptr;
		void* new_ptr;

		AllocatorInfo allocator = get_header().Allocator;
		Header*       header    = nullptr;

		new_len                 = grow_formula( length() + add_len );
		ptr                     = &get_header();
		old_size                = size_of( Header ) + length() + 1;
		new_size                = size_of( Header ) + new_len + 1;

		new_ptr                 = resize( allocator, ptr, old_size, new_size );

		if ( new_ptr == nullptr )
			return false;

		header            = zpl_cast( Header* ) new_ptr;
		header->Allocator = allocator;
		header->Capacity  = new_len;

		Data              = rcast( char*, header + 1 );

		return true;

#pragma endregion String

#pragma region File Handling

#if defined( GEN_SYSTEM_WINDOWS ) || defined( GEN_SYSTEM_CYGWIN )

internal wchar_t* _alloc_utf8_to_ucs2( AllocatorInfo a, char const* text, sw* w_len_ )
	wchar_t* w_text = NULL;
	sw       len = 0, w_len = 0, w_len1 = 0;
	if ( text == NULL )
		if ( w_len_ )
			*w_len_ = w_len;
		return NULL;
	len = str_len( text );
	if ( len == 0 )
		if ( w_len_ )
			*w_len_ = w_len;
		return NULL;
	w_len = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_UTF8, MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, text, zpl_cast( int ) len, NULL, 0 );
	if ( w_len == 0 )
		if ( w_len_ )
			*w_len_ = w_len;
		return NULL;
	w_text = alloc_array( a, wchar_t, w_len + 1 );
	w_len1 = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_UTF8, MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, text, zpl_cast( int ) len, w_text, zpl_cast( int ) w_len );
	if ( w_len1 == 0 )
		free( a, w_text );
		if ( w_len_ )
			*w_len_ = 0;
		return NULL;
	w_text[w_len] = 0;
	if ( w_len_ )
		*w_len_ = w_len;
	return w_text;

internal GEN_FILE_SEEK_PROC( _win32_file_seek )
	LARGE_INTEGER li_offset;
	li_offset.QuadPart = offset;
	if ( ! SetFilePointerEx( fd.p, li_offset, &li_offset, whence ) )
		return false;

	if ( new_offset )
		*new_offset = li_offset.QuadPart;
	return true;

internal GEN_FILE_READ_AT_PROC( _win32_file_read )
	// unused( stop_at_newline );
	b32 result = false;
	_win32_file_seek( fd, offset, ESeekWhence_BEGIN, NULL );
	DWORD size_ = zpl_cast( DWORD )( size > GEN_I32_MAX ? GEN_I32_MAX : size );
	DWORD bytes_read_;
	if ( ReadFile( fd.p, buffer, size_, &bytes_read_, NULL ) )
		if ( bytes_read )
			*bytes_read = bytes_read_;
		result = true;

	return result;

internal GEN_FILE_WRITE_AT_PROC( _win32_file_write )
	DWORD size_ = zpl_cast( DWORD )( size > GEN_I32_MAX ? GEN_I32_MAX : size );
	DWORD bytes_written_;
	_win32_file_seek( fd, offset, ESeekWhence_BEGIN, NULL );
	if ( WriteFile( fd.p, buffer, size_, &bytes_written_, NULL ) )
		if ( bytes_written )
			*bytes_written = bytes_written_;
		return true;
	return false;

internal GEN_FILE_CLOSE_PROC( _win32_file_close )
	CloseHandle( fd.p );

FileOperations const default_file_operations = { _win32_file_read, _win32_file_write, _win32_file_seek, _win32_file_close };

neverinline GEN_FILE_OPEN_PROC( _win32_file_open )
	DWORD    desired_access;
	DWORD    creation_disposition;
	void*    handle;
	wchar_t* w_text;

	switch ( mode & GEN_FILE_MODES )
		case EFileMode_READ :
			desired_access       = GENERIC_READ;
			creation_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING;
		case EFileMode_WRITE :
			desired_access       = GENERIC_WRITE;
			creation_disposition = CREATE_ALWAYS;
		case EFileMode_APPEND :
			desired_access       = GENERIC_WRITE;
			creation_disposition = OPEN_ALWAYS;
		case EFileMode_READ | EFileMode_RW :
			desired_access       = GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE;
			creation_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING;
		case EFileMode_WRITE | EFileMode_RW :
			desired_access       = GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE;
			creation_disposition = CREATE_ALWAYS;
		case EFileMode_APPEND | EFileMode_RW :
			desired_access       = GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE;
			creation_disposition = OPEN_ALWAYS;
		default :
			GEN_PANIC( "Invalid file mode" );
			return EFileError_INVALID;

	w_text = _alloc_utf8_to_ucs2( heap(), filename, NULL );
	handle = CreateFileW( w_text, desired_access, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, NULL, creation_disposition, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL );

	free( heap(), w_text );

	if ( handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
		DWORD err = GetLastError();
		switch ( err )
				return EFileError_NOT_EXISTS;
				return EFileError_EXISTS;
				return EFileError_EXISTS;
				return EFileError_PERMISSION;
		return EFileError_INVALID;

	if ( mode & EFileMode_APPEND )
		LARGE_INTEGER offset = { { 0 } };
		if ( ! SetFilePointerEx( handle, offset, NULL, ESeekWhence_END ) )
			CloseHandle( handle );
			return EFileError_INVALID;

	fd->p = handle;
	*ops  = default_file_operations;
	return EFileError_NONE;

#else    // POSIX
#include <fcntl.h>

internal GEN_FILE_SEEK_PROC( _posix_file_seek )
#if defined( GEN_SYSTEM_OSX )
	s64 res = lseek( fd.i, offset, whence );
#else    // TODO(ZaKlaus): @fixme lseek64
	s64 res = lseek( fd.i, offset, whence );
	if ( res < 0 )
		return false;
	if ( new_offset )
		*new_offset = res;
	return true;

internal GEN_FILE_READ_AT_PROC( _posix_file_read )
	unused( stop_at_newline );
	sw res = pread( fd.i, buffer, size, offset );
	if ( res < 0 )
		return false;
	if ( bytes_read )
		*bytes_read = res;
	return true;

internal GEN_FILE_WRITE_AT_PROC( _posix_file_write )
	sw  res;
	s64 curr_offset = 0;
	_posix_file_seek( fd, 0, ESeekWhence_CURRENT, &curr_offset );
	if ( curr_offset == offset )
		// NOTE: Writing to stdout et al. doesn't like pwrite for numerous reasons
		res = write( zpl_cast( int ) fd.i, buffer, size );
		res = pwrite( zpl_cast( int ) fd.i, buffer, size, offset );
	if ( res < 0 )
		return false;
	if ( bytes_written )
		*bytes_written = res;
	return true;

internal GEN_FILE_CLOSE_PROC( _posix_file_close )
	close( fd.i );

FileOperations const default_file_operations = { _posix_file_read, _posix_file_write, _posix_file_seek, _posix_file_close };

neverinline GEN_FILE_OPEN_PROC( _posix_file_open )
	s32 os_mode;
	switch ( mode & GEN_FILE_MODES )
		case EFileMode_READ :
			os_mode = O_RDONLY;
		case EFileMode_WRITE :
			os_mode = O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC;
		case EFileMode_APPEND :
			os_mode = O_WRONLY | O_APPEND | O_CREAT;
		case EFileMode_READ | EFileMode_RW :
			os_mode = O_RDWR;
		case EFileMode_WRITE | EFileMode_RW :
			os_mode = O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC;
		case EFileMode_APPEND | EFileMode_RW :
			os_mode = O_RDWR | O_APPEND | O_CREAT;
		default :
			GEN_PANIC( "Invalid file mode" );
			return EFileError_INVALID;

	fd->i = open( filename, os_mode, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH );
	if ( fd->i < 0 )
		// TODO : More file errors
		return EFileError_INVALID;

	*ops = default_file_operations;
	return EFileError_NONE;


internal void _dirinfo_free_entry( DirEntry* entry );

// TODO : Is this a bad idea?
global b32      _std_file_set                   = false;
global FileInfo _std_files[EFileStandard_COUNT] = {
	{ { nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr }, { nullptr }, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr }

#if defined( GEN_SYSTEM_WINDOWS ) || defined( GEN_SYSTEM_CYGWIN )

FileInfo* file_get_standard( FileStandardType std )
	if ( ! _std_file_set )
#define GEN__SET_STD_FILE( type, v ) \
	_std_files[type].fd.p = v;       \
	_std_files[type].ops  = default_file_operations
        GEN__SET_STD_FILE( EFileStandard_INPUT, GetStdHandle( STD_INPUT_HANDLE ) );
        GEN__SET_STD_FILE( EFileStandard_OUTPUT, GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ) );
        GEN__SET_STD_FILE( EFileStandard_ERROR, GetStdHandle( STD_ERROR_HANDLE ) );
		_std_file_set = true;
	return &_std_files[std];

#else    // POSIX

FileInfo* file_get_standard( FileStandardType std )
	if ( ! _std_file_set )
#define GEN__SET_STD_FILE( type, v ) \
	_std_files[type].fd.i = v;       \
	_std_files[type].ops  = default_file_operations
		GEN__SET_STD_FILE( EFileStandard_INPUT, 0 );
		GEN__SET_STD_FILE( EFileStandard_OUTPUT, 1 );
		GEN__SET_STD_FILE( EFileStandard_ERROR, 2 );
		_std_file_set = true;
	return &_std_files[std];


FileError file_close( FileInfo* f )
	if ( ! f )
		return EFileError_INVALID;

	if ( f->filename )
		free( heap(), zpl_cast( char* ) f->filename );

#if defined( GEN_SYSTEM_WINDOWS )
	if ( f->fd.p == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
		return EFileError_INVALID;
	if ( f->fd.i < 0 )
		return EFileError_INVALID;

	if ( f->is_temp )
		f->ops.close( f->fd );
		return EFileError_NONE;

	if ( ! f->ops.read_at )
		f->ops = default_file_operations;
	f->ops.close( f->fd );

#if 0
	if ( f->Dir )
		_dirinfo_free_entry( f->Dir );
		mfree( f->Dir );
		f->Dir = NULL;

	return EFileError_NONE;

FileError file_new( FileInfo* f, FileDescriptor fd, FileOperations ops, char const* filename )
	FileError err      = EFileError_NONE;
	sw        len      = str_len( filename );

	f->ops             = ops;
	f->fd              = fd;
	f->dir             = nullptr;
	f->last_write_time = 0;
	f->filename        = alloc_array( heap(), char, len + 1 );
	mem_copy( zpl_cast( char* ) f->filename, zpl_cast( char* ) filename, len + 1 );

	return err;

FileError file_open( FileInfo* f, char const* filename )
	return file_open_mode( f, EFileMode_READ, filename );

FileError file_open_mode( FileInfo* f, FileMode mode, char const* filename )
	FileInfo file_ = {
		{ nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr },
        { nullptr },
        0, nullptr, 0, nullptr

	*f = file_;
	FileError err;

#if defined( GEN_SYSTEM_WINDOWS ) || defined( GEN_SYSTEM_CYGWIN )
	err = _win32_file_open( &f->fd, &f->ops, mode, filename );
	err = _posix_file_open( &f->fd, &f->ops, mode, filename );

	if ( err == EFileError_NONE )
		return file_new( f, f->fd, f->ops, filename );

	return err;

s64 file_size( FileInfo* f )
	s64 size        = 0;
	s64 prev_offset = file_tell( f );

	file_seek_to_end( f );
	size = file_tell( f );

	file_seek( f, prev_offset );

	return size;

FileContents file_read_contents( AllocatorInfo a, b32 zero_terminate, char const* filepath )
	FileContents result;
	FileInfo     file;

	result.allocator = a;

	if ( file_open( &file, filepath ) == EFileError_NONE )
		sw fsize = zpl_cast( sw ) file_size( &file );
		if ( fsize > 0 )
			result.data = alloc( a, zero_terminate ? fsize + 1 : fsize );
			result.size = fsize;
			file_read_at( &file, result.data, result.size, 0 );
			if ( zero_terminate )
				u8* str    = zpl_cast( u8* ) result.data;
				str[fsize] = '\0';
		file_close( &file );

	return result;

struct _memory_fd
	u8            magic;
	u8*           buf;    //< zpl_array OR plain buffer if we can't write
	sw            cursor;
	AllocatorInfo allocator;

	FileStreamFlags flags;
	sw              cap;


GEN_DEF_INLINE FileDescriptor _file_stream_fd_make( _memory_fd* d );
GEN_DEF_INLINE _memory_fd*    _file_stream_from_fd( FileDescriptor fd );

GEN_IMPL_INLINE FileDescriptor _file_stream_fd_make( _memory_fd* d )
	FileDescriptor fd = { 0 };
	fd.p              = (void*)d;
	return fd;

GEN_IMPL_INLINE _memory_fd* _file_stream_from_fd( FileDescriptor fd )
	_memory_fd* d = (_memory_fd*)fd.p;
	return d;

b8 file_stream_new( FileInfo* file, AllocatorInfo allocator )

	_memory_fd* d = (_memory_fd*)alloc( allocator, size_of( _memory_fd ) );

	if ( ! d )
		return false;

	zero_item( file );
	d->magic     = GEN__FILE_STREAM_FD_MAGIC;
	d->allocator = allocator;
	d->flags     = EFileStream_CLONE_WRITABLE;
	d->cap       = 0;
	d->buf       = Array<u8>::init( allocator );

	if ( ! d->buf )
		return false;

	file->ops             = memory_file_operations;
	file->fd              = _file_stream_fd_make( d );
	file->dir             = NULL;
	file->last_write_time = 0;
	file->filename        = NULL;
	file->is_temp         = true;
	return true;

b8 file_stream_open( FileInfo* file, AllocatorInfo allocator, u8* buffer, sw size, FileStreamFlags flags )
	_memory_fd* d = (_memory_fd*)alloc( allocator, size_of( _memory_fd ) );
	if ( ! d )
		return false;
	zero_item( file );
	d->magic     = GEN__FILE_STREAM_FD_MAGIC;
	d->allocator = allocator;
	d->flags     = flags;
	if ( d->flags & EFileStream_CLONE_WRITABLE )
		Array<u8> arr = Array<u8>::init_reserve( allocator, size );
		d->buf        = arr;

		if ( ! d->buf )
			return false;

		mem_copy( d->buf, buffer, size );
		d->cap                = size;

		arr.get_header()->Num = size;
		d->buf = buffer;
		d->cap = size;
	file->ops             = memory_file_operations;
	file->fd              = _file_stream_fd_make( d );
	file->dir             = NULL;
	file->last_write_time = 0;
	file->filename        = NULL;
	file->is_temp         = true;
	return true;

u8* file_stream_buf( FileInfo* file, sw* size )
	_memory_fd* d = _file_stream_from_fd( file->fd );
	if ( size )
		*size = d->cap;
	return d->buf;

internal GEN_FILE_SEEK_PROC( _memory_file_seek )
	_memory_fd* d      = _file_stream_from_fd( fd );
	sw          buflen = d->cap;

	if ( whence == ESeekWhence_BEGIN )
		d->cursor = 0;
	else if ( whence == ESeekWhence_END )
		d->cursor = buflen;

	d->cursor = max( 0, clamp( d->cursor + offset, 0, buflen ) );
	if ( new_offset )
		*new_offset = d->cursor;
	return true;

internal GEN_FILE_READ_AT_PROC( _memory_file_read )
	// unused( stop_at_newline );
	_memory_fd* d = _file_stream_from_fd( fd );
	mem_copy( buffer, d->buf + offset, size );
	if ( bytes_read )
		*bytes_read = size;
	return true;

internal GEN_FILE_WRITE_AT_PROC( _memory_file_write )
	_memory_fd* d = _file_stream_from_fd( fd );

	if ( ! ( d->flags & ( EFileStream_CLONE_WRITABLE | EFileStream_WRITABLE ) ) )
		return false;

	sw buflen   = d->cap;
	sw extralen = max( 0, size - ( buflen - offset ) );
	sw rwlen    = size - extralen;
	sw new_cap  = buflen + extralen;

	if ( d->flags & EFileStream_CLONE_WRITABLE )
		Array<u8> arr = { d->buf };

		if ( arr.get_header()->Capacity < uw(new_cap) )
			if ( ! arr.grow( (s64)( new_cap ) ) )
				return false;
			d->buf = arr;

	mem_copy( d->buf + offset, buffer, rwlen );

	if ( ( d->flags & EFileStream_CLONE_WRITABLE ) && extralen > 0 )
		Array<u8> arr = { d->buf };

		mem_copy( d->buf + offset + rwlen, pointer_add_const( buffer, rwlen ), extralen );
		d->cap                     = new_cap;
		arr.get_header()->Capacity = new_cap;
		extralen = 0;

	if ( bytes_written )
		*bytes_written = ( rwlen + extralen );
	return true;

internal GEN_FILE_CLOSE_PROC( _memory_file_close )
	_memory_fd*   d         = _file_stream_from_fd( fd );
	AllocatorInfo allocator = d->allocator;

	if ( d->flags & EFileStream_CLONE_WRITABLE )
		Array<u8> arr = { d->buf };

	free( allocator, d );

FileOperations const memory_file_operations = { _memory_file_read, _memory_file_write, _memory_file_seek, _memory_file_close };

#pragma endregion File Handling

#pragma region Timing

#if defined( GEN_COMPILER_MSVC ) && ! defined( __clang__ )
u64 read_cpu_time_stamp_counter( void )
	return __rdtsc();
#elif defined( __i386__ )
u64 read_cpu_time_stamp_counter( void )
	u64 x;
	__asm__ volatile( ".byte 0x0f, 0x31" : "=A"( x ) );
	return x;
#elif defined( __x86_64__ )
u64 read_cpu_time_stamp_counter( void )
	u32 hi, lo;
	__asm__ __volatile__( "rdtsc" : "=a"( lo ), "=d"( hi ) );
	return ( zpl_cast( u64 ) lo ) | ( ( zpl_cast( u64 ) hi ) << 32 );
#elif defined( __powerpc__ )
u64 read_cpu_time_stamp_counter( void )
	u64 result = 0;
	u32 upper, lower, tmp;
	__asm__ volatile(
	    "0:                   \n"
	    "\tmftbu   %0         \n"
	    "\tmftb    %1         \n"
	    "\tmftbu   %2         \n"
	    "\tcmpw    %2,%0      \n"
	    "\tbne     0b         \n"
	    : "=r"( upper ), "=r"( lower ), "=r"( tmp )
	result = upper;
	result = result << 32;
	result = result | lower;

	return result;
#elif defined( GEN_SYSTEM_EMSCRIPTEN )
u64 read_cpu_time_stamp_counter( void )
	return (u64)( emscripten_get_now() * 1e+6 );
#elif defined( GEN_CPU_ARM ) && ! defined( GEN_COMPILER_TINYC )
u64 read_cpu_time_stamp_counter( void )
#if defined( __aarch64__ )
	int64_t r = 0;
	asm volatile( "mrs %0, cntvct_el0" : "=r"( r ) );
#elif ( __ARM_ARCH >= 6 )
	uint32_t r = 0;
	uint32_t pmccntr;
	uint32_t pmuseren;
	uint32_t pmcntenset;

	// Read the user mode perf monitor counter access permissions.
	asm volatile( "mrc p15, 0, %0, c9, c14, 0" : "=r"( pmuseren ) );
	if ( pmuseren & 1 )
	{    // Allows reading perfmon counters for user mode code.
		asm volatile( "mrc p15, 0, %0, c9, c12, 1" : "=r"( pmcntenset ) );
		if ( pmcntenset & 0x80000000ul )
		{    // Is it counting?
			asm volatile( "mrc p15, 0, %0, c9, c13, 0" : "=r"( pmccntr ) );
			// The counter is set up to count every 64th cycle
			return ( (int64_t)pmccntr ) * 64;    // Should optimize to << 6
#error "No suitable method for read_cpu_time_stamp_counter for this cpu type"

	return r;
u64 read_cpu_time_stamp_counter( void )
	GEN_PANIC( "read_cpu_time_stamp_counter is not supported on this particular setup" );
	return -0;

#if defined( GEN_SYSTEM_WINDOWS ) || defined( GEN_SYSTEM_CYGWIN )

u64 time_rel_ms( void )
	local_persist LARGE_INTEGER win32_perf_count_freq = {};
	u64                         result;
	LARGE_INTEGER               counter;
	local_persist LARGE_INTEGER win32_perf_counter = {};
	if ( ! win32_perf_count_freq.QuadPart )
		QueryPerformanceFrequency( &win32_perf_count_freq );
		GEN_ASSERT( win32_perf_count_freq.QuadPart != 0 );
		QueryPerformanceCounter( &win32_perf_counter );

	QueryPerformanceCounter( &counter );

	result = ( counter.QuadPart - win32_perf_counter.QuadPart ) * 1000 / ( win32_perf_count_freq.QuadPart );
	return result;


#if defined( GEN_SYSTEM_LINUX ) || defined( GEN_SYSTEM_FREEBSD ) || defined( GEN_SYSTEM_OPENBSD ) || defined( GEN_SYSTEM_EMSCRIPTEN )
u64 _unix_gettime( void )
	struct timespec t;
	u64             result;

	clock_gettime( 1 /*CLOCK_MONOTONIC*/, &t );
	result = 1000 * t.tv_sec + 1.0e-6 * t.tv_nsec;
	return result;

u64 time_rel_ms( void )
#if defined( GEN_SYSTEM_OSX )
	u64 result;

	local_persist u64 timebase  = 0;
	local_persist u64 timestart = 0;

	if ( ! timestart )
		mach_timebase_info_data_t tb = { 0 };
		mach_timebase_info( &tb );
		timebase   = tb.numer;
		timebase  /= tb.denom;
		timestart  = mach_absolute_time();

	// NOTE: mach_absolute_time() returns things in nanoseconds
	result = 1.0e-6 * ( mach_absolute_time() - timestart ) * timebase;
	return result;
	local_persist u64 unix_timestart = 0.0;

	if ( ! unix_timestart )
		unix_timestart = _unix_gettime();

	u64 now = _unix_gettime();

	return ( now - unix_timestart );

f64 time_rel( void )
	return (f64)( time_rel_ms() * 1e-3 );

#pragma endregion Timing


#ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic pop

#ifdef __GNUC__
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop