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// Cpp STL
// Project
#include "DGL.hpp"
#include "Actions.hpp"
#include "Testing.hpp"
#include "Cpp_Alias.hpp"
namespace Execution
inline namespace Alias
// DGL
using DGL::Camera ;
using DGL::ECursorMode ;
using DGL::EDirection ;
using DGL::EFrameBuffer ;
using DGL::EKeyCodes ;
using DGL::EMouseMode ;
using DGL::EPrimitives ;
using DGL::ERotationAxis;
using DGL::gFloat ;
using DGL::LinearColor ;
using DGL::Matrix ;
using DGL::Matrix4x4 ;
using DGL::TimeValDec ;
using DGL::Vector3 ;
using DGL::Window ;
using DGL::SimpleShader;
using DGL::CanUseRawMouse ;
using DGL::ClearBuffer ;
using DGL::CreateWindow ;
using DGL::BindVertexArray ;
using DGL::DisableVertexAttributeArray;
using DGL::EnableVertexAttributeArray ;
using DGL::GetCursorPosition ;
using DGL::GetTime ;
using DGL::InitalizeGLEW ;
using DGL::InitalizeGLFW ;
using DGL::LoadDefaultShaders ;
using DGL::KeyPressed ;
using DGL::NotShared ;
using DGL::PollEvents ;
using DGL::ResetCursor ;
using DGL::SetClearColor ;
using DGL::SetCurrentContext ;
using DGL::SetInputMode ;
using DGL::SetPolygonMode ;
using DGL::SetUniformVariable_MVA ;
using DGL::SwapBuffers ;
using DGL::UseProgramShader ;
using DGL::TerminateGLFW ;
using DGL::WindowedMode ;
using DGL::DefaultSpace::ScreenWidth ;
using DGL::DefaultSpace::ScreenHeight ;
using DGL::DefaultSpace::ScreenCenterHeight;
using DGL::DefaultSpace::ScreenCenterWidth ;
using DGL::DefaultSpace::Screenspace ;
using DGL::DefaultSpace::WorldCamera ;
using DGL::DefaultSpace::UpdateScreenspace;
// Actions
using Actions::ActionQueue;
// Globals
bool Exist = true; // Determines if the the execution should exit cycler.
TimeValDec CycleStart , // Snapshot of cycle loop start time.
CycleEnd , // Snapshot of cycle loop end time.
DeltaTime , // Delta between last cycle start and end.
InputInterval = 1.0f / 400.0f, // Interval per second to complete the input process of the cycle.
PhysicsInterval = 1.0f / 240.0f, // Interval per second to complete the physics process of the cycle.
RenderInterval = 1.0f / 144.0f ; // Interval per second to complete the render process of the cycle.
ptr<Window> DefaultWindow; // Default window to use for execution.
double CursorX, CursorY; // Cursor axis position on the window.
bool CursorOff = true;
gFloat CamMoveSpeed = 8.0f, // Rate at which the camera should move.
CamRotationSpeed = 27.0f ; // Rate at which the camera should rotate.
TimeValDec InputDelta = 0.0, // Current delta since last input process.
PhysicsDelta = 0.0, // Current delta since last physics process.
RenderDelta = 0.0 ; // Current delta since last render process.
ActionQueue ActionsToComplete; // Actions queue to run during the physics process of the cycle.
// Functionality
// Temp fix for now... not sure how to make proper action handling that can reference member function delegates...
sfn RotateCamera(ERotationAxis _rotationAxis, gFloat _rotationAmount, gFloat _delta)
WorldCamera.Rotate(_rotationAxis, _rotationAmount, _delta);
deduce RotateCamDelegate = Delegate<decltype(RotateCamera)>(RotateCamera);
sfn MoveCamera(EDirection _direction, gFloat _translationAmount, gFloat _delta)
WorldCamera.Move(_direction, _translationAmount, _delta);
deduce MoveCamDelegate = Delegate<decltype(MoveCamera)>(MoveCamera);
// End of temp stuff...
// Currently Does everything required before entering the cycler.
sfn PrepWorkspace()
DefaultWindow = CreateWindow(ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight, "Assignment 1: Lighting Test", WindowedMode(), NotShared());
InitalizeGLEW(); // Glew must initialize only after a context is set.
// Cursor stuff
SetInputMode(DefaultWindow, DGL::EMouseMode::Cursor, DGL::ECursorMode::Disable);
ResetCursor(DefaultWindow, ScreenCenterWidth, ScreenCenterHeight);
if (CanUseRawMouse())
SetInputMode(DefaultWindow, DGL::EMouseMode::RawMouse, DGL::EBool::True);
// End of cursor stuff...
SetPolygonMode(DGL::EFace::Front_and_Back, DGL::ERenderMode::Fill);
// TODO: Clean THIS
// Enable depth test
// Accept fragment if it closer to the camera than the former one
Cycles the process of what to do while a window is open.
The input, physics, and render procedures can be specified with extra functionality by specifying delegates to those procedures.
Cycler is hardcoded to exit if escape key is pressed.
sfn Cycler(Delegate< Func<void, ptr<Window>> > _inputProcedure, Delegate< Func<void>> _physicsProcedure, Delegate< Func<void>> _renderProcedure)
while (Exist)
CycleStart = GetTime();
if (InputDelta >= InputInterval)
if (KeyPressed(DefaultWindow, EKeyCodes::Escape))
Exist = false;
GetCursorPosition(DefaultWindow, Address(CursorX), Address(CursorY));
if (CursorOff)
ResetCursor(DefaultWindow, ScreenCenterWidth, ScreenCenterHeight);
InputDelta = 0.0;
if (PhysicsDelta >= PhysicsInterval)
while (ActionsToComplete.HasAction())
PhysicsDelta = 0.0;
if (RenderDelta >= RenderInterval)
ClearBuffer(EFrameBuffer::Color, EFrameBuffer::Depth);
SetClearColor(LinearColor(0.12f, 0.12f, 0.12f, 1.0f));
RenderDelta = 0.0;
CycleEnd = GetTime();
DeltaTime = CycleEnd - CycleStart;
InputDelta += DeltaTime;
PhysicsDelta += DeltaTime;
RenderDelta += DeltaTime;
sfn ModifyCamSpeed(bool _isPositive, gFloat _delta)
if (_isPositive)
CamMoveSpeed += CamMoveSpeed * _delta;
CamMoveSpeed -= CamMoveSpeed * _delta;
deduce ModifyCamSpeedDelegate = Delegate<decltype(ModifyCamSpeed)>(ModifyCamSpeed);
deduce SetPolyModeDelegate = Delegate<decltype(SetPolygonMode)>(SetPolygonMode);
sfn InputProcedure(ptr<Window> _currentWindowContext)
if (KeysPressed(_currentWindowContext, EKeyCodes::LeftShift, EKeyCodes::F1))
ECursorMode cursorMode = ECursorMode(GetMouseInputMode(DefaultWindow, EMouseMode::Cursor));
deduce delegate = Delegate<decltype(SetInputMode<ECursorMode>)>(SetInputMode<ECursorMode>);
deduce delegateRaw = Delegate<decltype(SetInputMode<EBool >)>(SetInputMode<EBool >);
if (cursorMode == ECursorMode::Normal || cursorMode == ECursorMode::Hidden)
ActionsToComplete.AddToQueue(delegate , _currentWindowContext, EMouseMode::Cursor , ECursorMode::Disable);
ActionsToComplete.AddToQueue(delegateRaw, _currentWindowContext, EMouseMode::RawMouse, EBool ::True );
CursorOff = true;
ActionsToComplete.AddToQueue(delegate , _currentWindowContext, EMouseMode::Cursor , ECursorMode::Normal);
ActionsToComplete.AddToQueue(delegateRaw, _currentWindowContext, EMouseMode::RawMouse, EBool ::False );
CursorOff = false;
if (KeyPressed(_currentWindowContext, EKeyCodes::UpArrow))
ActionsToComplete.AddToQueue(ModifyCamSpeedDelegate, true, PhysicsDelta);
if (KeysPressed(_currentWindowContext, EKeyCodes::DnArrow))
ActionsToComplete.AddToQueue(ModifyCamSpeedDelegate, false, PhysicsDelta);
if (KeyPressed(_currentWindowContext, EKeyCodes::F2))
ActionsToComplete.AddToQueue(SetPolyModeDelegate, DGL::EFace::Front_and_Back, DGL::ERenderMode::Line);
if (KeyPressed(_currentWindowContext, EKeyCodes::F3))
ActionsToComplete.AddToQueue(SetPolyModeDelegate, DGL::EFace::Front_and_Back, DGL::ERenderMode::Fill);
if (CursorOff)
if (CursorX != 0)
ActionsToComplete.AddToQueue(RotateCamDelegate, ERotationAxis::Yaw, CursorX * CamRotationSpeed, PhysicsDelta);
if (CursorY != 0)
ActionsToComplete.AddToQueue(RotateCamDelegate, ERotationAxis::Pitch, CursorY * CamRotationSpeed, PhysicsDelta);
if (KeyPressed(_currentWindowContext, EKeyCodes::E))
ActionsToComplete.AddToQueue(MoveCamDelegate, EDirection::Up, CamMoveSpeed, PhysicsDelta);
if (KeyPressed(_currentWindowContext, EKeyCodes::Q))
ActionsToComplete.AddToQueue(MoveCamDelegate, EDirection::Down, CamMoveSpeed, PhysicsDelta);
if (KeyPressed(_currentWindowContext, EKeyCodes::A))
ActionsToComplete.AddToQueue(MoveCamDelegate, EDirection::Left, CamMoveSpeed, PhysicsDelta);
if (KeyPressed(_currentWindowContext, EKeyCodes::D))
ActionsToComplete.AddToQueue(MoveCamDelegate, EDirection::Right, CamMoveSpeed, PhysicsDelta);
if (KeyPressed(_currentWindowContext, EKeyCodes::W))
ActionsToComplete.AddToQueue(MoveCamDelegate, EDirection::Forward, CamMoveSpeed, PhysicsDelta);
if (KeyPressed(_currentWindowContext, EKeyCodes::S))
ActionsToComplete.AddToQueue(MoveCamDelegate, EDirection::Backward, CamMoveSpeed, PhysicsDelta);
if (KeyPressed(_currentWindowContext, EKeyCodes::I))
ActionsToComplete.AddToQueue(RotateCamDelegate, ERotationAxis::Pitch, -6.0f * CamRotationSpeed, PhysicsDelta);
if (KeyPressed(_currentWindowContext, EKeyCodes::K))
ActionsToComplete.AddToQueue(RotateCamDelegate, ERotationAxis::Pitch, 6.0f * CamRotationSpeed, PhysicsDelta);
if (KeyPressed(_currentWindowContext, EKeyCodes::J))
ActionsToComplete.AddToQueue(RotateCamDelegate, ERotationAxis::Yaw, -6.0f * CamRotationSpeed, PhysicsDelta);
if (KeyPressed(_currentWindowContext, EKeyCodes::L))
ActionsToComplete.AddToQueue(RotateCamDelegate, ERotationAxis::Yaw, 6.0f * CamRotationSpeed, PhysicsDelta);
std::string windowTitle = "Assignment 1", deltaStr = "Delta: ", inputDeltaStr = "Input Delta: ", physicsDeltaStr = "Physics Delta: ", renderDeltaStr = "RenderDeltaStr: ";
std::stringstream somethingtoupdate;
sfn UpdateThisShit()
somethingtoupdate << windowTitle << " " << deltaStr << DeltaTime << " " << inputDeltaStr << InputDelta << " " << physicsDeltaStr << PhysicsDelta << " " << renderDeltaStr << RenderDelta;
sfn PhysicsProcedure()
sfn RenderProcedure() -> void
glfwSetWindowTitle(DefaultWindow, somethingtoupdate.str().c_str());
RAW_RenderLight(WorldCamera.Perspective, WorldCamera.Viewport);
ProperCube::Render(WorldCamera.Perspective, WorldCamera.Viewport, WorldCamera.Position);
// Runtime Execution: Default Execution
sfn Execute() -> ExitCode
Cycler(InputProcedure, PhysicsProcedure, RenderProcedure);
return ExitCode::Success;
int main(void)
return int(Execution::Execute());