## Navigation # base [Top](../Readme.md) * [docs](../docs/Readme.md) # Unreal Engine Version Generator This generates a variant of gencpp thats compatiable with use as a thirdparty module within a plugin or module of an Unreal Project or the Engine itself. If using the library's provided build scripts: ```ps1 .\build.ps1 unreal ``` ## Notables For the most part this follows the same conventions as `gen_segmented`. This generator uses a separate enumeration definitions for the following: * [AttributeTokens.csv](./enums/AttributeTokens.csv) : Add your own _API attributes, etc here that are encountered within the Engine. * [ESpecifier.csv](./enums/ESpecifier.csv) : Adds the `FORCEINLINE` & `FORCEINLINE_DEBUGGABLE` specfiers (additions are made as they are encountered) * [ETokType.csv](./enums/ETokType.csv) : Same modifications as ESpecifier.csv. A separate [parser_case_macros.cpp](./components/parser_case_macros.cpp) is used to accomodate for the new forceinline specifiers. The `global` macro the library uses is redefined as an empty substiution. The expected usage of this library is to put into into a third-party plugin module to then use either in editor modules or in shell script done in some stage of hot-reloading or building the Unreal Engine or Project.